Version 5.0.0 - 13/09/2022
UAT Release Date: Aug 16, 2022 | Version: 5.0.0 |
The Release webinar is available from here; EPA Pro Release Demo-Meeting Recording.mp4
We have added chapters on this recording, so you can jump to the quick demo of the Assessment Plan on Sandbox by scrolling through the recordings timeline at the bottom of the screen.
Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element
NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added
RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.
screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens or new screens added
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Video link |
| PHP 8/Laravel upgrade | The EPAPro infrastructure and underlying framework has been upgraded to their latest LTS versions. This has been done to make use of new features available in later versions as well as keep us up to date with the latest security patches available. |
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| Reporting - epa_id added to the EPA Information report. | The following field has been added to the “EPA → EPA Information” report:
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| Reporting - added external test columns to the assessment elements report. | The following columns have been added to the “Assessment → Assessment Elements” report:
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| Reporting - Add user name for who actioned an assessment/certification result adjustment. | Added the following column to the “Assessment → Result Adjustment” and “Certification → Certification Result Adjustment” reports:
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| Reporting - Added changed by user type to the Change of Circumstance report. | The Change of Circumstance report has been updated to include the following new columns:
The report has also had the user type filter introduced, so that the results can be filtered by this new column. |
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| File Uploads - Improved user experience when trying to upload large files or unsupported file types | We have improved our handling of file uploads across EPAPro by adding the maximum upload size for a file and a link to view all of the supported file types. This change has been rolled out across all of our file upload fields on the following screens:
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| Change of Circumstance - additional columns added to apprentice search results. | The following fields have been added to the Change of Circumstance apprentice search results:
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| We have added ICS attachments to emails sent from EPAPro for scheduled planning meetings and assessment components that have not been defined as a Zoom or Teams meeting event. | These attachments will allow the intended recipients to schedule the event in their calendar. They will be added automatically to meeting invitations such as the provisional planning meeting.
Clicking the Decline/Tentative options on the email client event confirmation will not send a response back to EPAPro. The system has no way to track these responses. |
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| RECOMMEND_TRAINING | Assessment Plan - Show all assessment schemas, for all versions of the Standard
Late addition to UAT. | Within the Assessment Plan and prior to booking any assessments there is current functionality to be able to change the Assessment Schema that the Plan is built from, to any other Schema connected to the apprentice’s standard. This ticket extends this functionality, so that additional Schemas are shown by any other Standards that share the same iFate reference (STxxxx) set within EPAPro. The primary user case for this is that you can now have an apprentice registered on a standard with version v1.1, but allow them to have an Assessment Plan generated from a Schema, where the Schema is associated with v1.0 of the standard. In this instance the apprentice is still registered on v1.1 of the standard and this is important for audit and for ESFA submission. Note: It is now unavoidably possible to change the schema to one that applies to a different specialism than the one the apprentice is on. This should not be done.It is very important to check that the schema you are selecting matches the specialism that the apprentice is on. |
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| Assessment Profile - Book resit/retake buttons show while an element is under appeal | Fixed a bug where the book resit/retake buttons show even when an element is under appeal. |
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| Actions - Requires QA action hangs around if a result is edited to a void | We have fixed a bug where a QA required action would not be removed after a result has been edited and QA is not required. The flow for this is as follows:
We have also added a migration to clean up actions where their underlying result no longer requires QA. |
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| SLAs - Some actions missing countdowns and due dates | We have fixed a bug where SLAs that have a “parent” SLA that is not configured will not display a countdown or calculate a due date. |
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| Notifications - Pagination not working | Fixed a bug where pagination was not working on the notification page. |
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| EPA - save all primary/secondary EPAM changes | The EPA screen has been updated to handle the moving of EPAM users from the “Additional EPA Managers” list to the “Primary EPA Manager”, and visa versa. Previously, not all changes would be saved. |
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| Assessment Booking - zero duration mismatch with availability slot | Fixed a bug where the EPA availability part of a booking would show a zero duration element as taking up 2 hours. It will now not show as it doesn’t have a duration. |
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| EP-3341 |
| Reporting - Assessment Before Gateway Completed providing cross-programme results | We have fixed a bug with the Assessment Before Gateway Completed report that was including past programmes. The report will now only include records for the apprentice’s current programme. |
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| EP-3342 |
| Permissions - Delete Employer not working for superuser | Fixed a bug where an employer will fail to delete, even though no entities depend on it - returning that Tweaked the delete logic to use the “user type” rather than roles, this controls the detail of the message shown. |
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| EP-3291 |
| Communication Templates - SMS body field needs a 1600 character limit | We’ve extended the notice message within the SMS templates to indicate the maximum number of characters allowed. At the time of writing this is 1600 characters - roughly 10 text messages worth. Please note that per the first part of the notice variables are converted at the time of sending and the values of those variables could be longer than the variable name i.e. apprentice_name or standard_name |
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| EP-3262 |
| Apprentice - View Profile button is not visible when in view mode | Fixed a bug where the view profile button was not available when viewing an apprentice even if the user had permission. |
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| EP-3176 |
| Result - Alternative type showing incorrectly on view result | Fixed a bug where the outcome type badge shows the incorrect type when an alternative outcome has been selected. |