epaPRO Development Roadmap Sept - Dec 2023
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  • epaPRO Development Roadmap Sept - Dec 2023

    Below is our planned roadmap for the next few months, along with a brief outline of the intended work.

    Please note - these are estimated and are not guaranteed delivery dates.

    This roadmap is subject to change.


    Roadmap Plan Sept 2023 - Dec 2023


    Roadmap Plan Sept 2023 - Dec 2023





    EP-3356 Ofqual - Categorised Reasonable Adjustments

    We have extended epaPRO to add a more structured entry of reasonable adjustments and special considerations. We support Ofqual’s Pre-Agreed and Post-Mark adjustments and also provide reports for each. The new functionality has been developed with Ofqual’s specification in-mind but additional fields have also been added for EPAO specific data.

    loaded to sandbox

    EP-3675 epaPRO /Assess

    We are currently working with risr/ to design the new integration

    in development

    EP-3691 Role Switching

    Users will be able to associate their other epaPRO accounts to their login. This allows unrestricted switching between these accounts, without the need to re-login.

    A new tab will be on the User profile and will require users to authenticate with the user they want to link with.

    in development

    EP-3778: Apprentice Dashboard

    In relation with the risr/ integration - where apprentices will need to login to take their tests, we are going to be making enhancements to the apprentices dashboard, to make it more relevant to the apprentice overall.

    In development

    EP-3814 CRM Phase 2 Messaging

    Look at options to add some type of messaging/comments like option into epaPRO

    To be refined

    EP-2791 Gateway Rewrite

    Overhaul of this area of the system as one of the older screens

    To be refined