A basic setup guide for - epaPRO

A basic setup guide for - epaPRO

Document Version


Updated On

Oct 9, 2024


This is a basic guide detailing on how you can set up the various sections of epaPRO. As with any application it is constantly being improved and updated, so do please take a look at the release notes and new features sections of our knowledgebase, as many new features and changes are being implemented all the time.

In order to set up for epaPRO for first time, you will find it easier to manage if you work through the setup in the following order.


This shield icon denotes a feature specific to epaPRO Enterprise


Go to Entity Management from the main menu in epaPRO and complete these in the order above for items 1-10.

For items 11-20 these are further settings and options you should also look to set up.


In release 5.10.0 we added the ability to copy an existing entity e.g. a Gateway Component and use this as a template to allow you to speedily create new updated entities more easily.

Feature - EP-3085 Entity Management - Copying Entities

Gateway Component

Create your gateway Component by going to Entity Management and then select from the menu the Gateway Component option, click on the “Add Component Gateway” option top right of the screen. You then will need to add in the Component Name and the description.



There is also a tab for a Question Form, where you can add specific questions.


Example question form


Click here to watch a video on this section

This form allows the entry of questions that will be asked against a specific gateway component, along with a key.

When processing a gateway, a new "Questions" step will show if questions have been assigned against any of the gateway components for this particular specification. Each question will then accept multiple validation field types such as text input, text area, checkbox, date input, number input, which is then stored against the gateway submission.

The rules surrounding viewing/editing the question answers follows the same logic as the rest of the gateway information.


Gateway Specification

Add a gateway Specification for your Gateway Component, this needs to show the description and details pertaining to your Gateway component. The Component tab will allow you to set the various required components, including if they require a file upload/mandatory file upload, or to show the questions.

Note:- that the toggle for Require Files upload or E-Portfolio link is an either/or option, meaning if one of these is supplied, the gateway will be able to be submitted for approval.

You can mark your gateway specification active or inactive using the Active toggle.

Example of a gateway Specification


Below is a view of how these components will appear on a Gateway Spec - along with the checkboxes you can select to ensure a file upload is required or to show questions.

Note when configuring a Gateway Spec, do ensure you check the tickboxes on the left of the component list otherwise when you go to save it the components will have disappeared.

You also have a Standards tab, this is where you add the Standard and any specialisms that will use this gateway spec.



To setup a Standard, which is available from Entity Management → Standards you should use the information available on the IFATE website:

IFATE Info - Apprenticeship search / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

The external Standard ID is the one that is referred to on the IFATE site


Editing a Standard - the top right corner shows the audit log, which will show tracked changes


Note the Last Registration Date was added in release 4.27.0 and is a non mandatory field.

The duration would be for example 366 days min programme duration and less for the max assessment duration e.g. 365 days.

The QA Minimum percentage - setting this beneath 100%, will have a varying effect depending on other QA percentages, against the following;

  1. Assessment Component

  2. EPA

  3. Provider

  4. Standard

  5. Specialism

These are QA’d based on this hierarchical order. More info on the QA Algorithm can be seen here

- Information on QA Percentages & the QA Algorithm

The Planning meeting length to allow you to enter how long you will need to conduct a planning meeting, this info is utilised by the planning meeting capacity calculation as to how many and how long the available slots are for this Standard.

You also have additional tabs under the Standard, to add specialisms, related support materials and the Assessment schemas.


Since the release of version 4.24.0 in April 2022, we have created a new tab to hold the External Details



The majority of this info comes directly from the information held on the IFATE site for Apprenticeships

There was validation * that was released with version 4.27.0, that meant that Providers would be blocked from registering apprentices to a Standard, where their apprentice start date doesn't fall within the range of the "Version Earliest Start Date” and the “Version Latest Start Date” and the “Last Registration Date” seen on the main tab.

