Feature - EP-3975 Bulk import - Provider entity

Feature - EP-3975 Bulk import - Provider entity

Released in 5.12.0


 We have added bulk upload and update functionality for Providers, which works in much the same way as the other bulk imports.

Changes to Functionality

New functionality has been provided to allow for the creation or update of provider entities via the bulk import.


We have also created an example file that you can download and use as a guide for the names of the columns that can be included. There is also an documentation guide for the fields that are required and those that are optional for each of the create or update bulk upload options.


Specifically relating to the updating of providers, ensure that you only include columns that you are updating for every provider in the file. The upload functionality assumes that if the column exists within the file, the value that is within it, is the value to update the provider on that row with.

Also, please note that when updating the standards relating to an provider, you need to include all the standards that relate to that provider. So, for example, if an provider you are updating is already associated with standards that you wish to keep, you need to include these existing external_standard_id’s with any new ones you provide with the update.

Impacted Areas

 Bulk import


No new permissions