Version 5.25.0 - 20/08/2024

Version 5.25.0 - 20/08/2024


Production Release Date: Aug 20, 2024

Version: 5.25.0

UAT Release Date: Jul 23, 2024


The Release webinar is available from here (following the Friday demo meeting);

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact

Milestones - Phase 2




Milestones - Changed how archiving of assessment component milestones is done.


The archiving of assessment component milestones is now a manual process to allow greater user control of milestones.

Changes to Functionality

The assessment milestones area of the Entity Management → Assessment Components screens has been updated to provide greater user control regarding milestones.

Milestones now function similar to the Grade Profile area, whereby milestones are now marked as read-only once they are assigned against a schema - to make changes to an existing milestone, the old one must be archived via the “Active” switch, before a new one can be added with the “Add Milestone” button. Adding a milestone has not been changed by this development.

If a user wishes to delete an existing milestone, this can be done in one of the following ways (depending on whether the milestone is in use):

  • The milestone has been added but has not been saved yet

    • The milestone can be instantly deleted using the delete button

  • The milestone is pre-existing but it has not been associated with an assessment schema yet

    • The milestone can be deleted using the delete button, but requires confirmation

  • The milestone is pre-existing and has been associated with an assessment schema

    • The milestone cannot be deleted, but can be deactivated by using the “Active” switch.

By default the screen will only show active milestones, however this can be overridden by using the active filter provided.

Once an assessment component milestone has been archived, a new “archived_date” column will be populated within the Assessment → Assessment Component Milestones report.

In addition to the above changes, the “Assessment” type milestone has now been locked down so that it cannot be edited / deleted / deactivated in any way. This is because this milestone type is “System Controlled” and therefore must be present - any edits made to this milestone can also make it very difficult to identify as the Assessment milestone when appearing in a list (such as the Programme Checklist within the Assessment Profile).

Impacted Areas

  • Entity Management → Assessment Components → Create/edit/view screens.

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Component Milestones.


  • None

Medium Put as medium if used

Milestones - Phase 2




Milestones - Reminders


Introduces new reminders for milestones to inform users when due dates are close.

Changes to Functionality

The Entity Management → Assessment Components screen has been enhanced to hold 1st and 2nd reminder values (similar to the component level reminders already available), configured against each milestone.

These reminders will be sent to the user that is assigned against the milestone. Entering a value of “0” will send the reminder on the due date of the milestone.

As these new reminders are new communication methods, all normal communication controls exist (such as delivery methods, templates, individual opt-out for users that can control their own communication preferences etc.).

Impacted Areas

  • System Management → Communication templates

  • System Management → Communications

  • Entity Management → Assessment Components


  • None

medium as above





Assessments - epaPRO Assess exam title


The format of the exam titles sent over as part of the epaPRO Assess integration has been updated for better readability and information. The new format will be as follows:

[MOCK TEST] <apprenticeULN> - <apprenticeName> - <blueprintName>

Mock test will only show if the exam is a mock test.

The maximum length has also been increased from 100 up to 255 characters.






Assessment Profile - Add shortcut to rebook a cancelled element.


A new “Rebook Assessment” button is now available for cancelled elements within the assessment profile screen.

Changes to Functionality

When an assessment element is cancelled, it was previously not possible to rebook the element unless the user went to the assessment plan manually. This ticket adds a “Rebook Assessment” shortcut button (similar to “Book Assessment”) that will take the user to the assessment plan and preselect the cancelled element.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Profile


  • None






Assessment Plan - Teams Meetings - Search by userPrincipalName


The Microsoft 365 integration has been extended to account for a variation in how they store email addresses against accounts.

Changes to functionality

Existing functionality utilises the Microsoft API to search for a user’s account via their email address. By default Microsoft search against the userPrincipalName of the account. This may or may not match the email address that a user is expecting to have against their account.

Microsoft's API can also offer advanced query capabilities depending on the setup of the 365 instance. This change will now attempt to utilise this to find the user’s account. If unavailable the normal method is applied.

Users should notice no change in existing functionality except where previous issues have been found with user lookup accuracy.






epaPRO Assess - Improved exam pushing process


The process of pushing exams to the epaPRO Assess platform has been improved to make it more efficient and robust.






Apprentice Files - New permission to allow internal users to toggle file visibility


Introduces a new permission to allow users to toggle the file visibility option (internal flag).

Changes to Functionality

A new permissions has been introduced to allow/prevent users from changing the default value of the internal flag against a file. This new permission applies when both uploading a new file & editing a pre-existing file (providing the user has permission to do this).

With this development, the following rules apply:

  • External users (Apprentice, Provider, Employer)

    • Defaults as external

    • The toggle is not visible

  • Internal users (AO, EPAM, EPA, QA)

    • Defaults as internal, permission is required to change the toggle to external

    • The toggle is visible

Note that pre-existing files will honour the internal flag that is already set against the file if the user doesn’t have permission to change it. Saving the file (such as a label change) will not cause the internal flag to change.