This validation* was removed in release 5.01.0 Oct 11, 2022 see Release Notes -Version 5.01.0 - 11/10/2022 reference EP-3411, and so these are not validated on and are guidelines only.


The External Standard code is also know as the LARS code and is also available via the IFATE link


Against Specialisms there is a field called "Course Option". These are the specialisms defined by the ESFA based on the external standard code (LARS code). These are supplied by the ESFA and cannot be customised. Any specialism must have one of these set, otherwise submission to the ESFA for a certificate will be rejected.

Before this functionality can be used we will require your ESFA API Key.

The steps to acquire this are given by the ESFA and are on our FAQ ESFA Submission Queries and Setup but also summarised below:-

Setting up your ESFA API Key

The steps to acquire this are given by the ESFA below:

You will need to sign back into your Apprenticeship Assessment Service account - Sign in to Apprenticeship assessment service (education.gov.uk)

  • Select 'API Subscription' link within the 'Organisation' box at the bottom left.

  • If you have 'Organisation details' permissions you will now need to select 'Enable key.'

  • The 'API Subscription' page will then be displayed. If you do not have 'Organisation details' permissions you will first need to request this by selecting 'request the Organisation details permission.'

Contact info for the ESFA Support Desk:-

Telephone: 0370 267 0001
Monday to Thursday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm

Email: sde.servicedesk@education.gov.uk.

In this example below there are two specialisms, as this is a new version of the Standard when it comes to setting up this tab, we can select under the Course Option which version of the specialism is required.

This information is used when submitting the apprentice to the ESFA

Note that once apprentices are assigned to the standard and specialism you will not be able to edit these fields.


Following changes made by the ESFA we’ve made changes to facilitate specialism versioning within epaPRO when submitting certificates to the ESFA. Within the Manage Standards area, under specialisms, where course options are selected; the dropdown has been extended to provide options per version supplied by the ESFA.

Link to Release Info & Videos for Version 4.15.0 - 17/08/2021

In some cases these options are the same and in some they differ. This may vary from standard to standard. Users are free to set up the different versions however you wish either by including all specialism versions under one standard or by splitting them out into different standard records. As long as each specialism is mapped to a valid course option then submission to the ESFA is possible and will be validated by them.

For Example:

  • Standard : Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery

    • Version 1.0 has course options “Specific Architectural Joiner“ and “Specific Site Carpentry“

    • Version 1.1 has course options “Architectural Joiner“ and “Site Carpenter“

Two possible ways to set up this standard within epaPRO are as follows:

  1. Create the standard for Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery.

    1. Create 4 specialisms within this standard, named as per the course options above and assign the same named course options.

    2. You can then register apprentices under this standard and under any specialism for any version.

  2. Create the standard for Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery. *

    1. Extend the title of the standard to say v1.0. Create 2 specialisms and call them “Specific Architectural Joiner“ and “Specific Site Carpentry“ with matching course option selections.

    2. Repeat this process for Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery v1.1, adding specialisms named “Architectural Joiner“ and “Site Carpenter“ with matching course option selections.

*Please note that having multiple standards in this manner would result in requiring additional assessment schemas and gateway specifications for the extra standard.


Support Materials

You can add in Support Materials from the main menu, these can be generic, or they can be assigned to a Standard/Assessment Schema/Component/Provider and Category. The section has various filters to allow you to locate these more easily. You can also create Provider/Employer specific support materials that only a specific Provider/employer will be able to view.

More info can be seen - How to create Provider/Employer specific Support Materials

In release 5.26.0 we also introduced the ability to copy a support material - more info can be seen here - New Feature EP-4639 Support Materials - added copy functionality.

Manage Support materials screen, with Standards tab view


Example of the creation of Support Materials

Support materials can be a document, or they can contain an external link or can also contain Mock files - this is currently used with the Surpass integration.

Grade Profiles

Under Entity Management go to Grade Profiles and set these up accordingly – examples below.

We updated the layout of the Grade Profile screen in version 5.10.0 to make it simpler to use


The Categories you set, are what you see on the Results page as per below, so using this grade profile - because Pass belongs to the Grade category you are able to select this. If you had selected Apprentice Not Available it would be under the Cancellation-Notified category.

Assessment Components

Next, you can add in your assessment components, these are the tests required to assess the apprentice’s knowledge, so can be a range of theory, online and practical tests. They can be associated against a Standard via the Standards tab. We also offer various integrations to external assessments such as epaPRO Assess, Surpass & QuestionMark.


Under Assessment Type you can detail the type of assessment component it is e.g. Practical Observation

Additional support materials can then be added under the relevant tab.

If this is to be graded by Surpass, then you select this under the “External Assessment” tab.

Assessment Schemas can be associated with the component and there is a tab to upload a question form.


Note:- since the release of version 4.21.0 there is an additional tab here for ProctorU remote invigilation, more info on how this works can be found here - Feature - ProctorU Integration

Additional Proctoring

In release 5.07.0 we also added Additional Proctoring tabs Feature - EP-3317 Configurable proctoring services, on a standard/employer/provider basis


The Assessment Component Exercises was released in 5.08.0 you can read about these here

Feature - Assessment Component Exercises

Assessment Schema

Here you can add in the template for the “record of achievement” (ROA) as a PDF template. This is a pdf template that you can create based on your company logo/design which needs to include PDF Fillable Form Fields that will pull in data based on the fields outlined in the tooltip. Below is a link to a guide explaining how this is created

If you edit your ROA PDF template, you can also add in epa_feedback and apprentice_feedback as data tags, to pull in this information from the apprentices assessment for Certification.

As well as add in the components required for this assessment schema and any other additional support materials. The page contains now the Version for the Assessment Plan - this was introduced in release Version 5.06.0 - 28/02/2023

Assessment Milestones

We have also introduced Assessment Milestones. These milestones can be configured against assessment components, to provide a more granulated break down of the tasks required, and allows for optional rules to be configured that give guidance as to when these milestones must be met.

Feature - Phase 1 Assessment Milestones & Feature EP-3815 Assessment Milestone Enhancements

Assessment Centres

You can configure under if if required, any Assessment Centres and set the Standards and components they cover along with their business hours and contact details.

In Version 5.08.0 we introduced the ability to manage the capacity of the Assessment centres and allow you to manage Assessment bookings, this will rely on maintaining this information.

Full details can be found on the article below

Feature - EP-2997 Assessment Centre Bulk Booking

QA Question Templates

Released in version 5.03.0here you can edit your QA Questions. More details can be seen here

Feature - QA Extension

Custom Dropdowns

Also released in version 5.03.0 this will allow you to customise drop down menus for set categories e.g.

Additional Reasonable Adjustments

Additional Special Considerations

Appeal Types

Apprentice Note Categories

EPA Assign Element Decision Rejection Reasons

EPA Developmental Feedback Categories

QA Task Outcome Types

QA Task Types

Standard Sectors

More info can be seen here Version 5.03.0 - 07/12/2022 & 08/12/2022


Once we create you a specific Owner user, you should add in your other users such as your Awarding Organisation users, Training Providers, Employers, your EPA Managers and EPA’s. Finally, your IQA’s (QA’s) and the Assessment Centres and the apprentices.

Some of these are added via the menu under their own heading.

  • Apprentices

  • Providers

  • Employers

Whereas others are under the User Management item in the menu;

  • Awarding Organisations

  • EPA Managers

  • EPAs

  • QAs.

The option to add Assessment Centres, is under Entity Management.

If applicable, some users can be imported/added via the Bulk Upload option for example Apprentices, Employers & Providers.

More info on this can be located here :-

How to use Bulk Import feature.


Under User Management there is the “Roles” option – this is where you can create custom roles for your various users, so for example EPA + QA will have the rights for an EPA but with the addition of QA rights.

When creating a new role, you also have the option to select a role to copy from, which will automatically select the permissions for the selected existing role and allow you to make some manual adjustments and save this as a new role.

Do ensure when creating it, that the name chosen isn’t already in use.


This role can then be bulk assigned to different users should you need to, using the Bulk Assign Roles button. On this screen you can select the relevant filter and move for example all, or some of the current EPA’s, to the new “My Test EPA” role as shown above.

In release 5.17.0 we introduced the ability for users to be able to link their accounts and switch between their roles, more information is available here:-



This is again under the Entity Management and is where you can set up the costs for registrations, gateways, certification and resits against the standards and the various components.


Contract screen


You will be able to edit pricing which will subsequently appear on the various financials reporting in epaPRO. In this new Contracts screen you can also select your standard and edit the component pricing too via the ellipsis (3 dot) menu.




Component Pricing



Within here you have the Reporting Dashboard, which will show you a break-down of charts/statistics on your apprentices, Gateways and their progress. If you click on the hamburger menu on each chart there are further options, such as an option to download these as a PDF or to download the .xls file.

Some changes were made in 5.12.0 https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/2821816328


The next option in the menu is Scheduled Reports , as the title suggests you can create a report to be scheduled to run on a set date/time.

Please see this article for more info on how to run scheduled reports:-


When you run any of the reports with specific filters and for differing date ranges you have the option to save this report with a name. On the Manage Scheduler you can create a new schedule and select a previously saved report and set a time and frequency to run it, as well as enter an email recipient address and send it as a link.

Do note scheduled reports are run without a user logged in. So records are not hidden if the user does not have access, since the system isn't aware due to it being email based.



Since the introduction of version 4.21.0 we introduced a new Planning Meeting Booking Screen, for more info on this please click on below link.

New Feature - Planning Meeting Booking screen

Updates were made in Phase II as part of release 4.28.0

New Feature - Phase 2 Planning Meeting Booking


Under the Planning section, you will be able to see the apprentices that require booking and you can bulk book them for their component assessments.

Based on the component selection, you will see on the next tab those components listed for booking at the assessment centre.

Note changes around this screen were made in 5.08.0

Feature - EP-2997 Assessment Centre Bulk Booking

Once you select the component, you can click on the calendar to book it. There is also the option to filter it by your assessment centre, to only see the relevant availability. On the following screen you can select if the assessment is online or physical and the location, if relevant. Any attachments related to the assessment can also be attached at this point. On the next screen you can then bulk book your apprentices .

Under the Planning option, you can also assign your EPA’s to elements in bulk or individually.

Once an apprentice’s name is selected – click on Process and you will see the EPA and details of the element, when you select their name, their availability on a calendar will be visible – if they are busy, they will appear in red.

Clicking on the Get Directions button will show you the google maps with the street and map view along with the best routes.


You can also under the Planning option book a planning meeting and add an apprentice, you can select if the assessment is Remote/Face to Face/Teams or at a physical site and depending on the toggle selected, create the Assessment plan and confirm it via email.

Finally, under this section is the option to manage your planning meetings for each apprentice, on the screen you can verify their assessment plan date and the status, as well as view the plan or the meeting details.


Assessment Booking

In release 5.23.0 we introduced a new Assessment Booking Screen. For now the older booking screen will remain available for you to use. An entirely new assessment booking process was introduced in 5.23.0. This new process allows you, or one of your providers to request bookings, manage pending bookings, handle rejected bookings or rebook assessments that require a resit.


Watch the bitesize video here New Assessment Booking Screen

Assessment Progress

Under the “Assessment” heading you will be able to see all the steps of the assessment, including

  • QA

  • Certification

  • ESFA Submission

  • Record of Achievement

  • Back into Learning

  • On the main Assessment Progress screen, you can immediately view the apprentice’s status and also use the filters to determine which ones you wish to look at, depending on their status e.g. In Progress or Completed.

