New Feature EP-4638 Apprentice Dashboard - Add ability to toggle the visibility of results to apprentices

New Feature EP-4638 Apprentice Dashboard - Add ability to toggle the visibility of results to apprentices


We have added the ability to show the obtained grade against a component, from within the apprentice dashboard, configurable on a per-provider basis in release 5.26.0 .

Changes to Functionality

It is now possible to configure whether the result given to a component (post QA, if applicable) is displayed to the apprentice from within their apprentice dashboard / apprentice profile.

This has involved the following enhancements.

Provider entity screen

The Settings tab has been enhanced to offer a new setting: Apprentice Dashboard Shows Results.

This is a yes or not toggle that will enable/disable this new functionality (default is disabled to maintain existing functionality).


Provider toggle setting.


Apprentice Dashboard

The results within this screen previously showed the following text when a result was available:

Your result is available: please contact your provider, <provider name>, for details.

When the new setting is enabled, the apprentice will see their actual assigned outcome & grade type, instead of the generic message above. i.e.:

Your result is available: Distinction (Pass).


Apprentice Dashboard showing a Pass result with the toggle for the Provider enabled.


Apprentice Profile

The profile has been updated to only show the apprentice their result if this new setting is enabled - previously this was always visible.

If the setting is not enabled, an information badge will display containing “Your result is available….”.




Impacted Areas

  • Providers → Create/Read/Update

  • Apprentice Dashboard

  • Apprentice Profile


  • None