Version 5.21.0 - 30/04/2024

Version 5.21.0 - 30/04/2024



Production Release Date: Apr 30, 2024

Version: 5.21.0

UAT Release Date: Apr 2, 2024


The Release webinar is available from epaPRO UAT Release Demo 5.21.0 Recording (following the Friday demo meeting);

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact





Laravel 10 Upgrade


We have completed an upgrade of the main Laravel framework we use to build epaPRO. This upgrade will impact all of epaPRO but should not change any functionality.

Impacted Areas

  • All of epaPRO


Set to medium as it does affect all areas potentially of epaPRO.





Side drawer - Add Log In As links


The Apprentice and EPA side drawers have been extended to include the log in as option as a shortcut for those users with permission.






Contracts - Performance improvements


Improved performance when viewing or editing a large contract i.e. many standards, components, and/or schemas.






Ofqual Report - Updated fields and requirements


The Ofqual report has been updated to better reflect the requirements and guidelines set out here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/end-point-assessment-outcomes-guide-to-the-data-submission-process/end-point-assessment-outcomes-guide-to-the-data-submission-process - Please find the specifics below.

Reporting Changes

At a high level the following changes have been made to the Ofqual report:

  • A certification record is no longer required to appear on the report.

  • New fields have been added to better reflect the requirement.

  • Results that are flagged for QA must be published before they will show on the report.

Field Changes

The following changes have been made to the fields in the report:

  • StandardID

    • This field now uses the IfATE Reference field against the Standard Entity.

  • AssessmentPlanVersionNumber

    • This new field uses the AP field against the Assessment Schema Entity. If this is unavailable then per the guidelines -2 will be given.

  • QualificationNumber

    • This new field uses the Ofqual Qualification Number field against the Standard Entity. If this is unavailable then per the guidelines -2 will be given.

  • CandidateIdentifierOther

    • This new field uses the External Learner ID field against the Apprentice. If this is unavailable then per the guidelines -2 will be given.

  • CentreIdentifierOther

    • This new field uses the External EPAO ID field against the Provider. If this is unavailable then per the guidelines -2 will be given.

  • ComponentCode

    • This new field uses the External Component ID field against the Assessment Component. If this is unavailable then per the guidelines -2 will be given.

  • QualificationGrade

    • Following the top level changes to the report this field will show -2 if the apprentice has not been certified.

  • CompletionDate

    • Following the top level changes to the report this field will show 2999-12-31 if the apprentice has not been certified.







Comms - Result/certification available notification extended options


The Result Available notification has been extended to include the Workplace mentor as an option.

The Certification Available notification has been extended to include both the On Programme Assessor and the Workplace Mentor as options.

By default these options are disabled.





screen_changes new_permissions

Record of Achievement - manual processing


 We have added the option to allow manual procession of both element and certification Record of Achievement, for both bulk and single processes.

Changes to Functionality

 When processing Records of Achievement it is now possible to manually process these away from epaPRO and mark them within epaPRO as a manually handled event by using either the Manually Process ROA button on the apprentice row, or the Manually Process ROA button included in the bulk actions in the section above the listing table. Once processed, the related apprentices will no longer appear in the listing.

Impacted Areas

 Record of Achievement


Manually Process ROA - this can be found under the Record of Achievement section of the permissions tab on the user screens. This permission has been granted to Owner and Awarding Organisation types by default.






Record of Achievement - filtering enhancements


 We have added enhanced features to the Record of Achievement filters.

Changes to Functionality

 We have added functionality to allow select all/deselect all filtering for both the Provider and Employer filters. It is now also possible to filter by date range against the Certification date and QA published date.

We have also added the Certification published date for certification and Element published date for elements as a new column to the listing screen.

