Version 5.09.0 - 23/05/2023
Production Release Date: May 23, 2023 | Version: 5.09.0 |
UAT Release Date: Apr 25, 2023 |
The Release webinar is available here;
Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element
NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added
RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.
screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.
low impact medium impact high impact
We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.
What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Potential Impact |
EP-3085 | FEATURE |
| Assessment component - active/inactive status | We have moved the active/inactive status for assessment components so that it is now a switch that appears under the Communication Attachment input on the Component Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the assessment component status has been removed as a result. | low impact | |
EP-3085 | FEATURE |
| Gateway specifications - active/inactive status | We have moved the active/inactive status for gateway specifications so that it is now a switch that appears under the Start Date/End Date inputs on the Gateway Specification Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the gateway specification status has been removed as a result. | low impact | |
EP-3085 | FEATURE |
| Gateway components - active/inactive status | We have moved the active/inactive status for gateway components so that it is now a switch that appears under the Component Description input on the Gateway Component Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the gateway component status has been removed as a result. | low impact | |
EP-3085 | FEATURE |
| Assessment schemas - active/inactive status | We have moved the active/inactive status for assessment schemas so that it is now a switch that appears under the Version input on the Schema Details tab. The pre-existing button that used to control the assessment schema status has been removed as a result. As a part of this work, we have also fixed a bug where overlapping dates were not being checked for locked-down schemas (schemas currently actively in use), meaning that it was possible to create/edit a schema with an end date overlapping the start date of another assessment schema. | low impact | |
EP-3714 | FEATURE |
| Side Drawer - Extensions to notes functionality | Side Drawer Apprentice Notes Summary When using the side drawer, the list of apprentice notes that appears can now be filtered to only show the ones you want. They can be filtered by the category of the note and a search term that must appear in either the notes title or content. Usage
Please Note: You may click a note to open it exactly the same as before. When going back to the notes list your filters will be remembered. | low impact | |
| FEATURE | SETUP_REQUIRED | Contracts - Add Custom Charge and link to report | The Contracts area has been updated to replace the “Resit Price” against a Standard. This price has not previously been utilised anywhere within epaPRO and this feature changes that. The Resit Price has now been replaced with “Custom Charge” but otherwise operates in the same manner as far as the Contracts screen goes. In addition the existing “Custom Charges” report under the Financial category has now been updated to use this price for calculations going forward. All other parts of this report remain the same i.e. using the apprentice’s start date for contract retrieval. If you do have the “Resit Price” currently set against any standards, please note that these will be updated to be “Custom Charge” and will show up on the “Custom Charges report. Finally a small bug fix has been done whereby the price calculations were not working correctly when pricing values were null or blank. | medium impact Will have an impact for those customers that use Custom Charges hence medium | |
| Reporting - Extend User report with SSO details | The User Details report has been extended with new columns to indicate where SSO methods have been enabled and/or linked for each user. The enabled columns represent the toggles below against a user’s profile. The linked columns indicate if the user has linked their account and can log in via the SSO method. Filters have been added for both enabled and linked based columns. | low impact | |
| FEATURE | SETUP_REQUIRED | Daily Digest - New Variables For notifications, Actions and Custom Tasks | Daily Digest - New Variables For notifications, Actions and Custom Tasks Summary: We have divided the functionality of the pre existing Usage: Open the action and notification digest email under the user tab of the communication templates page. Using the communication variables helper on the right hand side of the screen you can use any of the variables in the body section of the template. Below you will see a brief explanation and example of each new variable:
Warning: The | low impact Would recommend if setting this up that information is communicated to users to advise of changes. | |
| Gateway - Confirm apprentice details | The apprentice’s telephone number has been added to the “Confirm Apprentice Details” section of the gateway submission process. | low impact | |
| Reporting - Result Tracking extensions | The result tracking report has been extended with some additional fields and filters to aid in reporting. Details are below:
| low impact | |
| Global User Search | The global search has been updated with a few performance enhancements to improve the accuracy of requests. The search will now only activate after 3 typed characters and there will be a small delay before sending the request to help avoid duplicate or unnecessary requests. | low impact | |
| FEATURE | New_Permissions | Reporting - EPA Ready Date | Overview Changes to Functionality Impacted Areas Permissions | low impact | |
| Reporting - Reschedule details added to planning history report | Reporting: Summary We have added reschedule details to the Planning History Report. The following fields have been added:
The Rescheduled Reason field can be filtered against using the newly added Reschedule Reason filter. Any number of reasons may be selected and only rows with one of the selected reasons will be displayed. | low impact | |
| Apprentices - New setting to enforce providers to make a change of circumstance in order to change standard/specialism pre gateway | Summary: We have added a new system setting that, when enabled, will require a provider to make a change of circumstance for an apprentice when wanting to change an apprentices standard or specialism pre-gateway. Usage: This setting can be found by clicking the System Management → Configuration link in your side menu. The setting can then be toggled by clicking the toggle switch for the setting “Enforce Change Of Circumstance For Standard/Specialism Change” under the Apprentice tab. Please Note: By default this setting will be switched off. If you wish to enable it please follow the above instructions. When enabled a provider will not have access to the fields and will have to create a change of circumstance in order to update them for an apprentice. This is also the case for the API and Bulk Upload. | If used, then this could be classed as high impact by default as disabled would then be Low impact | |
| FEATURE | New_Permissions recommend training | Result Publishing to QA | OverviewepaPRO has been enhanced with the addition of a new submission check box against an assessment result - this new submission check box allows for an assessment result to be worked on & saved in stages, as the result will not be made available for QA/publishing until the result is submitted. Changes to FunctionalityTo cater for the above, the following changes have been made to the system areas below: Assessment ResultsA new check box has been introduced to the footer of the assessment result screen, to flag a result as being finished & ready for QA/publishing. Once submitted, a user cannot be reverse the submission unless they possess the new permission (see the permissions area for more details). At the point that QA is officially started (a QA record is created against a result) the result cannot be submitted, even with the permission. Until a result is submitted, the result is considered a work in progress, meaning that there is no validation against what is/is not required for the user to input - this allows for results to be created without outcomes etc. (where previously these were required). Note that all of the fields that were previously required will be enforced once a user attempts to submit the result. Once a result has been submitted, the result can still be edited, as the EPA(M) assigned to the element & the QA user may need to make changes as part of the QA process - the new submission flag is purely decided to allow results to be incomplete whilst they are a work in progress. QAThe QA system has been updated to no longer select results for sampling until the result is officially submitted. If the submission is reverted using the permission, the result will remember it’s QA sampling state unless the outcome is changed. The QA activity tab has also been updated to log when an outcome against an assessment result is updated post-submission. Aside from the above, once a result is submitted there should be no changes between how the system used to work & now. ReportingDue to the addition of this new stage, the following reports have been updated to prevent showing results before they are submitted.
The “Assessment → Result Tracking” report has also been updated to have the following additions:
SurpassThe Surpass integration has been updated to mark any results created from Surpass as automatically submitted. SLA’sWhilst this hasn't changed with this work it is worth confirming that the SLA - Time from result being added to QA being published will not start its countdown until the result is officially submitted. epaPROAside from the above, various areas of the system have been updated (anywhere that shows results) to cater for this new submission stage. Results that are not submitted should be considered by the rest of the system of not being available - this includes the Assessment Profile, Apprentice Profile, Appeals, Element Side Drawer, Record of Achievement, API, etc. Impacted Areas
PermissionsAs part of this enhancement, the following new permissions have been made available:
Information with Screenshots can be found here - Feature EP-2994 - Publish results, submitting QA - 2 step process | high impact | |
| Bug |
| Bulk upload - helper documentation throwing forbidden error | Fixed a bug that prevented the bulk upload helper documentation from throwing a server error when opened. |
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| Bug |
| Change of Circumstance - API/Bulk Upload missing new date fields | We have fixed a bug where the API and Bulk upload did not support updating the expected completion date (when going back to in assessment) or the expected ready for EPA date (when going back to on programme). Support for both of these has now been added to both our API and Bulk Upload. The bulk upload example CSV and documentation now include both of these fields. These fields are both bound by the same rules as the screen and will also be ignored if the apprentice is not moving to a supported status. |
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| Bug |
| Side Drawer - Apprentice notes: Clicking any note will only open the top note | Side Drawer: Apprentice Notes Fixed a bug in which only the first apprentice note in the side drawer could be opened. Now any of the apprentice notes may be selected and opened into a more detailed view in the side drawer simply by clicking on them. |
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| Bug |
| Error Log - Date reporting | Fixed a bug that caused errors to be logged on the server when invalid date comparison filters have been selected. The reporting engine has also been updated to show a more accurate error message when this occurs. |
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| Bug |
| Error Log - Reminders | Fixed a bug that caused error log entries on the server when reminders are disabled. |
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| Bug |
| Assign Apprentice - bulk accept fails to load when empty. | Fixed a bug that caused the bulk accept apprentices modal to not load correctly when the modal had no apprentices to show. |
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| Bug |
| Error Log - Global Search logout | Fixed a bug that caused an error to be logged on the server when a user attempted to use the global search whilst logged out. |
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| Bug |
| Providers - Delete Provider not working for custom roles | Providers: Fixed a bug in which deleting a provider did not work for users that were assigned a custom role. Users with custom roles will now be able to delete providers as expected. |
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| Bug |
| Assessment Result - Empty options | Fixed a bug where empty grade options were showing in the Add/Edit result screen. This occurred due to alternative grade options being left blank within the grade profile screen. |
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| Bug |
| Reporting - Handling saved reports with special characters | Fixed a bug where saved reports with some special characters (i.e. forward slash) were unable to be emailed out via a schedule. |
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| Bug |
| Standard - Changing standard URL to incorrect ID throws exception | Fixed a bug where the system was not properly handling an erroneous standard id on the edit standard page. |
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| Bug |
| Appeals - Open Element Summary button does not work when editing an appeal | Appeals: Fixed a bug in which the Open Element and Certification Summary buttons did not work when editing an appeal. |
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| Bug |
| QA Details - Success Message When Saving | QA Details: A new success message has been added to the QA Details tab that displays when the QA Details are saved. This will make it easier to know that your changes have taken effect. |
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| Bug |
| QA - EPA/M attached to other elements unable to QA | We have fixed a bug where an EPA/M attached to an assessment plan element, as the element EPA, could not QA other elements within the same assessment plan (where they were not the element EPA for said elements). They will now be selectable from the Assigned User on the Result QA screen. |
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| Bug |
| Select/Deselect Methods - align in system | The following screens have been updated to handle the select/deselect button when users manually toggle the first/last item in the list.
Note: The assessment booking code has not been updated, as this is currently being heavily changed in another ticket. |
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| Bug |
| Surpass - Error when cancelling a test | We have tweaked our Surpass cancel logic to try and better handle when a Surpass test is not in a cancellable state. This should help with reschedules when Surpass says the test cannot be moved from one status to another. |
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| Bug |
| Planning meeting - attendee removal | We have fixed a bug where it was not possible to remove assessment plan attendees if they were not removed starting with the most recently added first. |
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| Bug |
| Assessment Profile - Book Resit/Retake button | We have fixed a bug where the ‘Book Resit’ and ‘Book Retake’ buttons were showing for an EPA that was associated with the component in question only (where they were not the apprentice EPA). We have now removed this button from the Assessment Profile component listing. |
Epic Link | key | type | Action Required | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description | Potential Impact |