Version 4.28.0 - 16/08/2022

Version 4.28.0 - 16/08/2022

UAT Release Date: Jul 19, 2022

Version: 4.28.0


The Release webinar is available from here; EPA Pro Release Demo 4.28.0 Recording.mp4

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens or new screens added

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Video link




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Video link






Reporting - Location and Location Type added to Results Pending QA and Completed QA Reports

Reporting -

  • The Results Pending QA and Completed QA reports have been updated to include the location and location type of the element. The location type can also be filtered on both reports.






Notifications - Two new notifications added for Allocation to an EPA and Reallocation to an EPA


Two new notifications added for Allocation to an EPA and Reallocation to an EPA

Allocated to EPA Notification:

  • Sent when an apprentice has been allocated to an EPA and is pending acceptance.

  • This notification has a new email and SMS template, found under “Communication Templates” in the “Assign Apprentice” section and is send able by Email and SMS only.

  • New Communication setting for this notification under the “Assign Apprentice“ section. This notification is disabled by default

  • This notification includes a “Subject“ user type which is the new EPA being allocated to. This is enabled by default.

Reallocated to EPA Notification:

  • Sent when an apprentice has been reallocated to a new EPA and is pending acceptance.

  • This notification has a new email and SMS template, found under “Communication Templates” in the “Assign Apprentice” section and is send able by Email and SMS only.

  • New Communication setting for this notification under the “Assign Apprentice“ section. This notification is disabled by default

  • This notification includes a “Subject“ user type which is the previous EPA that the apprentice is being reallocated from. This is enabled by default.







Apprentice - A new field added to allow for the addition of a provider transfer date.


  • A new field has been added to both the create apprentice and edit apprentice under the “apprentice details section” that allows for a provider transfer date to be added against the apprentice.

  • This field as been added to the API under “provider_transferred_date“ for both create and update apprentice, as well as bulk upload for create and update apprentice.

  • This field has also been added to the apprentice details report and can be filtered against in the filter report section.








EPA RAG Rating

EPA RAG Rating

New EPA RAG ratings added to allow for quick labelling of QA ratings for EPA’s

RAG Rating Section:

  • New “RAG Rating” section added to new and manage EPA pages.

  • RAG rating can be set for each EPA. The RAG rating includes the label of the rating in the header and an optional field for the date that this current review took place as well as an optional field for the next review date. The RAG rating also includes a justification text field.

  • A new “Update RAG Rating” button to update the current RAG rating for the open EPA. This functions the same way as adding a RAG rating.

  • Files can also be added to any RAG rating in order to provide further evidence or justification. These files can subsequently be viewed or deleted.

  • A “RAG Rating History“ section has been added detailing all of the previous RAG ratings for the open EPA, including the added files.

  • The RAG rating defaults to “No Rating“ and the included RAG ratings for EPA’s are “Neutral“, “Red“, “Amber“, “Green“.

EPA Name Label:

  • The RAG Rating is shown under the EPA’s name in the header section of the manage EPA area.

  • EPA’s can also view this information and their RAG rating but not change it.

EPA Information Report:

  • The Current RAG rating of the EPA as well as the next review date have been included in the EPA Information Report, including who changed the rating.

In order to be able to View a users RAG rating the user needs EPA → Update permission



Planning Meeting Booking







Planning Meeting Booking For full notes in one place see - New Feature - Phase 2 Planning Meeting Booking

New permissions have been introduced for this functionality. Details can be found below under the “Permissions” heading.

Validation Windows

We have introduced optional booking window settings within which planning meetings are booked. These can be found in the System Management Configuration screen on the Availability tab. The new configuration options are as follow:

Booking Notice Additional Info - This is to define any extra information that you wish to provide relating to your bookings process when users are booking planning meetings

Booking Notice Period - This is the number of days notice that are needed to undertake the planning meeting, So, a planning meeting cannot be booked for a date before today plus the number of days defined in this setting.

Estimated Gateway Processing Period - This is the estimated number of days required to completely process a gateway.

Booking Period Maximum - This is the maximum number of days after the apprentice’s EPA date, gateway submitted date or audit submitted depending on the status of the apprentice, that a planning meeting can be booked. The EPA date is included in this calculation.

The last available booking date is calculated from the booking period maximum.

If these optional settings have been set, and there is no capacity available, the EPAO will need to book the planning meeting using the Manage Planning Meetings screen.

We have also added a helper to the Planning Meeting Booking screen that provides details of where these configuration settings relate in regard to the availability that is displayed on the booking screen. This can be found on the Available Times section of the booking screen,

Where these configuration options have not been set, the slots will be calculated based on the user group, or EPA's, availability - no notice periods will be taken into account, however, a one year restriction will be placed on when a booking can be made.

