epaPRO User Group Meeting December 2024
Meeting Date | Dec 12, 2024 |
Meeting Attendees | 31 Attended @Ian Jarvis @Isha Ball @Libby Timms @Lisa Clancy@Dan Lewis |
Meeting Recording
The recording of this meeting, including the items demoed can be viewed and also shared, via the link below to any of your colleagues who may find this useful:
Click to view recording of User Group
PowerPoint Presentation
A copy of the PowerPoint presentation, can be viewed below:
Copy of Agenda
Please find below the agenda for the meeting
1 | Overview of the last three months:Last Quarter 40 x Bugs fixed 25 x Feature Requests Released Development in last 3 months
Coming soon in 5.30.0
2 | Roadmap Items:-
3 | Welcome to new customers |
4 | Accolade
5 | Points for Group Discussion |
6 |
Removal of Capping on assessment resits.
https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/browse/SD-9665 (POLL Available) |
7 | Validation on surname casing, such as McCarthy (POLL Available) |
8 | Apprentice - Data Anonymising (relates to SD-10068) & Data Retention This is a very large scale undertaking if we progress down the data anonymisation route. We would like to form a “Task Force” group from our customers with the people who deal with your compliance so this can be discussed in more detail. Anonymisation
Please note that we are not responsible for updating the data that third parties hold e.g. Aptem in linked systems (via API & Integrations) |
9 | Reasonable Adjustments - “bilingual dictionary” Update - https://covalenttech.atlassian.net/browse/SD-10133 Apologies this has yet to process, we do have it logged internally and we will get to it as soon as we reasonably can. |
10 | Demo of Support Portal Topics |
11 | Synap Training Courses |
12 | Sneak Peak at Skilltech One |
13 | Christmas Opening/Closed Times |
Feedback from Polls
Due to some IT Policies applied by a few of our customers, which unfortunately blocked the poll “bot” for them, the poll results are below.
In Addition we had 3 customer comments for statement 1.
That they still have Assessment Plans with both sets of restrictions (capped & bound) so would need both.
We also had some customers not able to respond to this poll;
1 stated they would need a mixture of both.
1 additional request for Yes.
There were 2 additional responses to the above poll:
1 for remove
1 for don’t remove