Impacted Areas

  • Apprentice files


Note that only system roles will be receiving this new permission - to preserve the right to change the toggle for internal users with custom roles, be sure to update these post go live.

  • Apprentice Files → Toggle File Visibility

    • Given to the following system roles by default:

      • owner

      • awardingorganisation

      • epamanager

      • epa

      • iqa

high New permissions and setup needed. If using custom roles - these will need to be updated!!





Users - Optional pronouns, preferred name, and pronunciation fields introduced.


Introduction of pronouns, preferred name, and pronunciation fields to user records within epaPRO.

Changes to Functionality

epaPRO has been updated to hold the following optional information against all system user types:

  • User pronouns

    • Drop-down choices of “He/him”, “She/her”, and “They/them”.

  • Preferred Name

  • Pronunciation

These fields can be set by editing a user record, or via the user profile. All three of the above introductions will show within the user summary side drawer, if configured against a particular user.

In addition to the user summary side drawer, the selected pronouns will be shown in brackets after the apprentice’s name in the following places:

  • Apprentice Profile

  • Assessment Profile

  • Appeals screen

All of the fields have also been added to the following reports:

  • Apprentice → Apprentice Details

  • EPA → EPA Information

  • Miscellaneous → User Details

Impacted Areas

  • All user screens (create, update, and view)

  • All user bulk imports (create and update)

  • API endpoints:

    • Apprentice (read, create, update)

    • Provider (read, create, update)

  • Apprentice Profile

  • Assessment Profile

  • User summary side drawer

  • Reporting:

    • Apprentice → Apprentice Details

    • EPA → EPA Information

    • Miscellaneous → User Details

  • User Profile


  • None






Apprentice - Completion date changes not showing in audit log


Fixed a bug where the apprentice completion date updates were not being stored in the audit log.






RAG Rating - Bug Fix to the New RAG Rating Button


Fixes a bug with the “New RAG Rating Button”.

Changes to Functionality

Fixes a bug with the “New RAG Rating Button“ in which the button would display for users that did not have the required permission to create new RAG ratings. This has been amended so that the button will not appear when the user does not have permission.






Report - Fix to Assessment Element (Deprecated) Report for Unavailable Grade Types


Fixed a bug that prevented the assessment element (deprecated) report from working when the grade type was filtered to unavailable.

Changes to functionality

Fixed a bug that prevented the assessment element (deprecated) report from working when the grade type was filtered to unavailable. The grade type can now be filtered to unavailable in this report and this will work as expected.






Menu - Fix to notification bells red circle


Fixed a bug preventing notification Icon from displaying a red circle for unread notifications.

Changes to functionality

Fixed a bug in which the notification bell icon in the top right of the screen no longer displayed a red circle when the user has unread notifications. The icon will now be accompanied by the red circle as expected.






Notification Templates - Usertypes not showing


Fixed a bug where the following notifications were not being shown as customisable by user type:

  • Assessment Element Milestones

    • Assigned

    • Cancelled

    • Unassigned

  • Reasonable Adjustment

    • Submitted

    • Accepted

    • Rejected

  • EPA Assign Element

    • Created

    • Accepted

    • Rejected

    • Deleted

  • Assessment Booking

    • Cancellation

    • Invite

  • Assessment Component Milestones

    • First Reminder

    • Second Reminder






New Assessment Bookings - Fix to prevent pending bookings sending notifications when not choosing to notify


Fixed a bug that caused notifications to still be sent out for pending bookings when using the “book components button”.

Changes to functionality

Fixed a bug that caused notifications to be sent for bookings that would enter or remain in the pending state after saving the booking no matter which button was used. Now the book components button will not send out notifications for this booking however the book components and notify button will send out notifications to those configured in the settings for the relevant comm.






Reporting - Completed QA performance issue


We have fixed a performance bug that caused the Completed QA report to load very slowly.

Changes to functionality

The Completed QA report will now have much better performance when loading and filtering.

Impacted Areas

Reporting - Completed QA






My Assessments - Inconsistent pagination returns some rows twice & omits others.


Fixes a bug that causes some inconsistencies in the My Assessments screen when changing pages.

Changes to Functionality

A bug has been fixed that caused some rows to be duplicated (and others to be omitted) from the My Assessments screen, when having more results than one page.

Impacted Areas

  • Caseload → My Assessments


  • None






Reporting - Date filters persist when date filtering type is changed


We have fixed a bug that caused date fields on reports to persist when switching between different types of filtering.

Changes to functionality

When switching between different date filtering options, the date filters will now correctly be cleared so that they do not persist and cause unwanted filtering of reports.