These optional settings will not be used in the slot availability calculations for AO users, and will not change the functionality of the Manage Planning Meetings screen.

Notification for provisional bookings

We have introduced a new notification for provisional bookings of planning meetings, found on the Planning tab of the Notification Management Screen (the Configuration menu item). This will be dispatched when a planning meeting is provisionally booked for the first time, and will contain the date and time of the meeting as well as the duration.

This notification is enabled by default and will be sent to the following user types:

  • Apprentice (disabled by default)

  • Awarding Organisation (enabled by default)

  • Employer (enabled by default)

  • EPA (enabled by default)

  • EPA Manager (enabled by default)

  • Provider (enabled by default)

  • Guest (enabled by default)

The notification has been set to dispatch an email by default, but can also be set to send In-App Notifications or SMS (where configured).

Please note that some of the above users cannot yet be added as attendees, until some further development is undertaken. https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/browse/EP-3296.

Therefore currently notifications will only apply to the Apprentice, AO or EPA (if they are selected by the capacity engine).

Workplace Mentor as an attendee for planning meetings

We have extended the Schedule Planning Meeting screen’s Add Other Attendees popup to include shortcut entries for adding the Workplace Mentor and/or On Programme Assessor as a guest user.

This is just a shortcut and adds them as a guest attendee as these are not system users.

The phone number will not currently be carried over as planning meeting guests do not currently support phone numbers.

The popup, when first adding the Workplace Mentor and/or On Programme Assessor will move them from the popup. However, once saved, or when editing an existing planning meeting, the shortcuts will be reshown due to them just being entered as a guest.

Planning meeting booking configurable availability source

We have added a new dropdown to the standard screen allowing for the source the planning meeting booking screen will use for availability calculations. There are three options:

  • Default - This will cause this standard to behave as the system does currently. The system default group “Planning Meeting Bookings” will be used, and if that group has not been configured it will fallback to the apprentice’s assigned EPA if they have one

  • Apprentice’s EPA - This will force the calculations to always use the apprentice’s assigned EPA, if they have not had an EPA assigned then there will be no availability

  • Group - Currently only the system default “Planning Meeting Bookings” can be selected, this will force the calculations to always use the group selected. If the group has not been configured, then there will be no availability


We have added and tweaked the handling of planning meeting notifications to make them much more consistent between the various planning meeting screens/processes and add more configurable options when a planning meeting changes.

A new meeting updated notification has been added, by default this will be sent to the attendees of the meeting that have the following user type:

  • Awarding Organisation

  • Employer

  • EPA

  • EPA Manager

  • Provider

Also see above warning note

This new notification is sent when a planning meeting has been updated, this could be due to a status change or other date/duration being changed and applies to all screens that edit the meeting.

When a planning meeting is updated we will now handle triggering the relevant notifications, these differ slightly between a provisional and confirmed booking. Below is a list of the actions and details of what happened, do note that the majority of these were already being sent but this is to clarify the processes following the new addition and tweaks:

  • Provisional bookings

    • Booked - when a provisional booking has been booked via the slot-based booking screen the new provisional booking invite notification will be triggered

    • Updated - when a provisional booking has been updated the new meeting updated notification will be triggered

    • Attendee removed - when an attendee has been removed from a provisional booking that attendee will receive a meeting cancelled notification

    • Attendee added - when an attendee has been added to a provisional booking that attendee will receive a provisional booking invite notification

    • Approved - when a booking is approved the meeting invite notification will be sent

    • Rejected - when a booking is rejected the meeting rejected notification will be sent

  • Confirmed bookings

    • Booked - when a new meeting is booked that is not provisional the meeting invite notification will be sent

    • Updated - when a meeting has been updated the new meeting updated notification will be sent

    • Rescheduled - when a meeting has been rescheduled the meeting rescheduled notification will be sent

    • Cancelled - when a meeting has been cancelled the meeting cancelled notification will be sent

    • Attendee removed - when an attendee is removed they will receive a meeting cancelled notification

    • Attendee added - when a new attendee is added they will receive a meeting invite notification

Note that all of the above is based on the default configuration of communications and may differ on customer environments.

Booking Capacity Management

We have added a new screen to allow for a central place to manage planning meeting bookings (both provisional and approved) among the available resource. This new screen is available via the Planning → Manage Planning Capacity menu item.

When first loading the screen you will be prompted to select the week to show bookings for, the start and end times which will control how much data and the times you see, and up to 10 users. The users dropdown will list users inside the planning meeting user group, and also EPAs on the system. We have limited the user selection to a maximum of 10 as this screen pulls in data from various sources including existing bookings within EPAPro and any external Microsoft or Google calendars if they have been configured, this means it can take time to process and the more users are requested the longer it will take.

Once loaded the screen will display a grid of cells that can be used to see the availability of the selected users. This screen shows a lot of data and so a key at the bottom can be used as a reference for what everything means:

  • Scheduled is any meeting that can be edited on this screen

  • Changed is any meeting that has unsaved changes

  • Available is a time cell that is available and has no existing booking and the user’s working hours also make them available

  • Not working indicates the user’s working hours are configured in a way that they do not work at that time

  • Unavailable indicates another booking. This could be one of the following:

    • An assessment element booking

    • Another planning meeting that cannot be edited, for example, if it’s completed

    • An absence configured in EPAPro

    • An external calendar event from our Microsoft or Google integrations

When viewing the week view hovering over a cell with some kind of booking will show a popup with some additional details. If the cell has multiple bookings then the popup will say so and advise on what can be done.

Clicking on a cell with an editable planning meeting will open up the edit booking modal. This modal provides a form where the assigned user, start time/date, and duration can be edited. Clicking save will then update the screen, moving the booking to the new location, please note that the changes have not yet been saved. Should you wish to revert a change, you can find the booking and if changes have been made a “Reset” button will show next to the “Save” button when viewing the edit booking modal.

When clicking on a cell with multiple bookings, a popup will show a listing of the bookings within that cell along with some additional information. Clicking on a booking that can be edited will open the same edit booking modal.

If you would like to zoom in and view a day in more detail you can click the day at the top of the grid. This will provide a zoomed-in view and where possible additional details will be shown. The details on the event block may be cut off due to the length of the event, in this instance the details can be found by hovering over the event. This view will also act like a calendar, such as Outlook, and align bookings next to each other if they overlap. Clicking an editable booking within the day view will open the same edit booking modal.

If you would like to return back to the week view, click the “Back to week” button at the top.

When one or more bookings have been edited the screen will now be in a “dirty” state. A warning will be shown when trying to navigate away, or reload the grid, due to unsaved changes. A “Confirm and Save” button will be shown at the bottom of the screen. Clicking this button will open the confirm and save modal, this modal will list all of the changes that have been made so that they can be confirmed before saving. Clicking save with start updating the planning meetings in the background, a progress bar will also be shown to indicate the progress. Once the changes have been saved the modal will close, and the screen will update any bookings that had pending changes to now be unchanged, this will also remove the ability to reset a booking.

Do note that when saving a booking, notifications will be sent for each one as described in the notifications heading above, and based on the communication configuration.


A new permission has been added called “Manage Planning Capacity” this new permission has been given to the owner and awardingorganisation roles by default. A user that has this permission will be able to view and use the new booking management screen.








Assessment Milestones - also see here with included images

Coming Soon: New Feature - Assessment Milestones

Structured uploads to make it easier for users to provide the correct information

The system has been enhanced to allow the configuration of assessment milestones. These milestones can be configured against assessment components to provide a more granulated break down of the tasks required, and allows for optional rules to be configured that give guidance as to when these milestones must be met.

The configuration of milestones is done in the following system areas:

  • Assessment component

    • A new tab called “Assessment Milestones” has been added to this screen.

    • Details of each milestone can be added here, for use against assessment schemas later.

    • Two different type of milestone are available: File Uploads and Assessments.

    • File uploads indicate that a file upload needs to be provided against the assessment component during its duration.

    • Assessments are a mandatory, system controlled type that indicates an assessment must take place against the assessment component.

  • Assessment schema

    • The “Components” tab has been reworked to allow components to be added via a dropdown list, adding to the table below.

    • The regular “Save” button has been replaced with two new buttons: “Save & Continue” and “Save & Exit”

    • Save & Continue saves the assessment schema and returns the user to the same edit screen, to allow further changes to be made.

    • Save & Exit saves the assessment schema and returns the user to the main schema listing page.

    • Once an assessment schema has been saved, the new “Manage Milestones” button appears against each added component in the components table.

    • Clicking this manage button will show the screen used for configuring milestones and rules, which has the following functionality:

      • Add component drop down (not available in restricted edit mode): allows the adding of any configured milestones against this assessment component.

        • Added milestones can be removed via the red bin icon (not available in restricted edit mode).

        • The Assessment type milestone is added to all new components by default, as this must take place.

      • Add rule button: adds a blank rule line to allow configuration of a new rule.

        • Added rules can be removed via the red minus icon.

        • Rules are added to the system using the dropdown options and input fields, to create sentence style rules. i.e.: Finish Max 5 Days After Gateway.