  • Notes - notes visible under the apprentices profile can be seen in the side drawer and filtered on.

Upon selecting your apprentice, you can then see all the relevant data for them including the status of any meetings/results/QAs etc, whereupon you can click on Manage for that item and see the info pop out in the right hand side of the screen in the side drawer.


Under the QA option you can see the same type of layout, but this time reflecting the apprentices QA progress.

System Management


Under System Management there are 5 sub-headings by default all available to the Owner user.

  • Configuration

  • Billing

  • SLAS

  • Email templates

  • Communications

  • Communication Templates



This currently has 13 tabs within it, this is where you have the options for:

  • Apprentices - added in 5.09.0

  • Availability

  • Billing

  • ESFA

  • General

  • MFA

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Proctoring

  • QA

  • Reminders

  • Targets

  • Users

  • Integrations

Apprentices - We have added a new system setting that, when enabled, will require a provider to make a change of circumstance for an apprentice when wanting to change an apprentices standard or specialism pre-gateway.


Availability - allows you to enter Planning Meeting booking notice period, a booking max period and an estimated gateway processing period to enable you to manage the slots that are available to be booked by providers.

In release 5.10.0a new field was added “EPA Date Booking Period”



Billing - allows you to enter comma separated list of email addresses that receive summary of the months in the current quarter and then a full year summary sent quarterly

ESFA - allows you to set the number of days after an apprentice is certified, before they can be submitted to the ESFA.

General - allows you to configure where the Help option in the top menu will take you to.

MFA - allows you to globally set up the Multi Factor Authentication for SMS, SMS needs to be enabled first on your account.

Microsoft Teams - If using the Microsoft 365 integration this will show more specific event information on the calendar integrations in addition to free/busy status

Toggle Off
Toggle On


Proctoring - Allows you to create your own tailored assessment email if ProctorU is enabled

QA - Added with release - Version 4.25.0 - 24/05/2022 this opt-in setting will allow you some greater flexibility regarding hitting QA targets and measuring the performance of your EPAs.

Reminders - allows you to configure when the Planning meeting reminders are sent

Targets – allows you to set the targets that appear on the Company dashboard

Users - in release 5.22.0 Grants the Owner use the ability to configure the default roles assigned upon user creation, by user type. Define system default Role per user type

Integrations – allows you to set up integrations, for example the Microsoft Teams integration


Released in 4.26.0 to help with visibility of future forecasting, credits purchased/carried over and the number of credits consumed we have added a new billing dashboard for Enterprise customers. The new dashboard provides an overview on a quarterly or monthly basis, forecasting for annual or monthly, a list of gateway transactions, and a list of the credit history showing how the credits have been carried over, are remaining etc. Note that this is all based on the billing financial year with epaPRO which runs from August to July.

In Release 5.11.0 we also added SMS Billing https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/2859499557


Under here you can configure the SLA’s threshold for each SLA.


Communication Templates

All of the configurable email & SMS templates are listed here, sorted by category. By using the Edit/View pencil, you can see the templates and make changes to them. You also have down the right-hand side of the screen examples of the email variables that are in use within that template that will pull in that relevant data.



This section is where you can configure which notifications and emails are sent out to the different user types. Under each notification setting you will see a breakdown of the user type, method of delivery e.g. email, SMS or in app. As well as whether the notification is enabled or not and if its restricted, these would be system settings that a user cannot disable.

Business Hours

The Business Hours and the SLA screen were separated into 2 different screens to make it clearer and to offer more space. You can add excluded dates such as Christmas/Easter/ Bank Holidays etc where the business will be closed.


The following are features of epaPRO Enterprise only

  • Bulk tasks such as bulk booking/assigning roles etc.

  • Google Maps integration

  • Scheduled Reports

  • Teams Integration (Opt-In feature contact us to enable)

  • Options under System Management

  • Billing

Bulk Import is available to both Essentials and Enterprise editions