Feature EP-3815 Assessment Milestone Enhancements
  • Complete
  • Feature EP-3815 Assessment Milestone Enhancements

    Loaded Live Jan 9, 2024 in 5.17.0


    We have added new features to the assessment component milestones functionality within epaPRO. The highlights of this include:


    • being able to assign a milestone to a user within epaPRO

    • notifications/email and SMS comms being sent on milestone assignment/un-assignment/cancellation

    • integrating milestones within My To-Do's

    • including pending milestones in the alerts that appear on the assessment profile and the element side drawer

    Changes to Functionality

    Milestone assigned user

    We have added functionality that allows an assessment component milestone to be assigned to a user as the component is being booked via the assessment plan screen.


    The assignment can also be undertaken using the element side drawer from the assessment profile screen, where the component has already been booked.

    As part of this work, we have also added a tooltip to the milestone display on the assessment profile screen that when clicked on will show the user that is assigned to the milestone.

    Only the following users can be assigned to a milestone:

    • Element EPA

    • Element EPAM

    • Apprentice EPA

    • Apprentice EPAM

    • Apprentice

    • Provider users

    The assignment for the element side drawer is a two step process, where a limited number of users in the system are returned in the initial dropdown.

    By selecting “other” from the results that are returned, it is possible to enter a search criteria in the text field that appears under the initial dropdown, which will then return any matching users in a dropdown that will appear under the text box.

    Ability to also select “Other” users



    The ability to assign milestones to other users is controlled by the Assign Assessment Element Milestone permission, found under the Assessment section on the user permissions screen.

    This has been assigned to Awarding Organisation, EPA Manager and EPA roles by default.


    We have also added the following notifications, which are only sent to the person that is the subject of the milestone assignment:

    • Assessment Element Milestone Assigned - sent when a milestone is first assigned or reassigned

    • Assessment Element Milestone Cancelled - sent when an assessment plan is cancelled, or when an apprentice has a Change of Circumstance that causes the assessment plan to be cancelled. Only sent for milestones that have not been completed.

    • Assessment Element Milestone Unassigned - sent when a milestone is unassigned.


    We have also added the assigned user to the Assessment Element Milestones report. As part of the changes to this report, we have also added a filter to allow filtering between assessment milestones for the apprentices most recent programme and previous programmes. By default, all assessment milestones are displayed.

    Milestone alerts

    The assessment alerts that are shown on the Assessment profile, Element side drawer and the counts for which are shown on the Assessment progress listing screen have been updated to include milestones.

    These alerts will be included where the milestone has not been assigned, or the milestone is overdue.

    Assessment Milestones now shown under Alerts


    Milestone My To-Dos

    We have integrated milestones into the My To-Do’s task list.


    As part of this, we have also added milestone tasks to the Digest email. This information can be added by using the {{milestone_details}} email variable. As with the other digest information, this will show the number of milestones the user has outstanding, the number about to breach and the number that have breached their due dates.

    Milestone default assigned

    We have added the ability to set which user type a milestone will default to when booking an element. This can be configured within the schedule milestone configuration per component, allowing for a different default per-schema/assessment plan. The options are Apprentice, Provider, and Element EPA.


    The default only applies to attendees of the element, so if a Provider is set as the default when a provider attendee is added, the screen will update any relevant milestones and set that provider user as the assigned user.

    If a milestone is manually edited, then it will no longer be recalculated when the attendees or element EPA is changed.

    Editing an existing booking will not trigger the milestone assignments to be recalculated based on the configured defaults. The assignments already against the milestone, if any, will be left as they are.

    If multiple provider users have been added as attendees then, the first in the list will be used.

    Additional feature

    We have also added the functionality for completed milestones to be copied over to a rescheduled element booking (visible on the assessment plan screen). This will copy the person assigned, the file that was used, and the completed date, as well as the person that it was completed by. The copy switch will be “on” by default for completed milestones, but can be turned off allowing a complete fresh-start for that milestone under the new re-scheduled element booking.

    The copy functionality is not available for Assessment milestones that you have with Entities.

    Impacted Areas

    • Assessment plan

    • Assessment profile

    • My To-do’s

    • Assessment components

    • Change of Circumstances

    • Assessment Schema

    • These changes have also had a minor impact on the following due to updated to shared components:

      • Manage Planning Capacity

    • Assessment Element Milestones report


    Assign Assessment Element Milestone - controls the ability to assign milestones to other users.

    This has been assigned to Awarding Organisation, EPA Manager and EPA roles by default.


    Further Information

    In the other new work outlined on Feature EP-3778 - Apprentice Dashboard apprentices will be able to be given the Apprentice Files → Upload permission and if they are assigned a Milestone will be able to upload the required file via the new dashboard as per the linked article.