Feature EP-3296 Planning Meeting Booking - add attendees
Released in version 5.13.0 Sep 12, 2023
Released in version 5.13.0, we have added the ability to assign attendees to planning meetings via the slot-based planning meeting booking screen (Planning → Book Planning Meetings).
These attendees will receive the provisional booking communication, if enabled.
This will also allow providers to specify attendees for the meeting, however, they will only be able to specify guests and/or any external system users;
Apprentice’s On Programme Assessor
Apprentice's Workplace Mentor.
Changes to Functionality
Please note that now it’s possible to update a pending slot based booking, without changed the time or date, to just add attendees for example, epaPRO will not recalculate availability if the time or date remains the same and will keep the meeting assigned to the same user that was selected when the booking was first made.
If the date or time is changed then the availability will be recalculated.
The planning meeting booking screen’s layout has been adjusted to provide additional space for the new attendees' section.
The screen has been split into three stages;
Select Week
Select Time
The Select Week and Select Time stages function the same as their respective layouts before the adjustment.
The new “Attendees” stage works similarly to the attendees section on the “Edit Planning Meeting” screen. Clicking the “Add Attendee” button will open a popup with a list of users that can be added to the meeting. Similar to the Edit Planning Meeting screen, this also includes shortcuts for the apprentice’s On Programme Assessor and Workplace Mentor, both of which will be added as guests.
If an external Provider user, uses this functionality, they will only see results for Provider, Employer and the two shortcut guests for the apprentice. Internal users, such as an Awarding Organisation User, will see the full list as if they were viewing the Edit Planning Meeting screen.
If an internal user has added internal attendees, such as EPA or EPAMs, external users will not see them within the attendees list and as the provider edits the provisional booking, those EPA/EPAMs will remain as attendees.
As the screen did before, the availability engine will decide a suitable user:-
either from the availability group as defined here;
which is then set against the Standard;
Or the apprentice’s EPA when the booking is saved.
As before, this is also subject to change until the meeting has been approved, so further edits of the booking may also change the assigned user for availability purposes. For this reason, this user is not shown on this list. However, they will show, as they did before, on the Edit/View Planning Meeting screen. This user is still an attendee and so will still receive communications if they are enabled.
The “Add Guest” button will provide a way to add a guest to the meeting as an attendee and allow for an email and/or telephone to be provided.
All attendees will receive the Meeting Provisional Booking communication if it’s enabled.
Impacted Areas
Planning Meeting Booking
No new permissions have been added.
However, the planning meeting booking permissions will now grant the user the ability to load the popup for adding the attendees to the meeting.