Version 3.26.0 - 22/07/2019
Version 3.26.0 - 22/07/2019
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1361 | Deleted EPA assigned to element still allows results to be added | If an EPA is assigned to an element but is then deleted the system will not allow results to be added. | |
EP-1360 | Pending QA report - Missing 'Completed' status apprentices | Pending QA report - Missing 'Completed' status apprentices | |
EP-1359 | QA Reports - Not showing data when logged in as Provider | Not showing data when logged in as Provider | |
EP-1348 | Add Gateway Audit submitted to Assessment elements report | Add Gateway Audit submitted to Assessment elements report | |
EP-1324 | Assessment Required Uploads Report | Report for showing Assessments that require uploads. This report will show any booked assessments that require an upload, defined by the component, that have not yet had one. Once an assessment does have an upload (per the 'add assessment info' area) then it will not show in the report any further. By default this report is available to Awarding Organisation and Provider user roles. |
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