Impacted Areas

Record of Achievement

Additionally, due to the underlying changes that have been made to accommodate the select all/deselect all functionality, the following screens have also been affected (though they do not allow select all/deselect all):

  • Apprentice

  • Employers

  • EPA

  • EPA Manager

  • Caseload

  • Appeals

  • Gateway

  • Assign Apprentice/Accept Apprentice

  • Book Planning Meetings

  • Assessment Bookings

  • Assign Assessments

  • Manage Assessment Bookings

  • Assign EPAs to Elements

  • Manage Planning Meetings

  • Assessment Progress

  • QA

  • Back into Learning

  • Certification

  • ESFA Submission

  • Assessment Components

  • Contracts







Assessment Elements - System Cancelled Status


Additional functionality around cancelling of elements under certain processes; such as back into learning, change of circumstance, or when cancelling the whole plan. We have improved the handling of external services and brought them all into line, so that they are also appropriately cancelled when the element is, providing they are in a state that allows a cancellation to happen.

Please note, this is not the ability to cancel a single element, rather it is to enhance the functionality when you undertake specific processes as mentioned above .

Changes to functionality

New API Event Type

We have added a new {{cancelled_element_{element_id}}} event. This event will be added to the API queue when an element is cancelled. The event follows the same format as our other element-based events. However, it is possible to only query data for this element by instead using the new endpoint below and extracting the ID from the event name.

New Assessment Element API Endpoint

We have added a new {{assessment_element/{id}}} endpoint to the epaPRO API. This endpoint allows for a single element to be fetched. The user requires the Assessment -> Read permission to access this new endpoint. Our API documentation has been updated to include details about this new endpoint.

Assessment Plan API Endpoint Updates

We have updated the Plan API endpoint to include some additional details, no existing data has been changed.

elements.element_type This object contains the type ID and name of the assessment element and will allow for identifying the assessment element's status.

elements.url This object contains the URL to the new endpoint for this element.

We have also fixed some issues with the {{plan/{id}}} endpoint's documentation, fixing the example not showing and some ID fields showing as 0.

New Cancelled Type for Elements

We have migrated any bookings that are on a cancelled plan, without results, to now be in this new cancelled state.

We have added a new Cancelled type for assessment elements. This new type will be displayed on the assessment plan. epaPRO will mark an element as cancelled when the plan is cancelled and the element does not yet have a result. If an element is cancelled on an active assessment plan then an alert will show for each cancelled element stating it requires a rebooking.

When an element is cancelled it will trigger a new API Event to be added to the queue. Further details of this new event can be seen above.

Apprentice Dashboard Updates

The apprentice dashboard has been updated to now support these cancelled elements. They will show as cancelled and all details that would have been visible before will now be hidden until the assessment has been rebooked.

Apprentice Profile Updates

The assessments box has been updated to now show a “Cancelled” badge when an element has been cancelled.

Back into Learning toggle to cancel elements without a result

When approving a Retake Review request for back into learning a new toggle has been added to “Cancel bookings without results”. This toggle will only show if the plan currently has one or more element bookings, which have yet to have a result created, note that a result that has not been submitted, still counts as a result for the element. If enabled any elements that do not have a result will be automatically moved to a cancelled type, the plan will remain in place though. This will allow for those elements to be rescheduled when the apprentice returns from back into learning.

External Service and Event Cancellation

We have improved how some of our external services handle a plan or element being cancelled. They’ll now all cancel the booking at the same time. Providing a result has not already been added, which means the external booking has taken place. We have also improved the events we create within 365 and Google calendars to be automatically removed when a booking is cancelled.


The Certification 1st Time Pass report has been updated to not include cancelled elements.

The element type column and filter has been added to the EPA Assign Element Decisions report.

The element type filter available on some reports has been updated to include the new Cancelled type along with a couple of other missing values. The affected reports are:

  • Assessment Elements Report

  • Assessment Elements Deprecated Report

  • Assessment Resits Report

  • ProctorU Reservation Billing Report

Impacted areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Profile

  • Manage Element Side Drawer

  • API

  • Assessment Progress

  • Back into Learning

  • QuestionMark

  • Surpass

  • epaPRO Assess

  • Microsoft 365

  • Google

  • Calendar Token (availability within an EPA/M’s availability tab)

  • Calendars in epaPRO (dashboard, Assessment Plan booking, EPA/M side drawer availability etc.)

