New Feature - EP-4528 Phase 2 Reasonable Adjustments
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  • New Feature - EP-4528 Phase 2 Reasonable Adjustments


    Loaded live in release 5.26.0 epaPRO includes enhancements to Reasonable Adjustments.


    We have taken on board our customer feedback and we will be introducing enhancements in Phase 2 of Reasonable Adjustments, this includes new functionality and bug fixes.

    Changes to Functionality

    New Processing Screen

    We have added a new processing screen for Reasonable Adjustments, which is located under the Issue Management menu.

    By default, this screen shows all Pending & Inactive reasonable adjustments, and filters have been provided. We have also added sorting to this screen, to allow most recently created, or most recently requested Reasonable Adjustments to be seen first.

    You will be able to filter on:-

    • Filter by a rejection reason.

    • Filter on those where the RA covers the whole programme duration, or a date range.

    • Filter by the RA status e.g. pending, accepted, rejected and withdrawn.

    • Created Date.

    • Accepted Date.

    • Request Date.


    As part of the work for this new screen we have moved the actions that were available on the Apprentice Management Reasonable Adjustments screen, to the menu on this new listing screen. You will be able to add new reasonable adjustment by clicking the button on the Apprentice Management Reasonable Adjustment screen or by selecting + Add Reasonable Adjustment from the 3 dot menu on the Apprentice listing screen.

    Selecting the ellipsis menu
    Option to “+ Reasonable Adjustment”



    Reasonable Adjustment Rejection Reasons

    We have added functionality to allow custom Reasonable Adjustment Rejection Reasons to be attributed to a Rejected reasonable adjustment. These reasons can be configured via the Apprentice Reasonable Adjustment Rejection Reason custom dropdowns. As part of this, we have also added an Additional Information box for the rejection, to allow a more detailed reason to be added (this has a character hard limit of 1000 characters).


    RA Rejection Reason in Custom Drop Downs


    Rejection Reason selected and Additional Info with counter


    This rejection reason information can be included in the Reasonable Adjustment Rejected communication that is sent via the use of two new variables: {{reasonable_adjustment_rejected_information}} and {{reasonable_adjustment_rejected_reason}}. We have also added this information, along with the user that rejected the reasonable adjustment and the date it was rejected, to the Ofqual Pre-Agreed Adjustments report.

    We have also changed the circumstances under which a rejected reasonable adjustment can be edited, by not allowing external users to edit a rejected reasonable adjustment.


    Reasonable Adjustments Start and End Date

    We have made changes to reasonable adjustments that allow the start and end date to be optional and instead allow a reasonable adjustment to apply to the whole programme duration. As part of this, we have added a new switch to the reasonable adjustment Covers Programme Duration that when set to on allows a reasonable adjustment to be submitted with no start and end date.



    We have also updated the logic that determines which reasonable adjustments are active, to include these reasonable adjustments that are set to Covers Programme Duration.

    This column, and a filter has been added to the Ofqual Pre-Agreed Adjustments report.

    We have also added this information to the following places:

    • Assessment Plan

    • Assessment Plan Element

    • Planning Meeting

    • Apprentice side drawer

    • Issue Management - Reasonable Adjustments

    • Apprentice Management - Reasonable Adjustments

    Assessment Plan showing the new field.

    Reasonable Adjustment Accepted Auditing

    We have also enhanced the functionality around accepting a reasonable adjustment, by storing the user that accepted the reasonable adjustment and the date it was accepted. This information has been added to the Ofqual Pre-Agreed Adjustments report. As part of this, we have also added date filtering for the following on the Reasonable Adjustments Management screen:

    • Created Date

    • Accepted Date

    • Requested Date


    We have added the following fields and associated filters to the Ofqual Pre-Agreed Adjustments report:

    • Provider

    • Employer

    • Standard

    • Specialism

    • Apprentice EPA

    We have added the following fields and associated filters to the Ofqual report:

    • Provider

    • Employer

    • Assessment Type

    • Date Delivered

    Other changes

    • We have added the Standard and Specialism variables to all of the Reasonable Adjustment comms.

    • We have fixed a bug where the Add Reasonable Adjustment was visible on the View Apprentice screen.

    • We have fixed a bug where the View button for Reasonable Adjustments was visible on the Assessment Plan details, when the user did not have Reasonable Adjustment permissions.

    Impacted Areas

    • Issue Management - Reasonable Adjustments

    • Apprentice Management - Reasonable Adjustments

    • Apprentice Listing

    • Reporting - Ofqual Pre-Agreed Adjustments

    • Comms

      • Reasonable Adjustment Rejected

      • Reasonable Adjustment Pending

      • Reasonable Adjustment Accepted

    • Assessment Plan

    • Assessment Plan Element

    • Planning Meeting

    • Apprentice side drawer


    No new permissions