Feature - Standard Versioning
We have introduced standard versioning to epaPRO (Released in 4.24.0 - 26-04-22) , meaning that it is now possible to set a standard to a specific version, as defined by IFATE.
As a part of this the:-
“Standard Version”
“Version Earliest Start Date”
“IFATE ST Reference”
are all new and required fields when creating/editing standards.
Regarding the “version earliest start date” You can use any date, as it wont impact the registration with the ESFA. It is recommended to use the ones from IFATE as they would provide more accurate data.
We have also added a new field for “Version Latest Start Date” (which is not required as this in often undefined until IFATE release the new version).
For the standard version to be included with the information submitted to the ESFA for the apprentice, you MUST have defined the version, correctly, on the Standard Management Screen.
If the standard version has not been defined, it will not be included in the ESFA submission.
This means that if you have apprentices on different versions of the same standard, you will need to create a new standard for each of those versions.
As a part of these changes, we have also created a new tab that contains the External Details pertaining to the standard (they are no longer on the Standard Details tab):
External Standard ID (required, existing field containing the ID you use to identify a standard and it still needs to be unique)
Standard Version (required, new field)
Version Earliest Start Date (required, new field)
Version Latest Start Date (new field)
IFATE ST Reference (required, new field)
Publication Date (existing field)
External Subject Reference (existing field)
External Standard Code (existing field)
The date fields can be seen on the IFATE site against the specific Standard you are checking, in the version table at the bottom of the screen e.g. for Adult Care Worker as a guideline
Adult care worker / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
We have also add another new tab to the Standard Management screen, that details the standards that are related to the one you are editing/viewing, (determined by the IFATE ST Reference) so it is possible to see all of the difference standard versions in one place.
From this tab, you can click a link to the edit/view screens for the standard versions defined.
We have also updated the certification submission to ESFA to include the standard version, where this has been defined on the Standard Management screen for the standard that relates to the apprentice being submitted to the ESFA.
Do note the warning at the top of this article around the defining of a Standard version.
There have been other visual changes throughout the application to make it easier to identify standards, their versions and the specialisms that are related to said standards/versions.
Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the standard and specialism filter (where the specialism filter is included) and the table display on the following screens:
EPA Manager listing screen
EPA listing screen
QA listing screen
Apprentice listing screen
Provider listing screen
Gateway Listing screens: Enrolled/Confirmed/Pending/Rejected/Completed/Archived
Assign apprentice listing screens
My Caseload screen
Meeting booking listing screen
Manage planning meeting booking listing screen
Manage assessment bookings listing screen
Assessment Booking / Manage Assessment Booking listing screen
Assign EPA to element listing screen
Gateway Specification listing screen
Contract listing screen
Bulk assign apprentice listing screen
Assessment progress listing screen
Certification listing screen
ESFA submission listing screen
Record of achievement listing screen
Back into learning listing screen
Assessment schema listing screen
Support Material listing screen
Awaiting Acceptance listing screen
My Caseload listing screen
Reporting screens
Additionally, it is now possible to select multiple standards or specialisms from the filters and the specialism filter is now grouped by standard, so it's easier to see which specialisms belong to which standards when multiple standards are selected.
Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the following locations:
Standard Management Screen Header
Certification Screen (pre-pended to the Standard Name)
EPA/M management screen (EPA/M EPA standards and QA standards tabs)
QA management screen (Standards tab)
Provider management screen (Standards tab)
Employer management screen (Standards tab)
Apprentice management screen
Apprentice File Links (from the apprentice profile screen)
Apprentice Profile (Profile tab -> Apprenticeship Details section)
Assessment schema management screen (standard select)
Start new programme screen
Gateway processing modal
External Standard ID Bulk upload helper
Gateway Specification management screen (Standards tab)
Assessment component management screen (Standards tab)
Assesssment progress details screen
Book planning meeting screen
Contracts management screen (Standards tab)
Assessment Centre management screen (Standards tab)
Assessment Plan screen
Where a version has been defined against a standard, it will now be visible in the following reports:
Completed Gateway Billing Report
Registered Apprentice Billing Report
Assessment Resits Report
Late Registration Report
Result Outcome Actions Report
ProctorU Reservations Report
Apprentice Details Report
Change of Circumstance Report
Past Programmes Report
Programme History Report
Back Into Learning Report
Back Into Learning History Report
Back Into Learning Confirmed History
EPA Allocation Report
EPA Information Report
Gateway Further Action Report
Gateway Status Report
Gateway Component Question Responses Report
Planning Meeting details Report
Assessment Plan Report
Planning Meeting History Report
Assessment Before Gateway Completed Report
Assessment Elements (Deprecated) Report
Result Tracking Report
Assessment Required Uploads Report
Result Adjustment Report
Assessment Attempts Report
Assessment Elements Report
Elements Requiring Results Report
Assessment Component Responses Report
Completed QA Report
Certification Pending QA Report
Results Pending QA Report
QA Audit Report
Certification Overview Report
Ready for Certification Report
ESFA Submission Report
EQAO Report
Certification Result Adjustment Report
SLA Overview Report
SLA Details Report
SLA - Time from gateway approval to planning meeting booking Report
SLA - Time from gateway submission to gateway approval Report
SLA - Time from element scheduled to result being added Report
SLA - Time from result being added to the QA being published Report
SLA - Time from last result added to certification being created Report
SLA - Time from certification created to certification QA published Report
SLA - Time from apprentice assignment to EPA decision Report
SLA - Time from element scheduled to QA published Report
Provider Standards Report
Standards Report
Specialisms Report
Gateway Performance Report
Additionally, we have also included the ifate_st_reference column in the Standards report.