Version 5.07.1 - 30/03/2023
Version 5.07.1 - 30/03/2023
Key | T | Hotfix Notes Title | Hotfix Notes Description |
EP-3818 | BUG | Reporting - Unable to run the Assessment Components report | Fixed a bug where the Assessment Components report produced an error on load due to a now missing proctoring field (use_proctoru). This has now been replaced by a new comma-separated list of proctoring options against the component (proctoring_types). |
EP-3819 | BUG | Assessment Plan - Error is not clearable once a result has been added | We have fixed a bug preventing the signoff of an assessment plan if one of the bookings had an error on last save but has since had a result added. The error will now show and allow for it to be manually cleared. epaPRO will also attempt to clear any existing error when a result is added or updated. |
, multiple selections available,