Version 5.10.0 - 20/06/2023

Version 5.10.0 - 20/06/2023

Production Release Date: Jun 20, 2023

Version: 5.10.0

UAT Release Date: May 23, 2023


The Release webinar is available to view via this link epaPRO Release Demo 5.10.0.mp4;

Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation

We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:

SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element

NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added

RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.

screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens

This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.

low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.

We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.

What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .





Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact




Action Required


Release Notes Description

Potential Impact





Login - new intermediary screen when logging in with SSO tied to multiple accounts.

The login page has been updated show an additional step when logging in with SSO.

When logging into epaPRO using SSO, if multiple epaPRO users are found, an intermediary screen is offered so that the user can select the epaPRO account that they wish to login as. If an epaPRO user is found to be linked to an SSO account, that user is automatically logged into epaPRO as normal.


low impact





Gateway - Add ability to search by ULN

The search on the gateway screens has been extended to allow searching by ULN.

low impact





Assessment Component report - schema count

We have added an assessment schema count to the Assessment Components report, assessment_schema_count, to give a count of schemas that the assessment component is attached to. As part of this work we have also added a filter to the Assessment Components report, In Use, to allow filtering to find all assessment components that are currently in use on an assessment schema.

low impact





Entity screens - alphabetical sorting of dropdowns/listings

We have sorted the following entities alphabetically:

  • Standards entity screen

    • Providers listing table

    • Support materials listing table

  • Assessment component entity screen

    • Exercises listing table

    • Assessment schema listing table (sorted by start date and then title alphabetically)

    • Standards listing table (those in use still appear at the top, sorted alphabetically)

  • Support material entity screen

    • Employer dropdown (we have also made this searchable)

    • Provider dropdown (we have also made this searchable)

    • Assessment schema dropdown

    • Component dropdown (we have also made this searchable)

  • Gateway specification entity screen

    • Components listing table (those in use still appear at the top, sorted alphabetically)

      • We have also hidden any unused components from view once the specification is in use (the first apprentice is registered on it)

low impact





Result - New available_date field


We have added a new result_available date field to our result entity, making it easier to see when a result has been made available to external users (providers, employers, and apprentices). It was possible to try and work this date out based on QA status but this will provide it in a filterable manner on the result tracking report.

Changes to Functionality

A new available_date field has been added to the result tracking report.

This new field will show when a result was made available to external users. If the result requires QA then it will be populated when the QA is published otherwise it will be when the result is submitted.

Impacted Areas

  • Assessment Result

  • Result Tracking Report

  • QA

low impact






Grade Profiles - Improvements made to the overall screen


We have made a number of UI changes, based on feedback, in order to make this screen easier to use. Below you will find a full list of changes made to the screen and their intended purpose.

Changes to functionality:

  • Help Section: A new collapsed section has been added at the top of the screen. This details some basic information about the fields on the screen to make them a little more clear.

  • Column Headings: We have added headings above the various fields on the screen to show you what each area of the screen is for, the headings currently on the screen are: category, type, description, active and delete.

  • Value Layout: We have made changes to the layout of the grade profile values to make them clearer and easier to digest. We have move the category to be first, renamed secondary to alternative and added various other tweaks to spacing and layout to break up the values.

  • Inactive Values: When loading the page, the currently inactive grade profile values will be put into a separate, collapsed section. This should reduce the number of values on screen and break up the list. This new section can then be found under the active values.

  • List Order: The grade profile values (under the Category column heading) will now show in the same order that you see in the Add Results screen. If two values have the same category, they will be further sorted alphabetically by their description. Example if you have two “Cancellation-Non Attendance” values, one with a primary value of Distinction and the other Merit. They will be sorted alphabetically by their primary field description e.g. Distinction.

  • New Grade Profile Values Section: When clicking the add new value button, the newly added value will be put into a new section, above the button, dedicated to new grade profile values. This should make it clearer which values are currently being added. After saving the changes the new values will be added to the current list of grade profile values.

low impact

Whilst no actual functionality has changed, this has changed the look of the current screen so recommend training.





