Version 5.12.0 - 15/08/2023

Version 5.12.0 - 15/08/2023

Production Release Date: Aug 15, 2023

Version: 5.12.0

UAT Release Date: Jul 18, 2023


The Release webinar is available from here ;

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact





Standard - Add sector field


A new entry in Entity management → Custom Dropdowns has been introduced for “Standard Sectors”


Example of sectors

This can be optionally assigned against a standard under the “Standard Details” tab, on the edit screen.


The following reports have also been updated with the following changes:

  • Miscellaneous → Standards

    • New column to show the standard sector

    • New filter has been introduced to filter based on the standard sector

  • Miscellaneous → Specialisms

    • Same as above

low impact





Apprentices - Rename Expected EPA Date to Expected Gateway Date


Updated references to the expected EPA date / expected ready for EPA date to read as the expected gateway date.

Note this has been a frontend change only - bulk upload and API will still use the original field names to preserve functionality.

low impact

Whilst this has a low impact, we would recommend notifying users to make them aware of this change of terminology






SMS - Internal updates to our delivery status logic


We have updated the internal logic we perform when validating a response from our SMS provider to update the SMS report.

low impact





Assessment Screens - Default Sorting + Sorting options


The default sorting against some of the assessment listing screens has been removed for performance reasons - In a large set of cases, users primarily use the search or filters to narrow down the list and the extra time spent on the default sorting was seen as unnecessary.

In its place we’ve added a Sort filter, so that should users want to apply the original default sort (apprentice’s surname) or any other available sort option then they may do so.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Progress

    • Sorting options are apprentice surname and expected completion date

  • QA

    • Sorting options are apprentice surname and expected completion date

  • Certification

    • Sorting options are apprentice surname and expected completion date

low impACT





Assign Apprentice - Submitted apprentices now show a submitted gateway date.


The Assign Apprentice screens have been updated to show the latest gateway submission date when the “submitted” gateway status filter is applied.

Changes to Functionality

The Assign Apprentice screens have been updated to show the latest gateway submission date, alongside the audit submitted date. This will allow the submitted gateway date column to be populated when the user filters by gateway status “Submitted”, as previously this was blank.

Impacted Areas

  • Assign Apprentice (all modes)








Bulk Import - Providers


 We have added bulk upload and update functionality for Providers, which works in much the same way as the other bulk imports.

Changes to Functionality

New functionality has been provided to allow for the creation or update of provider entities via the bulk import. We have also created an example file that you can download and use as a guide for the names of the columns that can be included. There is also an documentation guide for the fields that are required and those that are optional for each of the create or update bulk upload options.

Specifically relating to the updating of providers, ensure that you only include columns that you are updating for every provider in the file. The upload functionality assumes that if the column exists within the file, the value that is within it is the value to update the provider on that row with. Also, please note that when updating the standards relating to an provider, you need to include all the standards that relate to that provider. So, for example, if an provider you are updating is already associated with standards that you wish to keep, you need to include these existing external_standard_id’s with any new ones you provide with the update.

Impacted Areas

 Bulk import


No new permissions

Screenshots and more info can be seen here -

Feature - EP-3975 Bulk import - Provider entity

low impact

We would advise some training is offered on this new feature. But as it is not a mandatory option we have classed this as Low.





External Assessment - Ensure inactive services cannot be configured


As part of our preparation for additional assessment services we have improved the external services configuration tab on the assessment component screen to not show services that have not been configured on the environment.

The assessment plan screen will still show a service if it was enabled at the time the element was booked, however, the element will not be able to be updated if it is no longer enabled and an error message will be shown.

Changes to Functionality

  • Updated the component screen’s external services tab to be dynamic based on the services enabled, “Other” will always be available if external assessment services are enabled on the environment

  • Updated the assessment plan to improve handling of external services if they’re disabled

  • Surpass can now be configured separately by Skilltech on an environment

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Assessment Component

  • Surpass

low impact





Reporting - EPA Information Report - New field added for minimum QA Percentage


We have added a new field, titled standard_specialism_min_qa, to the EPA Information Report to show the EPA’s minimum QA percentage against either the standard or the specialism.

  • When the row on the report has a specialism and that specialism has a minimum QA percentage set against it, then this field will show the EPA’s minimum QA percentage against the specialism.

  • When the row in the report does not have a specialism then the field will show the EPA’s minimum QA percentage set against the standard.

low impact





QOL- Amend Tooltip description on ROA Template


The tooltip for the Record of Achievement field has been updated to detail the contents of the apprentice_name template variable.

Changes to Functionality

The tooltips for the Record of Achievement field, within the Assessment Schema & Assessment Component entity screens, have been updated to detail the contents of the apprentice_name template variable - it is now specified that this contains the first and last name only.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Components → Entity screen

  • Assessment Schema → Entity screen



low impact





Assign Apprentice - Text added on confirmation popup


When an EPA or EPAM accepts an apprentice into their caseload the confirmation popup text has been altered to the following:

Are you sure you wish to accept this apprentice?

By accepting you confirm that you have no conflict with this apprentice, their employer, or provider.

low impact





Would recommend small amount of training on this change.

Users - update the bulk assign roles screen to improve user experience.


The bulk assign roles functionality has been updated to allow greater volume processing.

Changes to Functionality

The following enhancements have been provided:

  • A new “Bulk Assign All Users” button has been introduced. This will process all of the users that meet the provided selection criteria in the listing screen, and ignore pagination. i.e. filtering by role “apprentice” may return 1,000 users (10 pages of 100 users) - clicking Bulk Assign All Users will process all 1,000 users, not the 100 visible on the page.

    • Note that (due to the volumes of users that could be returned) the Bulk Assign Roles popup will not show the list of users when using the Bulk Assign All Users mode - it will only give a total number of users that will be processed.

  • The listing screen has been updated to show the “Last Updated” column in a more user friendly format.

Impacted Areas

  • Bulk Assign Roles to Users

low impact





Would recommend small amount of training on this change.

QA - Show developmental feedback to EPAs before published


Updated the QA screen to show EPA(M) users their developmental feedback ahead of QA publishing.

Changes to Functionality

The QA screen has been updated to show the EPA(M) user their developmental feedback, before the QA has been published, although the EPA(M) is not able to interact with the feedback until post-publishing.

The feedback will also not appear within the EPA(M)'s user profile until the QA is published.

Impacted Areas

  • QA



low impact / medium impact

This should bring benefits as widely requested, would suggest training to the users of the screen to make them aware of the changes - hence we have listed Low/medium as the impact.





EPA - Add filters and pagination to developmental feedback tab


Enhancements have been made to the EPA developmental feedback tab within the EPA entity screen to make it easier for EPAs to track their feedback.

Changes to Functionality

The EPA entity screen “Developmental Feedback” tab has been updated to offer additional functionality:

  • Search box is now provided that allows searching based on feedback title.

  • New filter to determine whether to show:

    • All EPA developmental feedback

    • Outstanding developmental feedback (not signed off)

    • Signed off developmental feedback

  • The signed off date and time should now show in an easier to read format.

Impacted Areas

  • User Management → EPA Managers / EPAs



low impact




Setup_Required New_Permissions Screen_Changes

Change of circumstance - permissions for 'in assessment' and 'completed' status


 We have added two new permissions for Change of Circumstance: CoC to Completed and CoC to In Assessment.

Changes to Functionality

 There are two new permissions that have been added when processing an apprentice’s change of circumstance. These are CoC to Completed and CoC to In Assessment and can be found in the Change of Circumstance section of the permissions screen.

These permissions have be granted to any user that already had the Change of Circumstance permission in the Apprentice section of the permissions screen. The permissions determine if the user can change of circumstance a user to Completed or In Assessment.

These permissions come into play when Change of Circumstancing an apprentice via the Screen, API or Bulk upload.

Impacted Areas

 Change of Circumstance screen, API, Bulk upload.


Following customer feedback while this was on UAT we have removed these two permissions from our default provider role.

  • CoC to Completed - determines if the user has permission to Change of Circumstance the apprentice to Completed

  • CoC to In Assessment - determines if the user user permission to Change of Circumstance the apprentice to In Assessment

medium impact

Note a change has been made following feedback (see description) and is loaded to your UAT





Authentication - Adjust session length and add a notification


The logout due to inactivity within epaPRO has been increased from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

In addition to this, a new in-app notification has been added to inform the user when they have 10 minutes remaining on their login. Clicking the notification will keep the user logged in for another 2 hours.

low impact

Would advise notifying users of this change, which whilst it has a low impact, it should offer benefits.





training recommended

Assessment profile - gateway link


We have added a link back to the apprentice gateway on the assessment profile screen. As a part of this work, we have also changed the buttons along the top of the screen to be a menu called Navigation.

Changes to Functionality

The buttons along the top of the assessment profile screen are now a menu, with the addition of a link back to the apprentice gateway.

Impacted Areas

Assessment profile screen


No new permissions have been introduced.

low impact

Would advise notifying users of this change, which whilst it has a low impact, it should offer benefits.





Save and Exit/Continue buttons for user and entity screens


 We have added Save and Exit and Save and Continue buttons throughout the user and entity screens in epaPRO.

Impacted Areas

  • Apprentice add/edit screen

  • Awarding organisation add/edit screen

  • Employer add/edit screen

  • EPA /EPA Manager add/edit screen

  • Provider add/edit screen

  • Quality manager add/edit screen

  • Component add/edit screen

  • Contract add/edit screen

  • Gateway specification component add/edit screen

  • Gateway specification add/edit screen

  • Grade profile add/edit screen

  • QA questions template add/edit screen

  • Standard add/edit screen


No new permissions have been added.

low impact





Apprentice profile - apprentice notes


We have made changes to apprentice notes so that when adding/editing/delete notes the user is kept on the apprentice notes tab of the Apprentice Profile.

Impacted Areas

Apprentice notes, Apprentice profile

low impact




If implemented:-


Gateway - confirming prerequisites


The gateway confirmation process within epaPRO has been enhanced to allow Provider users the opportunity to confirm (and change, if necessary) key pieces of information before confirming an apprentice. This should provide an easier way for Provider users to update the apprentice details at the point of confirmation, and provide EPAO users with more accurate information.

Changes to Functionality

The provider screen has been updated to have a new “Settings” tab - this is only visible to Awarding Organisation users.

A new setting has been added to this screen called “Uses Gateway Verification Method” - this new setting enables the new gateway process outlined in this release.

The enrolled screen within the gateway menu has been updated to now provide a “Verify” button instead of the “Confirm” button previously offered, when enabled against the provider. Clicking this new button now opens a modal window where users must accept (and change, if necessary) the following key pieces of information prior to submission:

  • Standard/Specialism

  • Expected Gateway Date

  • Assessment Plan Number (a.k.a., Assessment schema)

Any information relating to the above can be amended prior to submission - changing this information will update the apprentice record with the new details automatically.

Once an apprentice has been confirmed for gateway, the standard and estimated gateway (expected ready for EPA) date become locked - the gateway must be unconfirmed before changes can be made. Unconfirming an apprentice follows the previous flow (pressing the “Unconfirm” button within the confirm screen within the gateway menu).

Note that this locking now occurs at Gateway Confirmation, regardless as to whether the new “Verify” functionality is used.

Note that once an apprentices details have been updated via the verification process, unconfirming the details will not revert the apprentice to the previous standard / estimated gateway date against that apprentice. If these details are submitted incorrectly, they can be changed after the unconfirming process via the normal methods (API, apprentice screen, update apprentice bulk upload).

The rest of the gateway process has not been changed as part of this development.

Note that the frontend of epaPRO has been updated during this development to show the expected ready for EPA date as “Expected Gateway Date”, to make this field’s functionality clearer to providers. Bulk upload and API have not been changed, meaning no changes to external systems need to be made to cater for these changes.

Impacted Areas

  • Provider

  • Gateway


None, though access to this functionality is granted on a per-Provider basis via the entity screen.


low impact / high impact

This work is controlled by a setting and will be off by default, if so it is classed as Low Impact.

If the setting is enabled for a Provider it will show them a new screen, so this has been classed as potentially high impact as it will require notification to your Training Providers.





Reporting Dashboard Improvements


Various new reports have been created to allow greater performance statistics to be gathered.

In addition to the above, a new field has been added to the standards screen to allow a sector to be assigned. This sector field has been added to various reports, and a new filter has been introduced.

As part of this development, the reporting dashboard has also been updated to load charts separately to increase page performance. A chart can also be refreshed individually.

Changes to Functionality

Reporting Dashboard

The Reporting → Dashboard has been updated to load the assigned charts individually, instead of loading them all at once. This allows data for smaller charts to be returned without having to wait for larger, more demanding charts to finish loading.

A new refresh button has been added to the header of each chart - this allows the user to refresh an individual chart, again reducing wait times.

As part of this work, the following charts have been removed due to lack of use / superseding by new reports:

  • Get Gateway Throughput By Epa

  • Gateway Actual Earnings By Provider

  • Gateway Actual Earnings By Standard

  • Gateway Actual Earnings By Employer

  • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Provider

  • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Standard

  • Gateway Predicted Earnings By Employer

New Reports

As part of this work, new reports have been created & added to the reporting suite.

  • Assessment Pass/Fail

    • This report will show the pass/fail percentage of each assessment type, by standard (and specialism, if applicable).

  • Assessment 1st Time Pass

    • This report is the same as the above, however it will show the 1st time pass/fail percentage instead.

      • A 1st pass is defined as gaining a pass grade without a previous failure.

  • Certification Pass/Fail

    • This report will show the certification pass/fail percentage of each standard (and specialism, if applicable).

  • Certification 1st Time Pass

    • This report is the same as the above, however it will show the 1st time pass/fail percentage instead.

      • A 1st pass is defined as gaining a pass grade without a previous failure on any of the assessment components.

  • Average Days in EPA

    • This report will show the average number of days spent in EPA of each standard (and specialism, if applicable).

      • Note that this average figure takes change of circumstance into consideration, and therefore will not count those days where an apprentice was deemed off-programme.

Standard Sectors

A new custom dropdown has been introduced for “Standard Sectors” - these can be configured within the pre-existing Entity Management → Custom Dropdowns → Standard Sectors.

Once configured, a standard sector can be assigned to a standard, allowing for similar groups of standards to be identified more easily (i.e. Retail).

The reporting engine has been updated to allow any report that currently offers a standard filter,  to also offer a standard sector filter. Reports containing the standard name have also been updated to show the sector name, if one has been assigned.

On top of this, a sector filter has also been added to the Entity Management → Standards screen.

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting → Dashboard

  • Reporting → Assessment

  • Reporting → Certification

  • Entity Management → Standards

  • Entity Management → Custom Dropdowns


The following permissions have been removed from the system:

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Apprentices Through Gateway By EPA

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Actual Earnings by Provider

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Actual Earnings by Standard

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Actual Earnings by Employer

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Predicted Earnings by Provider

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Predicted Earnings by Standard

  • Reporting Dashboard -> Predicted Earnings by Employer

The following permissions have been added to the system (these have all been granted to owner and awardingorganisation roles by default):

  • Reporting -> Assessment Pass/Fail

  • Reporting -> Assessment 1st Time Pass

  • Reporting -> Certification Pass/Fail

  • Reporting -> Certification 1st Time Pass

  • Reporting -> Average Days in EPA

low impact





Assessments - Component communication includes Surpass URL even if Other is being used


We have fixed a bug where the Surpass URL would be included in communication containing the “assessment_details” variable if “Other” is the service being used and Surpass is not configured on the component.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • Communications:

    • Component Invitation

    • Component Rescheduled

    • Component Cancelled

    • External Assessment

    • Component Resit






Reporting - Assessment Component Question Responses Report


Fixed a bug in the Assessment Component Question Responses report where apprentices without an employer were not included.






Assessment Profile - "Book Resit" button showing when shouldn't


Fixed a bug where the “Book Resit” button would show as a primary action against an element even when the maximum number of resits had been reached. This bug does not affect the side drawer under the “Manage” button where the “Book Resit” option is correctly not shown.








Fixed a bug that allowed result outcomes to be blanked for a submitted result.

Changes to Functionality

The validation has been updated to prevent a user from blanking the outcome against a submitted result.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Results








Reporting - ESFA Attempts report - exported CSV now displaying data/errors correctly


Fixed a bug that shows “Array” within the error and data fields of the ESFA Attempts report, instead of the actual data.

Changes to Functionality

A bug has been fixed within the ESFA Attempts exports (both email and CSV download) that showed the word “Array” in the “data” and “error” fields, instead of the actual data.

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting → ESFA Attempts








Billing - Quarterly summary headings not adjusting the financial year


We have fixed a bug where the quarterly summary headings on the billing dashboard were not updating with the newly selected YY-YYYY value for the selected financial year.






Reporting - Deleted contracts appearing in report


Fixed a bug in which deleted contracts would appear in the contracts report. They will now no longer show in the list.






Side Drawer - Result No Longer Showing Green Tick


Fixed a bug in a which a green tick would no longer appear next to the result section in the side drawer. Now when a result has been submitted the result section will show as ticked off.






Assessment Plan - external services not cancelling when assessment plan cancelled.


Fixed a bug that caused external services to remain uncancelled when an assessment plan was cancelled.

Changes to Functionality

Fixed a bug that prevented the cancelation of external services tied to elements (i.e. ProctorU) when a change of circumstance cancelled an assessment plan.

As part of this, a separate bug has also been fixed that prevented the cancelation of ProctorU when an assessment plan was cancelled via any method.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

  • ProctorU

  • Surpass

  • Microsoft Teams








QA Question Templates - Unhelpful Duplicate Errors


Fixed a bug in which having duplicate entries for the question key or order number fields would lead to unhelpful error messages. The error messages will now specify which key or order number is duplicated. Additional the error’s would repeat. This how now been fixed so that the error messages will only show once per field.






Standards - When adding a standard specialisms do not persist on error


The standards screen has been updated to remember changes made to specialisms when saving fails.

Changes to Functionality

The standards screen has been updated to persist changes/additions to the specialisms tab when saving the changes fails (due to validation or an error). Previously this information was lost & needed to be re-entered.

Impacted Areas

  • Standard entity management.




Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact