Version 5.04.0 - 10/01/2023
Production Release Date: Jan 10, 2023 | Version: 5.04.0 |
UAT Release Date: Dec 6, 2022 |
The Release webinar is available from
Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element
NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added
RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.
screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.
We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.
What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Potential Impact |
| FEATURE | screen_changes NEW_PERMISSIONS | Custom Tasks - Assigning tasks to other users | Custom Tasks - Assigning tasks to other users Summary: A new page has been created under “To-Do’s & Notifications“ in your left navigation menu, for creating and managing tasks that are assigned to other users. These new tasks will appear in the assigned users “My To-Do’s“ page and they will be able to mark their progress for the task as normal, however they will not be able to delete or edit the details of a task. Usage: In order to view and create tasks for other users, first you should open the “Tasks Assigned To Others“ page from the left navigation menu. You will see a list of all the tasks that you have created with the due date and status of the task listed. These tasks include actions that you can perform on the right hand side of the list and filters at the top of the page for searching for specific tasks. Creating a Task:
Editing a Task:
Deleting a task:
Progressing a task as the assigned user:
Permissions: A new set of permissions has been added for assigning tasks to particular user types. In order to view the “Assign Tasks To Others“ page you must have any of the following permissions: Todo → Todo → Todo → Todo → Todo → Todo → Todo → Additionally in order to progress the task using the buttons on the “My To-Do’s” page the assigned user must have the following permission: ToDo → | Low impact This is low Impact as it is not an option that you are required to use. | |
| Logos - Allow main and alt logos to differ | The main and alternative logos can now be used separately i.e. one for the login page and a different one for the main application. | Low impact | |
| FEATURE | NEW_PERMISSIONS | Reporting - QA Question Reports | Two new reports have been created, these are:
Like all new reports, these can be given out to users via the new permissions found under the “Reporting” category. Note that these reports are given to the owner & awarding organisation standard user roles by default. The new reports detail the following:
| Low impact Permission based report, so impact is classed as low | |
| FEATURE | NEW_PERMISSIONS | Reporting - Support Materials - Downloads Report | A new report has been added into the system: “Miscellaneous → Support Materials - Downloads”. This new report will show a list of users that have downloaded a support material, including the number of times they have downloaded it. A corresponding new permission has been created: “Reporting → Support Materials - Downloads”. For Awarding Organisation users (including the owner user) a full list of users will be shown for each support material. For all other users, only the downloads for the logged in user will be shown. Note that the report will also show support material download history for deleted/inactive support materials - this is by design, as it is a report for historical data. A new support material filter has been introduced that allows for users to filter by specific support material titles. | Low impact Permission based report, so impact is classed as low | |
| FEATURE | NEW_PERMISSIONS | Reporting - Custom Charge Billing Report | A new Financials → Custom Charges report has been created. This new report shows apprentice information which can be used to process custom charges against an apprentice. Note that the report currently assumes that the custom charge is 0, as this report is designed to help manage charges that are applied outside of EPAPro contracts. As part of this new report, a new set of date filters have been introduced to help limit apprentices down, based on relative dates - these are:
Selecting one of the above options displays two new options - “Plus/Minus X Day/Week/Month/Years(s)”, and “Range”. The Plus/Minus selection is used to specify the number of days/weeks/months/years to add/remove from today’s date, and the Range selection is used to specify how many days to include, based on the calculated result. A few examples are included below: Example 1
The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date within the next week (i.e. 14/11/2022 - 20/11/2022). Example 2
The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date exactly one week from the day the report is run (i.e. 18/11/2022) Example 3
The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date within the month, twelve months from the day the report is run (i.e. 01/11/2023 - 30/11/2023). Note: An existing issue has also been fixed in the Gateway Submissions Billing report whereby past programme apprentices were always showing an empty gateway committed date. | Low impact Permission based report, so impact is classed as low | |
| FEATURE | RECOMMEND_TRAINING SETUP_REQUIRED | External Assessment - General External Assessment "Other" Option | External Assessment - General External Assessment "Other" Option: We have added a new option for external assessments. When deciding that an assessment plan element requires an external assessment, you are no longer required to use surpass as the option available. We have added a new “Other“ option to allow for general external assessment information to be entered for any other service that you may wish to use. Go To Entity management → Assessment Components → Create/Edit Assessment Component:
Please Be Aware: When selecting both Surpass and Other please be aware that both options will be available on the assessment plan screen, but only one may be selected for an assessment plan element Assessment Plan:
Please Note: When completing the fields under “Other“, you should provide all the information required for that assessment to be able to take place, including any URL’s, passcodes or required information etc. Component Reports:
Please Note: The assessment_details notification variable only provides the external assessment details to certain user types. This functionality has not changed with this new addition and the Other external assessment information will only be provided to the same user types as the Surpass external assessment information. These user types are:-
| medium impact We have classed this as medium as it may benefit from training for your staff, if you use this option. | |
| FEATURE | NEW_PERMISSIONS RECOMMEND_TRAINING | Change of Circumstance - permissions | We have added new permissions to allow restricted access to apprentice change of circumstance, after the apprentice has been through gateway. These new permissions also come into effect when conducting a change of circumstance via the API or bulk import. These new permissions are as follows:
Any user that already has the | medium impact We have classed this as medium as it may benefit from training for your staff, if you use this option. | |
| Reporting - EPA Information report - show 'Accepting Apprentices' status | Added a new column to the EPA Information report - “accepting_new_apprentices”. This new column shows a “Yes”/”No” indication on whether the EPA(M) is set to accept new apprentices. A new filter has also been added to the report so that this column can be filtered on. | Low impact | |
| FEATURE | NEW_PERMISSIONS | Report - QA user report | A new report detailing QA user information has been added to the Miscellaneous reporting section. The permission to control access to this report is named This permission has been granted to the owner user and all awarding organisation users by default. This report includes filters for standard/specialism, role, active flag against the user and the QA user name. The search for this report allows users to search for QA users by first name, last name or email. | Low impact | |
| BUG |
| Communications - Restricted toggle preventing user changing method | OverviewWe have fixed a bug with the restricted toggle preventing users from changing the delivery method of the notification. We have also tweaked the screen to help make it clearer what the configuration options do. Changes to FunctionalityPreviously when setting up a notification to be restricted and enabled, this would prevent an end-user from overriding the status of that notification (turning it off for example) it was also ignoring any method changes they had made, meaning they are forced to always receive it via the method configured by the admin. This has now been fixed, if notification is restricted, the end-user will be able to adjust the method of delivery for that notification, but will still be unable to disable the notification. The restricted and allowed method columns on the configuration screen have been swapped around to help illustrate they do not affect each other. The tooltips against the restricted column have been updated to help clarify what it is affecting. We have also added a new tooltip to the allowed methods, and default method columns. The “Method” column has also been renamed to “Default Methods” to help clarify what it is doing. Impacted Areas
PermissionsNo permissions have been added, amended, or removed. |
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| BUG |
| Permissions - Permissions can now be removed from an apprentice once saved | Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of all extra permissions given to an apprentice, outside of their assigned role, via the update apprentice screen. |
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| BUG |
| Assessment Result - Add Result - Apprentice and Component name no longer greyed out | Fixed a display issue on the assessment result screen where it was unclear that the Apprentice Name and Component Name fields were not editable. |
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| BUG |
| Apprentice Profile - Now possible for past programmes to show as 100% complete within apprentice profile. | Fixed a bug that prevented past programmes from showing 100% completed from within the apprentice profile. |
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| BUG |
| API - Result endpoint returns incorrect result type | We’ve fixed a bug where the API The A new Please see the API documentation for full details. |
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| BUG |
| Change Log - No details of removed permissions are given in the change log | The before/after comparison has been added to the Change Log screen to better see where properties have been removed i.e. permissions |
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| BUG |
| Support Materials - Category materials not displaying | Fixed a bug where support materials placed within categories were not showing for Provider and Employer users when filtered. |
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| BUG |
| Standards - Delete button text is missing on error | Fixed an issue with the 3-dots menu where the delete button text would be missing after an error. |
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| BUG |
| Change Log - Word wrapping on long lines | Fixed a display issue where long lines were not being shown correctly. |
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| BUG |
| Communication Templates - page no longer auto-saves when adding a hyperlink. | Fixed a bug within the communication template screen that triggered the email template to save when confirming the addition of a hyperlink within the communication body. |
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| BUG |
| Side Drawer - Text breaks | Fixed a display issue in the side drawer where long email addresses caused containment issues. |
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| BUG |
| Standards - Delete icon showing as copy | We’ve fixed a display bug where the Delete button in the actions dropdown on the standards screen was using a copy icon instead of a trash bin. |
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| BUG |
| Provider - UKPRN and Billing Reference do not persist on error | Fixed an issue on the provider record where changes to the UKPRN or Billing Reference fields did not persist if there was a saving error. |
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| BUG |
| Support Materials - Error on refresh when filtering by status or type | Fixed a bug where the support materials filters caused a page error on refresh if status or type were selected. |
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| BUG |
| Past programmes - Clicking 'View Certification' now correctly shows the past programme certification | Fixed a bug that prevented the viewing of certification records via the certification side drawer for past programmes. |
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| BUG |
| Start New Programme - Specialism dropdown not properly validating | We’ve fixed a bug where the specialisms dropdown would not properly validate, allowing for an apprentice to potentially be registered on a standard without a specialism (when they require one). |
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| BUG |
| Communication Template - Error when trying to send test password reset email | We’ve fixed a bug which was preventing a test email from being sent for the password reset communication. |
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| BUG |
| Bulk Upload - Import error if the estimated epa or completion dates are not entered | We have fixed a bug where the bulk import for create apprentice would fail if the estimated EPA date and/or completion date fields are not provided but the column and heading is still in the CSV. |
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| BUG |
| Reporting - Saved report dropdown cut off | We’ve fixed a display bug with the saved report dropdown where some categories would cause it to be cut off with a scrollbar. |
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| BUG |
| Permissions - EPA Bug Fix | Permissions: |
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| BUG |
| Planning Meeting - Changing page no longer loses sorting. | Fixed a bug that prevented the sorting from persisting when changing page within the Manage Planning Meetings screen. |
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| BUG |
| Awaiting Acceptance - no longer possible to accept and reject the same apprentice. | Fixed a bug that allowed EPA(M) users to both accept and reject an apprentice from their caseload, by having multiple tabs open. |
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| BUG |
| Roles - Including a forward slash in the role name no longer causes a display issue. | Fixed a bug where including the forward slash in the name of a role caused an error when changing the role against a user. |
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| BUG |
| Password - Passwords can now be updated on a user basis, not an email address basis. | Fixed a bug that causes password resets to affect all users that shared an email address - password resets are now user specific, and therefore are changeable independently. |
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| BUG |
| Apprentice - Last Registration Date Validation | Apprentice: Fixed a bug in which the last registration date validation was triggering when updating an apprentice. This field should only be checked when an apprentice is created. |
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| BUG |
| Assign Apprentices - Sort by Given/Family Name now available | The sorting controls against the given/family name columns should now function as expected. This will affect the following screens:
It will also affect the Awaiting Decision screen, available to EPA users. |
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| BUG |
| Assessment Plan - Double Booking error message | We’ve improved the error handling when a booking is attempted to be booked or rescheduled. This is most likely when a user has the plan open in multiple tabs or browser windows, a suitable error message will now be returned. |
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| BUG |
| Essentials - Error log issue | Fixed an issue where the error log contained an essentials function printout when it should not. |
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| BUG |
| File Upload - Validation checks | Validation checks against file uploads have been updated to also check the file extension relative to the current allow list for file types (mimetypes). This essentially means that both the underlying file type and the file extension are validated against EPAPro’s allow list. |
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| BUG |
| Reporting - Error when exporting to CSV after sorting | We’ve improved the error handling if the sorted column is removed from the export. The column needs to be included otherwise we’re unable to sort it, in this instance, an error message will explain the issue rather than a generic error shown previously. |