Version 5.06.0 - 28/02/2023
Production Release Date: Feb 28, 2023 | Version: 5.06.0 |
UAT Release Date: Jan 31, 2023 |
The Release webinar is available from the link - epaPRO Release 5.06.0 Demo Meeting Recording.mp4
Note: you can copy and share this link with other people in your organisation
We have added a new column on the table below called “Action Required” this shows several new status labels:
SETUP_REQUIRED - some setup will be required to use this element
NEW_PERMISSIONS - new permissions have been added
RECOMMEND_TRAINING - training is recommended - usually for new major features.
screen_changes - changes have been made to existing screens
This is to help highlight to you anything you need to ensure is set up for the day of release or in advance of this. We do still recommend that all of the release notes are read.
low impact medium impact high impact We are also adding a column for Potential Impact to you our customers, this is an estimation of any impact to your businesses the work may have. This is just offered as a guideline, as we appreciate you all use EPAPro slightly differently.
We recommend you check any Comms settings with the release notes, as whilst newly introduced comms will be listed in them, we may not mention if an existing comm needs to be enabled, which we assume may be on from previous releases.
What you have enabled can be seen via the System Management → Communications .
Epic | Key | Type | Action Required | Summary | Release Notes Description | Potential Impact |
fEATURE | screen_changes | News - Image Uploading | News - Image Uploading: Summary We have added the ability to upload and add images to your news articles. This feature is available in the content editor of the news article and can be accessed with the image icon in the editors toolbar. This feature also includes some added functionality for managing an image in the content of the news article. Usage When editing a news article, hit the image icon in the editors toolbar.
This will open a dialog window with the option to select an image or upload an image. When you have either selected or uploaded an image, press the confirm button and the image will be inserted into the content window. The following sections will break down selecting and uploading an image. Selecting an Image: When first opening the dialogue, you will see the select image section. In this section you will see a search bar and 2 rows of images, one labelled “Recently Used“ and another labelled “Frequently Used“. These sections are designed to make it quick and easy to find the images you may need most commonly. Alternatively you can search for an image by its name using the search input. To see any images name, just hover over it in the window and a label will appear above. Please Note: When first using this feature there will be no images available to select. In order for images to show up in the select image section they must first be uploaded in the “Upload Image Section“. To select an image click on it. The image will be highlighted and this tells you that the image is ready to be added to the content. In order to add the image click the confirm button and the image will be inserted into the content of the news. In the top right corner of each image tile you will see a small X button. Clicking this will delete the image from Epa Pro. This will give you a quick way of removing the image everywhere it appears for security and safety purposes. When you click this button a second pop up will appear asking you to confirm if you wish to delete the image. Warning: This action will permanently delete the image across every news article it appears in. If you wish to individually delete the image from a news article, please open that article and follow the “Deleting an Image From an Article“ instructions below. Uploading an Image: To upload an image, click the upload image tab at the top of the dialog window. This will open a form in which you can choose the image you wish to upload and pick a name for it, which can be used to search for the image later. By default the name will automatically be set to the name of the file, however you can change this if you wish. Once you have uploaded an image, click the confirm button and the image will be added to the news content window. Additionally, the image will now be available in the “Select Image“ section. Choosing Where to Put an Image In order to put the image into a specific spot in the news article, you must either click where you want the image to go and then click the image icon or highlight an area by clicking and dragging. Doing either of these and then selecting an image will insert the image into the highlighted area. Deleting an Image From an Article In order to delete an image from within a news article, you should click on the image in the content window, so that it is selected, and hit the backspace key. Resizing an Image In order to resize an image, first click on it to select it. A small square will appear in the bottom right hand corner of the image. Hovering your mouse over this square will change the mouse cursor into a resize icon. Clicking and dragging on this box will allow you to resize the image. Please Note: Upon saving the news article, the size of the images will be restricted so that they do not extend past the edge of the page. | low impact
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| Menu - Performance Improvements | To help with performance in the menu the counts of certain items shown within badges have been deferred to after the page has initially loaded. This means that the badge will first show with a dash “-” inside and will be replaced by the number soon after page load. | low impact | |
| fEATURE | screen_changes SETUP_REQUIRED | Assessment Schema - store AP version number against a schema. | The assessment schema entity screen has been enhanced to have a new version field – this field can be used to type in an integer (i.e. “01”) that can be used to detail the assessment plan version related to this schema. The following screens have been updated to provide the new schema version:
The following reports have been updated to provide the new schema version:
| low impact We have designated this as Low Impact as this is not a mandatory field. In order to use it there will be some set up to input the data. | |
| Bug |
| Assessment Schemas - Reporting and Deletion | This ticket fixes two bugs:
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| Bug |
| Assessment Booking - adjusting duration of booking with arrows isn't retained | Fixed a bug where using the arrows within the Hours/Minutes inputs of an assessment booking would not update the duration when saving. |
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| Bug |
| Apprentice Import - import no longer fails when importing >100 postcodes | Fixed a bug that prevents the bulk import from functioning when more than 100 different postcodes are present in the csv. |
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| Bug |
| Assessment Result - Saving fix and QA fix | This ticket fixes two issues:
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| Bug |
| Assessment Result - inactive grade profiles should no longer be selectable. | Inactive grade profiles should no longer be selectable from within the assessment result screen. |
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| Bug |
| Question - Checkboxes - Not being made read only in view mode | Amended the areas of the system that use question/answer forms (i.e. QA details, Gateway, Assessment Result) to show checkboxes as read-only, when using the view version of screens. This brings them in-line with other input types (such as text, text area, etc.). |
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| Bug |
| Questions - Accessibility and inconsistent/annoying UX | The question setup screens (i.e. Assessment Component, Gateway Component, QA Question Template) have been updated with some minor UX improvements.
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| Bug |
| Reporting - Assessment Resit performance | Improvements have been made to the Assessment Resits report to help solve some noticeable performance degradation. These improves should also help other financial reports that rely on the contracts data. |
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| Bug |
| Apprentice Files - Unknown file type handling | Fixed a bug that would prevent apprentice files from being deleted if the page contained a file of an unknown type. |