Benefits of using your UAT Environment
As an EPAO, you will have access to your UAT (User Application Testing) environment for epaPRO.
Its primary purpose, is to allow you to test new features that we release monthly, as work is loaded to it prior to it on your production environment (Live).
The environment is created for you when you are first onboarded as an epaPRO customer and will require setting up of your entities and users roles to mimic your live environment, depending on the Onboarding Package you select.
It is the ideal place for you to train your users, test building of standards and other entities, test changes to your communication settings etc, as well as try out any other existing functions in epaPRO, which saves you attempting to do so with live data.
Also the more you utilise the UAT environment, the more data you will also have available to test with.
Useful Links
How To Build Your Entities Within epaPRO
How to set up Assessment Milestones
How to create Provider/Employer specific Support Materials
How to setup and use Single Sign On (SSO)
How to set up your Grade Profiles from release 5.10.0 onwards