How to book assessments using epaPRO Assess within epaPRO

How to book assessments using epaPRO Assess within epaPRO

To book, simply go to the Manage Planning Meetings tab, select your Apprentice and click on the create plan button.


Select the assessment component to be booked for epaPRO Assess, in the example below this is the “Practical Test”



Step 1 Date/Time & EPA

Down the left of the screen you will see numbered sections or steps.

Select the date and time for when the test is due to be taken in the “Scheduled Date” field and the EPA in section 1.


Step 2 Location

For section 2, you don't need to make changes here.



Step 3 External Assessment Service.

Select the epaPRO Assess option in Section 3 as the External Assessment Service.


Step 4 Proctor/Invigilation

Here you can enter your invigilator details



Continue through the steps till the component is booked.


Once the MCQ test is booked, a label will display on the component to show it is booked. At this stage it can still be edited as denoted by the pencil icon for example if you want to amend the time, EPA etc.


Going back into the booking, you will be able to view key information regarding it in section 3.


Apprentices Taking the Test

If apprentices have been granted access to epaPRO then they will be able to start their test directly via their dashboard, by selecting the “Start Assessment” option. This will then direct the apprentice to the risr/ assess login screen.

Apprentices Dashboard showing the Start Assessment option.

Please note the credentials to log into risr/assess will be:-

  • Username (as set up in epaPRO)

  • Password – generated via epaPRO and available within the communications/email and side drawer within epaPRO

This information is available to the Provider so that in the event the apprentice forgets their login details, the URL, or the Invigilator doesn’t know the pin etc this is all available to them.

epapro assess side drawer.png
Example of the side drawer showing the external details info.


risr/ assess login screen

For Apprentices that do not have access to epaPRO, they will be sent communications from epaPRO that includes guidance on how to access their test. The epaPRO Assess in bold on the image below, is a link that takes the apprentice to the risr/ assess login screen.

Example of the template

Please remember that the following users can have bespoke email communications set up via the Communication Templates:-

  • Apprentices

  • Invigilators

  • Training Providers