Reporting - EPA Availability

We have added two new reports to the EPA tab of the Reports area. The first of these reports is the EPA Working Days report, which access to is granted via the EPA Working Hours permission under the Reporting area on the Permissions tab of the user screens. This report details the EPA working hours (where they have been set by the EPA via the Availability tab). We have also added a new filter for this report to allow filtering by Day (Monday to Sunday).


The second of these new reports is the EPA Absences report, which access is granted to via the EPA Absences permission. This report details any absences that have been set by the EPA as found on their user screen on the Availability tab.

Permission has been grant to users with the Awarding Organisation, Owner and EPA Manager roles by default.

These reports are configured for internal users only.

low impact





Planning meeting booking - working days

We have incorporated working days/non-working days into the planning meeting booking screen availability calculations. These working days can be set via the “Business Hours” menu item on the “System Management” menu section. As part of this work, SLA Business Hours have been re-located on this new menu item.

When calculating availability, capacity will now process business days that are defined when determining the earliest and latest possible booking dates (as full days) taking into account booking notice period and the gateway processing period defined on the Availability tab of the Configuration screen.

Non-working days are also included in this calculation.

Although how the maximum is calculated has changed, the Booking Period Maximum setting will function as it always has, defining a maximum booking period for the planning meeting.

These working day/excluded days will apply to full days only. It does not take into account partial days and thus times.

More info on this and the ticket below can be found here - Coming Soon - EP-3780 Settings to use working days

medium impact if chosen to be used.

Setup relates to the fact that these business hours should be checked and configured, as well as the booking notice period and the gateway processing period defined on the Availability tab of the Configuration screen





Planning meetings - Apprentice EPA date restriction

We have added a new setting to the Availability Configuration screen, called Epa Date Booking Period to allow a window within an apprentice’s EPA date must fall (from the current day) in order to be able to book their planning meeting via the Book Planning Meeting screen. In instances where the EPA date falls outside of this period, an alert will be shown on the Book Planning Meeting screen, detailing that there is a problem with the apprentices EPA Date.

An example configuration use case: Assume that today is the 1st May and that the Epa Date Booking Period is set to 21 days. The latest EPA date an apprentice can have is the 21st of May.


The setting applies to provider users that have the Book Planning Meeting Pre Gateway Submission or Book Planning Meeting Post Gateway Submission permissions set.

For all other users, the functionality of the Book Planning Meeting screen will not change.

medium impact if chosen to be used.

Setup relates to the fact that in order to use this, the Epa Date Booking Period field needs to be configured





Reporting - Component Billing Report


We have added a new Component Billing report to our financial reports category. This new report will show a row for each booked component with a result. This report only includes first attempts so does not include resits, retakes, or rescheduled. Past programmes and cancelled assessment plans are also included so that the taken components can be billed if needed.

The new report, like our other financial reports, will show pricing based on contracts and allow for entries to be marked as processed. The element_price field shown is the component price against the contract.

Contracts are decided based on the booking’s schedule date, similar to the assessment resits report.

Impacted Areas

  • Reporting


  • New Component Billing reporting permission - given to the awardingorganisation and owner roles by default.






Entity Management - New system for copying entities.


We have implemented a new dedicated system for copying certain entities. This new system is designed to allow you to copy the entity, as well as certain child attributes of the entity. For example copying a standard will now allow you to copy its specialisms. Using this new copy system we have also made a few new entity types copyable. The following entities are now able to be copied:

  • Assessment Components

  • Assessment Schema

  • Gateway Component

  • Gateway Specifications

In addition to these we have also changed Standards to use the new copy system.

Changes to Functionality:

The process for copying an entity is now almost identical, regardless of which entity type you are copying. The only things that will change is the way you decide to configure the copy.

In order to copy an entity, find the record that you wish to copy from its respective listing page. For example the “Assessment Components“ page. Next click on the 3 dots icon on the right hand side of the screen. You should see an option called “Copy“.

After clicking the “Copy“ button you will see an new pop up open on your screen. This is the new copy dialog that will allow you to configure what you want to copy.

Please Note: Depending on the entity you are copying, you may see blue information field at the top of the copy dialog. This will contain some key details for you to keep in mind when copying the entity.

Using the example of an assessment component you will see a field titled “New Assessment Component“. By default this will contain the previous entities name with the word “(copy)” after it. You may edit this to alter the copies name when it is created. Some entities may have additional field here, for example Standards will have a “New External Standard Id“ field. All fields here are required.

