Feature - EP-3002 Reporting Dashboard Improvements
  • Complete
  • Feature - EP-3002 Reporting Dashboard Improvements


    We have made a variety of improvements to the Reporting Dashboard, This includes the addition of various new reports that have been created to allow greater performance statistics to be gathered.

    In addition, a new field has been added to the standards screen to allow a sector to be assigned. This sector field has been added to various reports, and a new filter has been introduced.

    We have also as part of this development updated charts to load separately, to improve page performance. A chart can also be refreshed individually.


    Changes to Functionality


    Reporting Dashboard

    The Reporting → Dashboard has been updated to load the assigned charts individually, instead of loading them all at once. This allows data for smaller charts to be returned without having to wait for larger, more demanding charts to finish loading.

    A new refresh button has been added to the header of each chart - this allows the user to refresh an individual chart, again reducing wait times.


    As part of this work, the following charts have been removed due to lack of use / superseding by new reports:

    • Get Gateway Throughput By Epa

    • Gateway Actual Earnings By Provider

    • Gateway Actual Earnings By Standard

    • Gateway Actual Earnings By Employer

    • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Provider

    • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Standard

    • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Employer

    The new streamlined Reporting Dashboard


    New Reports


    As part of this work, the following new reports have been created & added to the our current reporting suite in epaPRO.

    Due to the complexities of displaying these in a visual format, we have opted to add these as standard reports, rather than adding these to the dashboard.


    • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Pass/Fail

      • This report will show the pass/fail percentage of each assessment type, by standard (and specialism, if applicable).

    • Reporting → Assessment →Assessment 1st Time Pass

      • This report is the same as the above, however it will show the 1st time pass/fail percentage instead.

        • A 1st pass is defined as gaining a pass grade, without a previous failure.

    • Reporting → Certification → Certification Pass/Fail

      • This report will show the certification pass/fail percentage of each standard (and specialism, if applicable).

    • Reporting → Certification →Certification 1st Time Pass

      • This report is the same as the above, however it will show the 1st time pass/fail percentage instead.

        • A 1st pass is defined as gaining a pass grade, without a previous failure on any of the assessment components.

    • Reporting → Certification →Average Days in EPA

      • This report will show the average number of days spent in EPA of each standard (and specialism, if applicable).

        • Note that this average figure takes change of circumstance into consideration, and therefore will not count those days where an apprentice was deemed off-programme.



    Standard Sectors


    A new custom dropdown has been introduced for “Standard Sectors” - these can be configured within the pre-existing Entity Management → Custom Dropdowns under the new option of “Standard Sectors”.

    Example of custom created sectors


    Once configured, a standard sector can be assigned to a standard, allowing for similar groups of standards to be identified more easily (i.e. Hospitality).

    New Sector field
    Sector selection list


    The reporting engine has been updated to allow any report that offers a standard filter to also offer a standard sector filter. Reports containing the standard name have also been updated to show the sector name, if one has been assigned.

    On top of this, a sector filter has also been added to the Entity Management → Standards screen.

    Impacted Areas


    • Reporting → Dashboard

    • Reporting → Assessment

    • Reporting → Certification

    • Entity Management → Standards

    • Entity Management → Custom Dropdowns


