Version 3.32.0 - 28/10/2019

Version 3.32.0 - 28/10/2019

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-1345StoryAwarding Organisation screen rewriteRewrite of the Awarding Organisation screen and move to Laravel
EP-1184StoryRewrite - Log in as
EP-1181StoryRewrite - Manage/Add IQAs
EP-1164StoryGateway Screen rewriteFrontend redesign and backend rewrite of the gateway screen.

New functionality includes the ability to partially complete a gateway and come back to it later without submitting it. Also allows a gateway to edited after submission until the certification has been completed.

Functionality Removed: Post gateway files are no longer available to be uploaded as it is not required. The ability to edit a gateway after submission allows additional files to be uploaded.

key type release notes title release notes description