Appeals Phase 1 - Customer Feedback Info

Appeals Phase 1 - Customer Feedback Info

Thanks to all of you who gave feedback regarding the Appeals work we recently had loaded to our sandbox environment. Below is the given feedback and the decisions taken regarding it.


If you would like to comment on any of the feedback or decisions, please use the Comments field at the very bottom of this page, this is visible when you access the document via Knowledge Base epaPRO.

Please note these comments can be viewed by everyone who has access to the Skilltech Portal.

Feedback Questions & Responses


Feedback Form Questions - the form below outlines these 2 questions.

  • Is there anything that you feel needs to be improved upon, or changed in this new process?

  • Please add any suggestions for future development on this, please rate them in preference with 1 being your highest priority.

Feedback Response


Rolled into Phase 2 Appeals

Feedback Response


Rolled into Phase 2 Appeals

When we receive an EAR (Enquiry about results) we have to have the Apprentice re-marked by another EPA/EPAM to ensure that the remark is done independently, if the Apprentice is in complete status we are unable to re-allocate the Apprentice to another EPA/EPAM

  1. We have added these 2 comments together as it appears that a few of you utilise a 2 step appeals process.
    An initial enquiry (EAR or Step 1) and then the actual Appeal (Step 2). If this is a structure that you feel your company would benefit from please comment at the end of this document so we can garner the popularity of this




Can we also have a drop down for the Appeal stage as in stage 1 appeal or stage 2 appeal as we need to report on this

Where an apprentice has been awarded a fail grade and is in the status 'appeals' the option to “book resit” displays where this should only display once the appeal has closed.

Logged as Bug ticket - https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/browse/SD-6467

I think you said we could decide to give providers view only and we were the only folks who could edit this and upload documents etc. is that the case?

  1. The roles and permissions system can be used to control what users have access to the appeals system, whether that be the ability to raise (create) an appeal or to just simply view (read) appeals that have been raised and comment on them.
    The release notes should have all the details you need to set up an appropriate permission set for your provider users.


For comments can we have a slider that marks them as either internal only or public as you do for documents please - some comments we may not wish the provider to see such as if we have identified an assessor requires further training for example

  1. We designed the Appeals work to be an open process, so we don't believe that defining comments as internal/external is the best approach here.
    Its perhaps something better addressed with “Tasks” and something we are looking developing further within the application.


Unsure who the Primary contact is? is that the person who submitted the appeal (appellant)? If it is great,

Primary contact is indeed the person who submitted the appeal.


We are unsure of what the different status mean and what effect they have, as in what is the difference on Open and Waiting on EPAO and what is waiting on provider for?

Statuses - The status simply indicates where the appeal is and who needs to perform an action on it. External users will only be able to trigger the status change when adding comments. Internal users can edit the appeal and amend the status accordingly


Being able to allocate an apprentice to an EPA/M regardless of status of Apprentice.

  1. Do you need to reallocate the apprentice to an EPA or simply create a task for another EPA to review the result which is being appealed? If you need to reallocate this will need to be logged as a future request.

Could we have an outcome drop down in the appeal details that say upheld or not upheld please or this to be added to the closed pop up and then show in the details. It would be good if this then showed in the Assessment profile - manage element pop up.

  1. This is a good idea and one we will take into Appeals Phase 2



Can we have a respond by/deadline date added please in the detail so we can track response times.

  1. This is a good idea, but one we think that rather than adding to the comments, we look at having the option to create a Task and having a task section as we are currently refining for QA Extensions. The task could then be marked as Internal/External but would be for EPAOs. Add into Phase 2

In the element details can we have Element QA added please

  1. Yes, something we will add to Phase 2 Appeals

Can we have “assigned to” added as a free text box please. This won't be the EPA or QA

  1. We will add an “Assigned To” option but we wouldn't use a free text field, instead it would be limited to users of the system e.g. EPAM/EPAO etc. Something to also add to Appeals Phase 2.