        • Rules can be configured to rely on other milestones being completed.

    • If in view mode, the manage button is replaced with a view button, which can be used for display purposes only.

Once milestones are set up against a schema, booking a new element against a plan linked to that schema will show any configured milestones within the Programme Checklist, located within the Assessment Profile screen.

Clicking the manage button against a booked element will display the new Element Milestones sidebar widget, which shows information about any configured milestones.

  • Within this sidebar, any File Upload type milestones can have files uploaded against them. Internal users are able to select a file as the “Selected Version”, completing the milestone.

  • Assessment type milestones are automatically completed by the system when a result is published.

Logging of Milestone Success/failure

With the introduction of assessment milestones (detailed above), the system will attempt to calculate a due date using the rules that have been configured against a particular schema’s milestones. These due dates are then compared against the date in which the milestone was completed, to determine whether the milestone was completed in time.

The due dates will always prioritise “Finish” type rules over “Starts”, and “Maximum” types over “Minimum” - this is because the system does not know specifically when a file upload type milestone was officially started - it is only aware of when the file was uploaded & subsequently selected as the accepted version.

The outcome of these calculations is visible within the new Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones report (more details of this report can be found below).

Frontend enhancements/Restrictions

The following additional enhancements have been made to the assessment profile area, related to the new assessment milestones.

  • External users (i.e. Providers) can no longer select a file version & complete a file upload type milestone.

  • The programme checklist has been enhanced to show the milestones (along with their completed status) against each one.

    • These are displayed as sub items under each component, in the order specified.

Restructure data to allow logging of milestone success/failure.

Added functionality to the new milestones development to store element milestones against each component – this is an internal change that will allow for reporting on milestone delivery success in a later ticket.

Complete assessment milestone on result publish

The milestones development has been enhanced to record an assessment milestone being completed, when a result is made available. This is triggered via both the QA being published, or the result being published (in the situation where no QA is required).

Operations Report

A new operations report has been created as part of the milestones work:

“Assessment → Assessment Element Milestones”.

This report is controlled by the new permission

“Reporting → Assessment Element Milestones”.

This permission has been given the the following default system user roles:

  • admin

  • owner

  • awardingorganisation

This new report will show element specific information regarding the milestones that are configured against the corresponding schema that the plan is associated with. Aside from main apprentice/element information, additional information such as “due at”, “completed at” & “completed by” are included to show a measure of performance.

A new filter has been introduced to help filtering on the report, called “Milestone Completed” - this new filter is a binary decision (Yes/No) that will show milestones that have/have not been completed, depending on the options chosen.

A pre-existing bug has also been fixed that caused the user search to potentially look at the incorrect table when searching by email address. This ticket should now force all user information to be taken from the same table.

Entity Report

We have added two new reports;

Assessment Schema Element Milestone Rules and Assessment Component Milestones, located on the Assessment tab of the reporting area.

Assessment Component Milestones

Visibility of this is controlled by the ‘Assessment Component Milestones’ permission which is given to the owner user role and AO user role by default. This report details out the Assessment Components that have milestones against them, their active status, the milestone type, name and order. We have provided filters for standard, component name, milestone status, schema and the milestone type.

Assessment Schema Element Milestone Rules

Visibility of this is controlled by the ‘Assessment Schema Element Milestone Rules’ permission which is given to the owner user role and AO user role by default. This report details out the Schema Components that have milestone rules against them, the milestone details and the rule details. We have provided filters for standard, component name, schema name and milestone type.






EPA - create new EPA now defaults permission role to "epa"

Fixed a bug that caused the default system role of “epamanager” when creating a new EPA - the default should have been “epa”.






Billing - Monthly summary graph incorrectly displaying usage

We have fixed a display bug with the monthly summary graph on the billing screen which was causing some months to display 0 usage incorrectly.

This did not affect the monthly summary table further down the screen.






QA - Assessment QA Standards Filter Fix

QA -

  • Bug fixed in which the QA standards filter would show Epa standards for a user and not QA Standards. The filter now shows QA Standards as intended.






Epa - Updating 'additional details' losing covid compliance toggle

Epa Additional Details -

  • Fixed a bug in which the Epa’s covid compliance details were being reset when they saved their additional details






Assessment Planning - No error message appearing when a remote Url is not entered

Assessment Planning -

  • Fixed a bug in which no error message is displayed when a remote Url is not entered when creating a remote assessment planning meeting. Page will now display a relevant error when the remote Url is left blank






Elements - EPA availability does not show when Online is selected as the location

We have fixed a bug where selecting “Online” would sometimes cause the EPA’s availability to not show properly when booking an element.



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