Next you will see the “Additional Options“ section. This is the bulk of the changes in functionality to copying. Using this will allow you to copy sub entities or connections between entities for the item that you are copying. For example with the assessment components you will see everything from the components standards and milestones, to external services to proctoring services. For a complete list of the new copyable elements and their additional options please see the bottom of this release note.

In order to select an option to copy, click the corresponding check box on the right of the dialog.

Please Note: As shown on the page, certain additional options will rely on others. For example, in order to copy the Assessment Schema Milestone Rules you will need Assessment Schema Milestones. However this will not cause an error and will be handled for you, epaPRO will only copy the entities that it can.

Once you have selected your desired additional options you can click the “Copy“ button in the bottom right. This will create your new entity with the selected configuration. Once the entity is copied it will automatically be opened so that you can further edit it. Your entity will, by default, be created with the “Inactive“ status which can be changed when managing the entity.


You will require the following permissions in order to copy the corresponding entities:

  • Assessment Componentscreate-assessmentschema

  • Assessment Schema → create-assessmentschema

  • Gateway Component → create-gatewayspecification

  • Gateway Specifications → create-gatewayspecification

  • Standards → create-standards

These permissions match the currently required permission to create the corresponding entity.

Additional Information:

Below you will find a breakdown of all the copyable entities and their fields and additional options.

Assessment Components


  • New Component Name

Additional Options

  • Component Standards

  • Component Milestones

  • External Services

  • Questions

  • Exercises

  • Proctoring Services

Assessment Schema


  • New Schema Name

Additional Options

  • Schema Components

  • Schema Milestones

  • Schema Milestone Rules

Gateway Component


  • New Component Name

Additional Options

  • Component Questions

Gateway Specifications


  • New Specification Name

Additional Options

  • Specification Components

  • Specification Standards



  • New Standard Name

  • New External Standard Id

Additional Options

  • Specialisms


Classed as medium as training suggested.





Actions - Deleting an apprentice leaves actions behind

We have fixed a bug where actions relating to an apprentice are not deleted when an apprentice has been deleted.

As part of this fix a data migration will be run to remove any actions that are tied to deleted apprentices.






EPA/EPAM user listing screens - condensed menu

We have updated the EPA/EPAM user listing screens to use the new condensed menu that is being rolled out across epaPRO.






Login screen - inconsistent error formatting

We have fixed a bug where we were returning inconsistent error message formatting for each instance that there might have been a problem with the user attempt to login: incorrect password or incorrect username and password. These instances now return the same, consistently styled error message to the user.






Comms Template- Email Preview not working with new Assessment Centre variables

Comms Template:

Fixed a bug that prevented the assessment_centre_additional_information and assessment_element_exercises variables from working in the email preview. When included in an email template, these variables will now show the correct information in the email template.






Reporting - Scheduled Reports: ID doesn't persist and unsightly error on missing name/email

Reporting - Scheduled Reports

Fixed a bug that prevented the Report ID select field from carrying over if an error was encountered when saving. Some error messages have also been updated to be more helpful and clear.






Bulk upload - External standard ID was being validated case sensitive

Bulk Upload:

Fixed a bug that caused the external standard ID was case sensitive when being validated in the bulk upload process. This has been fixed so that it follows the same method as creating a standard in that the external standard ID is not case sensitive.






Provider - Primary User appears in users list on their own account.


In order to bring this page in line with functionality seen in other screens, provider users will no longer be able to see themselves in the list of users associated with their provider. This will mean they cannot edit or delete their account from the provider screen. In order to update their account they can do so from the my profile screen.






Employer bulk update - postcode validation message

We have fixed a bug with the employer bulk update to ensure that validation messages are being returned when a company postcode is being flagged as invalid.






Apprentice bulk update - postcode validation message

We have fixed a bug with the apprentice bulk update to ensure that validation messages are being returned when a workplace address postcode is being flagged as invalid.






Assessment Plan - Asterisk added to required inputs

Assessment Plan:

When opening a component on an assessment plan, many of the required inputs were missing asterisks in order to tell you that they were required fields. These have been added in to the required inputs.


Epic Link key type Action Required Release Notes Title Release Notes Description Potential Impact