Roadmap for May - August 2024

Roadmap for May - August 2024


Below is our planned roadmap for the next few months, along with a brief outline of the intended work that will be started in this period.

Please note - these are estimated start dates and are not guaranteed delivery dates.

This roadmap is subject to change.


Roadmap Plan


Roadmap Plan





EP-3804 Accolade - General Awarding

Creation of a new product for General Awarding

In Progress

EP-4295 Assessment Booking - New Bulk/Group Process

A redesign of the current bulk booking process to help improve the user experience for both providers and internal users.

live in 5.23.0

EP-4219 Booking attendees - allow attendees to just be notified and not invited

The aim of this is to allow for planning meeting and assessment plan element attendees to be notified of a booking, but not invited to the booking.

Planned in

EP-4113 Skilltech “Hub”

Create a central location where customers can login to our various products; epaPRO, Accolade etc

requirements & planning

EP-3795 Skilltech Identity - One Global Login

The aim of this is to create a single “Skilltech Solutions Login” that would allow the user to authenticate with any EPAO instance and any user

requirements & planning

EP-4527 Assessment Milestones - Phase 2

Phase 2 of this work following customer feedback - This phase will include:-

  • Reminders - Introduces new reminders for milestones to inform users when due dates are close.

  • Manual archiving of assessment milestones - Milestones will now function similar to the Grade Profile area, whereby milestones are marked as read-only once they are assigned against a schema. To make changes to an existing milestone, the old one must be archived via the “Active” switch, before a new one can be added.

live in 5.25.0

EP-4528 Reasonable Adjustments - Phase 2

Phase 2 of this work following customer feedback - details of this can be found here -


uat in release 5.26.0

EP-4399 Results/Certifications - Result Releasing

Creation of an additional stage after QA completed, but before the result is publicly available, the purpose of which is to allow a bulk release of results.

in progress