Version 3.4.0 - 20/08/2018
Version 3.4.0 - 20/08/2018
Release notes
- [IEP2-397] - EPA Caseload Limit
- [IEP2-430] - EPA with Suspended Apprentices cannot be deleted
- [IEP2-462] - Apprentice Acceptance Screen - Column changes
- [IEP2-465] - Improvements to Assign Apprentice screens
- [IEP2-470] - Ethnicity code should not be mandatory and there should also be a 'not provided' option
- [IEP2-474] - Apprentice Retraining
- [IEP2-478] - Rejected Apprentices Screen - Add new fields to match similar screens
- [IEP2-482] - Recording Individual Grades for Assessments
- [IEP2-472] - Support Materials - Show categories in document history
- [IEP2-484] - EPA API - Add Programme Id to endpoints
- [IEP2-486] - Add EPA Details to Allocation Report
- [IEP2-489] - Remove personal EPA details from Apprentice Details report
- [IEP2-492] - Surpass - Allow online test to be cancelled and taken offline
, multiple selections available,