Version 3.0.0 - 25/06/2018
Version 3.0.0 - 25/06/2018
Release notes
- [IEP2-147] - Registering an apprentice on another programme
- [IEP2-371] - Add invigilator as attendee and able to confirm on results for MCQ assessment
- [IEP2-372] - Making parental consent details optional for the Apprentice screens, API and bulk upload
- [IEP2-373] - Add option for privately funded apprentices to be added to the system without ULN and to be excluded from the ESFA report
- [IEP2-395] - Ensure the 'Expected date Ready for EPA' is mandatory for an apprentice
- [IEP2-402] - Add Specialism as a heading on the Gateway Review screen
- [IEP2-403] - Add specialism to assessment planning screen
- [IEP2-404] - Add specialism to assessment results screen
- [IEP2-405] - Add specialism to QA screen
- [IEP2-406] - Add specialism to certification screen
- [IEP2-407] - Add specialism to Export to ESFA screen
- [IEP2-408] - Change of Circumstance - Check for open assessments when changing circumstance
- [IEP2-369] - ESFA Export - Provider and Standard Filters
- [IEP2-376] - Bulk uploads timing out when uploading more than 500 records
- [IEP2-379] - Bulk Upload - allowing telephone numbers to be added without trailing '0'
- [IEP2-425] - Gateway Reviews - Limit by user type
- [IEP2-431] - Extending Email field on password resets
, multiple selections available,