Impacted Areas

Reporting - Date Filters






Certification - Submit button not responding on mobile


Fixes a bug that prevented the saving of a certification on iOS/iPadOS Safari.

Changes to Functionality

Due to the date/time picker in iOS/iPadOS Safari not supporting seconds, it was not possible to submit a certification as seconds were required - due to the seconds feeling unnecessary, the field has been changed to only require hours and minutes. Note this should not affect previously submitted data, and will show 00 going forward.

Impacted Areas

  • Certification


  • None






Assessment Plan - Incorrect standard shown when schema is changed


We have fixed a bug that would cause the incorrect standard to appear on the assessment plan screen when the schema for the plan is changed on the screen.

Changes to functionality

The standard on the assessment plan screen will now show the correct standard for the apprentice regardless of a schema change.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Plan - Plan Details






API - Plan endpoint not showing resit, retake, reschedule types


We have fixed a bug where the API get plan endpoints were not showing elements that had the type resit, retake, or reschedule.

Impacted areas

  • Get plans API endpoint

  • Get plan by ID API endpoint






QA - Reversing a certification QA publish can cause an apprentice to go from In Assessment to Completed.


Fixed a bug that caused the apprentice status to be incorrectly changed when reversing a certification QA.

Changes to Functionality

When reversing a certification QA so that a resit/retake could be performed, it was sometimes possible to change an apprentice that was correctly in status “In Assessment” back to “Completed” in error. This bug fix resolves this issue by making the following changes:

  • It is no longer possible to change the next action against an element once the apprentice is certified.

    • If a change needs to be made, this should be done once Skilltech Support have reversed the certification QA, to be sure that things are reversed in the correct order

  • If a certification QA is reversed, the system will only change the apprentice status to “Completed” if the apprentice is at certified status

    • This is to catch cases where a resit/retake is already required (and the apprentice is at “In Assessment” status), and then the certification QA is reversed.

Impacted Areas

  • QA → Unpublish Certification QA.


  • None






Apprentice - Expected Completion Date will now recalculate when the expected gateway date is changed.


Changing the expected gateway date when creating a new apprentice will now update the expected completion date.

Changes to Functionality

When creating a new apprentice, changing the expected gateway date would not trigger a recalculation of the expected completion date - this would not cause data issues (as validation would catch invalid dates when attempting to save) but caused confusion via the frontend.

This bug has now been fixed, so that changing the expected gateway date should now update the expected completion date accordingly.

Impacted Areas

  • Apprentice → Create


  • None






Reporting - Assessment / Certification pass/fail reports - no longer pulls results with a pass percentage >100


Fixes a bug with the Assessment/Certification pass/fail reports that could result in percentages greater than 100%.

Changes to Functionality

Fixes a bug within the Assessment/Certification pass/fail reports that could result in percentages greater than 100% where specialisms are assigned to a standard.

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment Pass/Fail

  • Reporting → Assessment → Assessment 1st Time Pass

  • Reporting → Certification → Certification Pass/Fail

  • Reporting → Certification → Certification 1st Time Pass


  • None






Assessment Centre - Capacity taking into account non active elements


We have fixed a bug that caused the capacity for assessment centres to also take into account none active assessment plan elements such as those that have been cancelled.

Changes to functionality

Assessment centre capacity is now properly calculated to only take into account the correct assessment plan elements, giving an accurate amount of capacity for assessment centres.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Centre - Capacity

Assessment Plan - Capacity

Assessment Booking - Capacity






Assessment Result - ensure element is active before allowing result to be added


Fixes a bug that allowed a result to be entered against a rescheduled element by using multiple browser tabs.

Changes to Functionality

It was previously possible for a user to accidentality apply a result against a rescheduled element, if they had started inputting the result before the reschedule was done (either by another user, or in another browser tab/window).

The saving logic for results has been updated to make sure that a result is not linking to a reschedule element before allowing it to be saved.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Result

  • Result adjustment


  • None






Assign standards - standard dropdown not displaying correctly


We have fixed a bug where the standard filter was not displaying correctly on the Provider/Employer screens.

Impacted Areas

Due to the nature of the fix requiring some underlying changes to the filter the following areas have been impacted:

  • Assessment Centre management screen

  • Employer Management screen

  • Employer User Management screen

  • EPA/EPAM Management screens

  • Gateway Specification Management screen

  • Provider Management screen

  • Provider User Management screen

  • QA Management screen






Assessment Plan - Validation messages displaying on incorrect stages


We have fixed a bug that caused validation errors to not display on the correct stage on the assessment plan screen.

Changes to functionality

The validation messages will now display on the correct stages of the assessment plan screen regardless of the configuration of the assessment plan element booking.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Plan - Element






External Assessments - First reschedule will not book an external assessment.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented external assessments from being booked on the first attempt of booking a reschedule. External assessments should now book on the first try.


Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact