User Group Meeting Notes 04/04/19
Apr 4, 2019
@Ian Jarvis
Establish function of the group and regularity of meetings etc
Discuss current issues and preferred solutions
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Ready for EPA Date | @Ian Jarvis |
Actions & Outcomes | @Ian Jarvis |
Gateway Stages | @Ian Jarvis |
Standards Versioning | @Ian Jarvis |
Employer Records | @Ian Jarvis |
Provider Records | @Ian Jarvis |
Contract Changes | @Ian Jarvis |
Video Conferencing | @Ian Jarvis |
Wording on Apprentice Screens | @Ian Jarvis |
Allocation Emails | @Ian Jarvis | Stop allocation emails to Apprentices? Confusion with Re-Allocation |
Action items
- It was agreed that we will change the “Ready for EPA” to “Estimated Gateway Date. We will also calculate this date from the standard so that the default lengths are honoured. This will be editable after creation
- We agreed that we should have the following Actions: Resit, Retake and Fail. These will follow ESFA definitions with resit being an immediate resit without any intervention, Retake will be another attempt after further learning and Fail will represent an overall fail of the component. We will also extend the descriptions so that providers and employers can clearly see consequential outcomes to actions. We delayed discussing the Back into Learning process
- Rather than adding an additional administrative process back into Gateway, we will allow EPAO users to amend Gateway details up until final certification at which point the Gateway would be locked
- Date functionality already present in assessment schema addresses the needs with regards to amended Standards.
- Although there is a wider discussion to be had around employer records - especially in regards to ESFA submissions, the user group felt that it would be useful to add a maximum of three levels of hierarchy to employer records, to allow them to be grouped an categorised appropriately.
- Provider records need to have a flag to denote billing data, so that a Prime provider can be invoiced directly for activity undertaken by sub providers
- Contract changes are working effectively with no issues
- A decision around video options was not taken, however it was felt that Skype was not a suitable alternative to Zoom or other options.
- The wording changes were acceptable to all parties and will be applied as described
- Allocation emails are no longer automatically sent out following the introduction of the notifications system. We will review this is due course to ensure it does not cause any issues going forward.
- User Group meetings will be held quarterly in the first instance, but important or urgent matters will be communicated to the users on an adhoc basis for feedback and decisions where required