What Notifications,Events & Actions exist in epaPRO
Who receives what Notifications, events and actions?
The following currently exist in epaPRO, note we are adding new ones all the time;
Type | Notification | Sent to: |
Event | Gateway Complete notification | Apprentice, Provider, and EPA (if assigned) |
Event | EPA is allocated to an Apprentice | EPA |
Event | EPA accepts an Apprentice into their caseload | EPA Managers |
Event | When a Result is published | Apprentice, Provider, Employer (if assigned), EPA allocated to apprentice (not necessarily the EPA who did the assessment) |
Event | Certification is published | Apprentice, Provider, Employer if assigned, EPA allocated to the apprentice |
Reminder | Assessment Schema due to end in 31 days | All users with the 'Update' permission for Assessment Schemas |
Reminder | Assessment Schema due for Review | All users with the 'Update' permission for Assessment Schemas |
Reminder | Contract due to end in 31 days | All users with the 'Update' permission for Contracts |
Reminder | Apprentice's Gateway due in 7 days | All users (main user and sub users) of the Provider |
Reminder | Result is missing from an Element 14 days after scheduled date of assessment | EPA assigned to the element assuming they have permission to add the result |
Action | Gateway requires a decision | Action given to users that have permission to approve/reject gateways |
Action | Planning meeting needs to be created | Given to apprentice’s EPA |
Action | Assessment element requires results | Given to apprentice’s EPA if they have the Update Assessment |
Action | Assessment Result requires QA | Given to users that are able to QA the result |
Action | Certification Required | Given to the apprentice’s EPA |
Action | Certification requires QA | Given to users that are able to QA the certification |
Action | Apprentice assignment awaiting decision | Given to the EPA that was assigned |