Version 5.01.3 - 26/10/2022
Key | T | Hotfix Notes Title | Hotfix Notes Description |
EP-3522 | BUG | Communications - Element guest attendees not receiving emails | We have fixed a bug where element guest attendees were not receiving the communication emails when an element is booked or edited and “Save and notify” was clicked. |
EP-3525 | Bug | Communication Templates - remove reasonable adjustments from {{assessment_details}} variable | We have removed any reference to reasonable adjustments from the {{assessment_details}} variable in the communication templates. The {{assessment_details}} details variable is still available to use and will give access to the following information: the element name, and the URL/Keycode for any external tests where appropriate. |
EP-3520 | Bug | Assessment Plan - Attendees search showing incorrect users | We have fixed a bug that was causing a list of incorrect users to appear in the attendees search section of the assessment plan screen. Only providers and employers associated with the apprentice or Epa/Epa Managers who have the correct standard/specialism will appear in the list. |
EP-3527 | Bug | Assessment Plan - Invigilator Details Fix | We have fixed a bug that prevented you from entering the invigilator details for an assessment plan element. The invigilator details can now be entered from either the ProctorU or None options under |