  • Certification 1st Time Pass Report

  • Assessment Element Milestone Cancelled Communication

  • Apprentice’s Profile - as all users

  • Apprentice Dashboard

  • Assessment Elements Report

  • Assessment Elements Deprecated Report

  • Assessment Resits Report

  • ProctorU Reservation Billing Report

  • EPA Assign Element Decisions Report

Screenshots available here - New Feature EP-4097 Assessment Element - Cancelled status


Set to medium for training/information purposes





Reporting - Assessment Plan Status filter


 We have fixed a bug where the incorrect values we being used to populate the Assessment Plan Status filter in reporting.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Plan Report






Assessment Plan - Completed plan is not always considered the current in some areas


We have fixed a bug where some functionality would not consider a completed plan as “current” when doing additional checks. This has been corrected along with a small amount of refactoring.

Impacted Areas

  • Gateway Verify

  • Milestone due date calculation

  • Back into Learning - specifically the cancel elements with pending results toggle

  • Apprentice dashboard

  • Support Materials






Milestone Comms - Some template variables are not populated


We have fixed a bug where the following communication template variables were not being populated;

  • apprentice_epa_name

  • employer_name

  • provider_name

  • standard_name

  • specialism_name

  • epa_name

Impacted areas

  • Assessment Element Milestone Assigned Communication

  • Assessment Element Milestone Cancelled Communication

  • Assessment Element Milestone Unassigned Communication






epaPRO Assess - Incorrect numbers in the uniqueness error


We have fixed a bug with an epaPRO Assess uniqueness error where the required and available question numbers were not always accurate.

Impacted areas

  • epaPRO Assess






Assessment Milestones - Assessment Component Milestones archive and re-create when no changes are made


Fixed a bug where saving an Assessment Component would archive and recreate the stored milestones even though no changes had been made. This resulted in the audit log being harder to read.






Assessment Component Reminders - Sent out even if a result exists


Fixed an issue where assessment component reminders were sent out even when an outcome/result record was added prior to the scheduled date. This has been blocked and now if a result has been submitted then all assessment component reminders will not be sent. If a result exists but has not been submitted then reminders will still be sent out.






Assessment Plan - Clear error locks form


Fixed a bug where clicking “Clear error” on the error alert would lock up the form for resits, retakes, and rescheduled.

Impacted areas

Assessment Plan






Assessment Element Milestones report - made available to non-Awarding Organisation users


We have fixed a bug where the Assessment Element Milestones report was generating errors for non-Awarding Organisation users.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Element Milestones report






Assessment Milestones - milestones with no due date no longer show that they are overdue.


Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect milestone overdue error.

Changes to Functionality

Milestones without a due date will no longer show a “milestone is overdue” error from within the element side drawer and the assessment profile.

Impacted Areas

  • Element side drawer

  • Assessment profile

  • Milestones


  • None






Communication - User unable to change the method if the communication is restricted

We have fixed a bug on the communication management screen where a user was unable to change the method they receive the comm via, if the comm was restricted.






Assessment Plan - It is now possible to book a Teams meeting when using an EPA that has auto-accept of assessments disabled.

Fixed a bug that prevents MS Teams meetings from being used when making use of the new accept/reject assessments work.

Changes to Functionality

A bug has been fixed that prevented MS Teams meetings from working correctly, when assigning an assessment to an EPA who must decide whether to accept/reject the assessment.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Booking


  • None






Report Scheduler - Report schedules should no longer fail to run when multiple schedules exist with the same name.

Fixes a bug that prevents report schedules from running in particularly circumstances.

Changes to Functionality

It was previously possible for a report schedule to not run correctly when multiple schedules with the same name were scheduled to run at the same time. This would should now prevent this issue from occurring.

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting → Manage Scheduler


  • None






[UAT] Reporting - QA complete filter no longer causes the deprecated Assessment Elements report to filter incorrectly


Fixes a bug that caused the Assessment → Assessment Elements (deprecated) and Result Tracking reports to not filter correctly.

Changes to Functionality

The QA Complete filter within the following reports caused the report to filter incorrectly, by ignoring other filters when applied:

  • Assessment → Assessment Elements (deprecated)

  • Assessment → Result Tracking

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment → Assessment Elements (deprecated)

  • Reporting → Assessment → Result Tracking


  • None


Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact