Version 5.15.0 - 07/11/2023

Version 5.15.0 - 07/11/2023

Production Release Date: Nov 7, 2023

Version: 5.15.0

UAT Release Date: Oct 10, 2023


We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact






Assessment Result - Behind the scenes refactoring and code improvements


We have completed some improvements behind the scenes to the assessment result screen and area. These changes should keep existing functionality, with the exception of the Send External Notification button. This button would show for a Surpass result and would send the External Assessment communication. However, this button would only show when a result has been created with Surpass details - given the communication is to inform the apprentice of an upcoming Surpass test, it isn’t very useful.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Result - including Surpass result data, Question forms download/upload, QuestionMark result data, and ProctorU

  • Result Adjustment

  • Manage Element SideDrawer - specifically the Manual QA toggle button

low impact





Assessment Plan - Backend code improvements


We have improved some of our backend code on the assessment plan to improve maintainability moving forward and potentially provide performance improvements in some instances. This should not impact functionality.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan - When saving, booking a resit, booking a retake, or rescheduling an assessment element

low impact





ProctorU - Improved support for non-Surpass external services


We have improved our ProctorU integration to work better with our other non-Surpass external assessment integrations.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Plan

low impact





ESFA - Improved standard versioning with course options


We have improved our ESFA integration when fetching Course Options on the standard screen.

  • If a version has been entered into the standard version field, then we will now only fetch course options for that version.

  • If no version exists for the standard, then we will fall back to fetching all versions between 1.0 and 2.0 of the standard.

However, saving the standard would still require a version being entered as it did before.

Impacted Areas

  • Standards

low impact





EPA Date Booking Fix


We have addressed an issue that prevented providers from booking a planning meeting, if the apprentices estimated gateway date is the same day as the desired booking date.

The book button will now display as expected and the provider will be able to book the planning meeting in this situation.

low impact





Users - New locked flag


A new locked flag has been introduced to prevent users from logging into epaPRO.

Changes to Functionality

A new “locked” flag has been introduced to prevent users from logging into epaPRO. Previously, this was handled by the active/inactive status of the user, but this flag also controlled when users appeared elsewhere in the system (such as EPA(M) users being assigned to elements) - by splitting the functionality of these features, users will no longer temporarily disappear from lists etc. when users are locked out of their accounts due to failed login attempts.

A user will be locked when either of the following situations occur:

  • The user attempts to login unsuccessfully more than five times consecutively.

  • The new button, similar to the pre-existing active/inactive button, is toggled within the edit user screen.

When a user is locked, a new [ LOCKED ] badge will display within the “Status” column of that user listing page to highlight this. A filter has been introduced to allow filtering users based on their locked status.

Note that the functionality behaves slightly different for employer and provider users, due to those entities having sub-users assigned against them - to see the locked/unlocked status of those users, edit/view the employer/provider record and use the Users tab.

The Miscellaneous → User Details report has been updated to show the new locked status.

Impacted Areas

  • Login

  • Awarding organisations (listing and edit/view)

  • EPA(M) (listing and edit/view)

  • Quality managers (listing and edit/view)

  • Apprentices (listing and edit/view)

  • Employers (sub-user listing and edit/view)

  • Providers (sub-user listing and edit/view)

  • Reporting → Miscellaneous → User Details



low impact





API - Automatic clean-up of old and unused API events


We have introduced automatic clean-up of old API events that are either not used or old.

Changes to functionality

Actions within epaPRO trigger an event in our API queue, some customers use this queue to then update their own systems and an apprentice progresses through epaPRO.

Customers that do not use our API will have their queue grow larger over time, causing increased resource usage and also a large backlog that they may not need if they start using our API. When an event is processed via our API it is also moved into a “history” table, which is just a record of an event being processed. This can also grow large for customers that are using our API.

In this release, we have introduced a couple of automated clean-up routines for both of these tables. The following will now apply to all environments:

  • Unprocessed API queue events - these will be automatically deleted when they are older than 30 days - this will provide a suitable amount of time for customers using our API to process the event, while not impacting resource usage if it’s not processed.

  • Processed API queue events - these will be automatically deleted when they are older than 365 days - this will provide a suitable amount of time for customers using our API to notify us of any issues with an event, allowing us to identify the issue, while still preventing the history from becoming too large.

Both of these routines will run weekly.

low impact





API - Overall result against apprentice endpoint


Added new entry to the API queue when a certification overall result becomes available, containing the show apprentice URL.

Changes to Functionality

The QA publishing of a certification record has been updated to add an additional entry into the API queue. The result is that two entries are now input at point of publishing, these are:

  • publish_certification - pre-existing entry that offers the route to the certification record.

  • certification_result_available - new entry that offers the route to the apprentice record, as this will show the overall result obtained by the apprentice.

Impacted Areas

  • QA

  • API



low impact




Screen Changes

Calendar entries consistent within epaPRO


 We have made the calendar entries more consistent across epaPRO so that they all follow the same format. The new format is as follows:

 <pending status> <apprentice name> - <component name>/<planning meeting>

Where <pending status> determines if the booking is pending, and as such will only be visible for pending bookings. Examples:

[PENDING] David Smith - Knowledge Test or

Adam Ant - Planning Meeting

Impacted Areas

 Planning meeting and component booking calendar entries


No new permissions

low impact





QA - Improved error handling when publishing


We have improved the error handling of the publish QA logic so that any changes made are rolled back. Previously an error during the publishing of a QA may have half published the QA causing some unintended side effects when viewing some screens such as the apprentice’s profile.






Book Planning Meeting - Gateway approval date is not shown on screen


Fixed a bug where the “Booking Details” screen for booking planning meetings would not show the Gateway Approval date if an apprentice had completed gateway and would still show the Gateway Submitted date.






Provider/Employer Users - Prevented sub-users with delete permission from deleting themselves.


Fixed a bug that allowed sub-users to sometimes delete their own user record.

Changes to Functionality

It was possible for sub-users with delete permissions, who were not the primary user, to delete their own user record using the delete button. This ticket adds a check to prevent this from occurring.

Impacted Areas

  • Provider → Users

  • Employer → Users








Appeals - Type dropdown appears when no types are set


  • Fixed a bug in which the appeals type field would display even when there are no appeal types configured. This has been updated to only display the field when it has options available.






Users - Activating/Deactivating a user without permission now shows error message.


Activating/Deactivating a user without permission now shows error message

Changes to Functionality

Activating/Deactivating a user without permission now shows error message. Previously an empty alert window was shown.

Note that before this fix the user was still unable to perform the action.

Impacted Areas

  • Users (active / inactive toggle)








Reporting - Certification Overview: Certification Status Fix


  • Fixed a bug in which any option selected in the certification status field would cause the rows that are Not Certified to also be returned. This filter now works as expected.






Appeals - Possible to open appeal after ESFA submission


  • Removed a bug which allowed appeals to be opened after ESFA submission if the appeals creation page was open in another browser tab. You will now not be able to open appeals once the ESFA submission has been made.






Standards - Fields still selectable and buttons still visible in read only view


  • Fixed a bug in which certain fields were still selectable and the save buttons were still visible when viewing the page in read only mode. The fields and buttons now act as expected.






Files - Improved handling of failed uploads


We have improved the handling of files that may fail to upload in various areas. We have also completed a little internal housekeeping in the related areas.

Impacted Areas

  • Apprentice Files

    • Apprentice Profile

    • Gateway

    • Assessment Result

    • QA

    • Certification

    • Planning

  • Assessment Schema

  • Assessment Components

  • Contracts

  • Support Materials






Actions - Outstanding actions on certified, withdrawn, and cancelled apprentices


We have cleaned up actions that were still outstanding and the apprentice is certified, withdrawn, or cancelled. These actions appear to have been caused by older bugs that had since been fixed.






QA listing - previous results not selected for QA appearing


We have fixed a bug where previously failed results that were not selected to be QA’d were incorrectly making apprentices appear in the QA list. 

Impacted Areas



No new permissions





Screen Changes

Apprentice - Last Registration Date validation not triggering on bulk


While this appears to be a small bug fix it required a potentially high-impact change to our screen’s validation. Please ensure that the create and update apprentice screens still validate as you would expect for your business’ process.

We have fixed a bug with the bulk create and API create for apprentices where the last registration date against the standard would not properly validate.

With this change the last registration date will validate when creating an apprentice via the screen, bulk upload, or API but not when updating an apprentice via the screen, bulk upload, or API.

Rated as potentially HIGH IMPACT given the note. Suggest thorough testing.




Screen Changes

recommend training

Apprentice - Custom username on create is lost


We have fixed a bug where a custom username when creating an apprentice would be replaced with the email address, sometimes causing duplicate usernames. This has been fixed.

Changes to functionality

  • When creating an apprentice via the screen a custom username will be remembered, even if it doesn’t match the email

  • When creating an apprentice the username will always be validated for uniqueness

  • If no username is given it will default to the email address

  • The API has been updated to support passing a username, if omitted then it will default to the email address

  • Bulk create apprentice has been updated to support passing a username, if omitted then it will default to the email address

  • The username field on screen has been tweaked to not look like an input field when editing or viewing a user

Impacted Areas

  • Create/update apprentice screen

  • Create/update apprentice API endpoints

  • Create/update apprentice bulk import

  • Other bulk import could be impacted due to bulk upload back-end enhancements to support this

  • Other user screens should be unaffected but are included in the impacted scope

    • Awarding Organisation users

    • EPA

    • EPAM

    • QA

    • Provider and provider sub-users

    • Employer and employer sub-users

medium Impact Suggest training for familiarisation and to suggest more testing in the impacted areas.





Actions - Clean up Assign Apprentice actions after certification


Additional work has been done to prevent actions from persisting after an apprentice has been certified.

Changes to Functionality

Logic has been added to remove any Apprentice assignment awaiting decision actions for an apprentice once they are certified. At this point, the apprentices do not appear in the Accept/Reject apprentices screen for EPAs, therefore they will never be fulfilled.

Impacted Areas

  • Actions








API - Apprentice get endpoints


 We have fixed a bug that caused the GET apprentice endpoint to fail if the apprentice username provided was a number.

Changes to Functionality

 We have created two new apprentice GET endpoints to replace the endpoint that currently allows apprentices to be found by either id or username.

  • The first of the new endpoints allows apprentices to be found using the id as an exact match only.

  • The second of the new endpoints allows apprentices to to be found using the username as an exact match only.

  • Both of these new endpoints return the same apprentice details as the endpoint they are replacing.

Full details of these endpoints can be found within the API documentation.

We have deprecated the current apprentice get endpoint. It will be removed in a future release.

Impacted Areas



No new permissions


Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact