epaPRO Assess - Booking & Taking The Test

epaPRO Assess - Booking & Taking The Test



When booking the test on the Assessment Plan, you would select the epaPRO Assess option.

Note the other options there are for demo purposes

Once this is set up and assuming you choose to Save and Notify an email with the PIN and the Password is sent over to the apprentice. Note the apprentices epaPRO UserName is the username to login to the exam with

Example test email, showing PIN and password


The test will be booked for the day of the exam, an ItemSet will be generated automatically for each test. The component communications will contain the exam pin and the apprentice’s password, that they will use to login to the platform and then take the test.

The test will not be available until around 5 minutes before the scheduled time. At this point, epaPRO will publish and start the test. At this stage, the element in epaPRO will locked from editing and the apprentice will be able to log in and start their test.

If the apprentice does not attend then the “Did not attend” process in risr/ should be used. This will then be pulled into epaPRO as a Void.

When the test has started the label on the booking changes to epaPRO Assess Started


Logging into the test

When the link in the email is clicked on by the apprentice, they will be taken to a url similar to this


where they will be asked to login with the details sent - the Username is the epaPRO user name

The test will download automatically once they are logged in and then the apprentice is in the exam and can start answering the questions

Demo example exam


Whilst in the exam, they can amend the colour of the background using the “Colour” button and amend the Hue, Saturation and Lightness to suit. Clicking again on the colour button will close this.

What options are offered depends on the exams set up on the risr/ side - where you may opt to include a calculator if required.


Completing the Test

Once the test questions have been answered the apprentice selects Finish


When “Finish” is selected the following pop up will appear, when the apprentice clicks on Submit then they will be logged out of the system. If they need to make changes then they should select Continue Exam


Results in epaPRO

A cron process runs every 30 minutes to poll for the results, the results will then appear in epaPRO and a break down of the apprentices Q&A is available under the results for Internal Users only.

epaPRO will try to match up the outcome from risr/ with a result in the component’s grade profile.