Version 5.27.0 - 15/10/2024

Version 5.27.0 - 15/10/2024



Production Release Date: Oct 15, 2024

Version: 5.27.0

UAT Release Date: Sep 17, 2024


The Release webinar for this month contains only the one demo, so this has been recorded and the meeting cancelled - You can watch the 5.27 Release here

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




SETUP_REQUIRED screen_changes

Communication templates - custom footer


 We have added functionality to allow a custom email footer to be defined.

Changes to Functionality

New functionality to allow a new custom email footer to be defined can be located from the Communication Templates header by clicking the Email Footer button. There is a toggle that allows the footer to be used/not used and a text area that allows for HTML or text to be entered (in the same way emails can be customised).

We have also included a preview tab that allows the footer to be previewed. It is not, currently, possible to view any images included in the footer (or custom email setups), but they can be seen in any test email that is sent (for instance the Password Reset email).

Please note that any images that are added to the footer must be accessible to email clients and therefore cannot be linked to your epaPRO environment.

Impacted Areas

 Communication Templates


No new permissions. Any user that has the System Management -> Manage Communication Templates permission can edit the custom footer.

The Coming Soon guide includes images - New Feature - EP-4578 Communication templates - custom footer


medium impact Classed as medium as setup is needed to initiate this.





New Assessment Bookings - Fixed issue with AOs booking prior to notice period


Fixed a bug in the new assessment booking screens which prevented an AO user from booking assessments when their desired booking slot is prior to the components notice period.

Changes to functionality

An AO user will now be able to select slots prior to the components notice period. This will show a warning on the screen to let the user know that this is the case and also when auto booking a warning will appear against the notice period section of the components header information.






Bulk Assign Apprentice - fixed specialism showing in the Employer column


Fixed a bug which caused the apprentices specialism to display in the employer column of the select apprentices table in the bulk assign apprentices screen.

Changes to functionality

The employer will now show correctly in this screen






Bulk Import - start new programme - fixed error when certain empty fields are present in csv


Fixed a bug in which unhelpful errors appear if certain fields such as the employer_id are present in the csv import, for starting a new programme, but are left blank.

Changes to functionality

These fields will now act as expected and will not cause “breaking errors” to occur. For example, if the field is allowed to be empty, then it will process as normal and if not, a typical validation error will appear.






Employer - Assessment centre tab displaying centres owned by different providers.


We have made adjustments to how available assessment centre options are presented when updating or creating an employer.

Changes to Functionality

When creating an employer:

  • Initially, under the assessment centre tab, you will be shown a message that notifies you that in order to see available assessment centre options, you must first pick a provider for the employer.

  • After picking the provider, you will then have a list of options in the assessment centre tab. These assessment centres will be any centre associated with the chosen provider and any centre that is not owned by a provider.

  • If you pick different provider while creating the employer then the list of assessment centres will be automatically updated.

When editing an employer

  • The list of assessment centres will be pre filtered to only show centres that are associated with the employers selected provider or centres that are not owned owned by providers.

Impacted Areas

  • Create/Edit Employer - Assessment Centres


  • None






Assessment Plan - Possible to send an invalid date for the assessment.


We have fixed a bug which allowed for an invalid date to be sent when setting the datetime of the assessment from the assessment plan screen.

Changes to functionality

The date that appears will now be processed so that it cannot be an invalid one when it is shown onscreen and sent through.






Comms Templates - assessment_date_old and assessment_time_old displaying the incorrect date and time


We have fixed a bug which caused the assessment_date_old and assessment_time_old comms variables to show the date and time of the current assessment and not the previous one. These variables now work as intended.

Changes to functionality

The assessment_date_old and assessment_time_old variables will now display the correct date and time for the previous assessment.






Assessment Plan - 90 day pop up warning showing multiple times when changing date


We have fixed a bug which caused the 90 day pop up warning to show multiple times when changing the date on the assessment plan screen.

Changes to functionality

The pop up window will now only show once when the date is outside of the 90 day window.






Assessment Booking - Auto book generated slots appearing outside of capacity hours


We have fixed a bug which caused timeslots to appear an hour before the capacity times, shown on the assessment booking screen, when using the auto book feature of the screen.

Changes to functionality

The time ranges generated for booking blocks on this screen will now line up with the capacity shown correctly.






Comms - fixed provider not receiving comms when assigned apprentice


Fixed a bug which prevented the provider that the apprentice was assigned to from receiving comms for that apprentice.

Changes to functionality

The provider that has been assigned the apprentice will now receive the correct comms relating to that apprentice, as well as any provider with no apprentices assigned.






Bulk Upload - Validation error on specialism id when updating with apprentices username.


We have fixed a bug which caused an error on the specialism id field when attempting to upload in bulk. This error only occurred when the apprentices username was used instead of their id.

Changes to functionality

The apprentice bulk uploads now work as expected and will accept the username when using the specialism id field.






3 dot menu - delete confirmation message


We have fixed a bug where the delete confirmation message was not being displayed when Assessment Centres, Contracts, EPA/EPAMs and Standards were deleted from epaPRO.

Impacted Areas

Assessment Centre listing

Contract listing

EPA listing

EPAM listing

Standards listing


Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact