Version 4.10.0 - 30/03/2021

Version 4.10.0 - 30/03/2021

Release notes


Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.10 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: M926$B4v 



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Release Notes Title

Release Notes Description

Video Link



Dashboard - Redesign

We’ve updated the EPAPro dashboard giving it a modern redesign and an overall clean up to make it clearer and easier to use. The dashboard will be showing the same data as it did before but now with a fresh new look.

As part of this redesign, we’ve also adjusted how the news looks. Previously the dashboard would show the most recent news article in its entirety, this would cause issues with some customers where the user would need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen to see any of the other data the dashboard shows. Which the redesigned version of the news widget will now show a summary of the most recent 5 articles.

Clicking on one of these news articles will take you to a brand new, dedicated news screen, this removes the issue we were seeing before as the full article is now shown on a different screen, and also helps to show the history of articles, which was not possible before.

The updated widget now also has a ‘View all news items’ button at the bottom, this will take you to a new screen where all of the news articles can be seen, with the most recent first.




News - Dedicated News Screen

As part of the dashboard redesign, we have adjusted the news widget to now only show a summary of the news article. Clicking on this summary will then take you to a new, dedicated screen where the full news article is shown.

This will tidy up the dashboard, and keep the key information higher up the screen.




News - Visibility of multiple articles

As part of the dashboard redesign, we allowed for multiple articles to be visible at the same time, up to 5 of the most recent will be shown on the dashboard. A new link was also added to this widget ‘View all news items’ which will take you to a new screen with all of the live news articles.

This will provide a way of seeing historic articles and allow for better organisation of posting news, rather than needing to have a single post that’s updated over time.




News - Historic news

As part of the dashboard redesign news will automatically become ‘historic’ once there have been five or more newer articles after it. It’ll then no longer show on the dashboard and now instead show on the dedicated ‘All news’ screen accessible via the link at the bottom of the dashboard widget.




News - Add user type visibility filtering

As part of the dashboard redesign we’ve also improved the news functionality to allow the filtering of a post’s visibility based on the user type. This will ensure only users of that type will be able to see and read the article.

A new dropdown has been added to the edit/create news screen to allow one or more user types to be selected.

All existing news posts have been updated to include all user types, so the current visibility should remain unchanged.




Link added to the apprentice profile to navigate to the edit apprentice.

A link has been added to the apprentice profile page header to navigate to the edit/view apprentice screen, depending on logged in user permissions.




EPA Allocation - Allow EPA and EPA Managers access to extra apprentice information

The ‘Awaiting Acceptance’ screen within the Caseload menu for EPAs and EPA Managers has been extended with a new column and two new buttons to allow the user to view more information about the apprentice before accepting or rejecting.

A link to the Apprentice Profile will open in a new browser tab to view basic apprentice details and notes. The gateway button will open a modal window and show the same gateway information that you would see if selecting ‘View’ from the gateway screens.




Certification - Result Adjustment

We’ve extended the result adjustment functionality to now include certifications. The certifications version works in a very similar way to the assessment result adjustment. When a certification has been QAed a new ‘Result Adjustment’ button will appear, this will open a popup similar to when editing a certification. This new popup will require a reason and an optional additional comment.

A new report has been added to the ‘Certification’ category called ‘Certification Result Adjustment’. This new report is very similar to the existing ‘Result Adjustment’ report, except it’s showing the history of adjustments for certifications.

If a certification has had an adjustment made a new button will show ‘View Adjustments’ for users with permission, this will function exactly like the ‘View Adjustments’ button on assessments except the columns will relate to the certification.

To accommodate this functionality two new permissions have been added, by default these are only available to the Owner role but can be given to other roles and/or users as required:

  • create-certification-result-adjustment - This will allow the user to see the ‘Result Adjustment’ button, providing the criteria is met

  • read-certification-result-adjustment - This will allow the user to see the ‘View Adjustments' button

Similar to the assessment result adjustment the functionality is disabled once the apprentice has been submitted to the ESFA.

Other changes of note

  • A new ‘Document Change’ reason has been added to both result adjustment popups

  • Various tweaks/improvements to the certification screen, no functionality or visual changes but will improve accessibility

  • Added a new API event certification_adjusted_result




Planning Meeting - Screen Improvements

We have added the following enhancements to the planning meeting screen:

  • Individual filters for EPA and EPA Manager (EPA Manager is available to AO users only)

  • The apprentice audit submitted date (gateway date) column has been included, with filtering options

  • A new ‘unscheduled’ status that allows filtering for all apprentices that have proceeded through gateway but have no planning meeting in place

    • There is also a button to book the meeting directly in the search results for each apprentice

  • This will now only show the most recent planning meeting for each apprentice, and apprentices that have progressed through gateway but have no existing planning meeting in place (Unscheduled)

  • The status filter is multi-select, allowing filtering on multiple planning meeting statuses at the same time

  • The search results are sorted by gateway date (oldest first) by default, with an option to sort by name if needed




Added Has Certificate Reference filter to the certification overview report.

A new “Has Certificate Reference” filter has been added to the Certification Overview report. This filter will vary the returned results based on whether a certificate reference is present against the certificate’s ESFA submission.




Added last successful login & last failed login to the user details report.

Two new fields have been added to the user details report - these show the last successful login & the last failed login for each user.

These dates have also been added to the date filtering options.




Notifications - Add the ability to reset to defaults

We’ve adjusted the communication management screen to allow for easier resetting of the values should the wrong configuration be changed.

Global Reset

We’ve added a new button to the top of the management screen Reset Global Settings this is only available to the AO Owner role, and due to how powerful this action is, it cannot be given to other users or roles.

This button will reset the communication settings to their system default settings, everything will be revered to the point the communication work was released, the popup shown when clicking this button will detail what will change and will require confirmation before anything is changed.

Once confirmed the settings will start to be reset, indicated by the spinning button, upon completion the screen will update with the default settings and the modal will close.

Per Notification Reset

Similar to the global reset we’ve added two additional buttons to the bottom of each notification, when expanded, these will allow you to either reset the notification back to its default settings and/or clear all user overrides.

Reset Back to Default

To see this action you will need the Reset Notification Settings permission, this is given to the AO Owner role by default but can be given to other roles/users as required.

Similar to the global reset clicking this button will open a popup detailing what is going to change and require confirmation. Once confirmed the settings for that notification will be reset, you’ll see the screen update and the modal close.

Clear User Overrides

To see this action you will need the Clear User Overrides for Notification permission, this is given to the AO Owner role by default but can be given to other roles/users as required.

Similar to the other two actions clicking this button will show a popup detailing what will change, once confirmed all user overrides for this notification will be cleared and their users will default to the defined settings on that screen.

User Reset

When logged in as a user and viewing the user’s own communication settings a new button has been added to the top of the screen, this is available to all users who have the Manage Own Communication Settings permission.

Clicking this button will show a popup detailing what will happen. If the user confirms their action then all of their overrides will be cleared. This makes their communication settings follow what is defined on the system administration screen.

Other Changes

  • Permissions around the communications screen have been moved out of Miscellaneous and into Communication

  • The success/failure popups when changing the communication settings will now show for 3 seconds rather than 1 second




Planning Meeting - "Go to Reschedule Meeting" links

Fixed a bug on the view/edit planning meeting screen where links to a Rescheduled Meeting and the Assessment Plan were not taking permissions correctly into account.




Reporting - User details filters missing data

We’ve fixed a bug with the user details report which meant it wasn’t including the correct data when some filters were used. For example, filtering by provider used to only show employer users, when it should have shown all employer users, provider users, and apprentices associated with that provider.

As part of this bug fix, we have rewritten the report to make it better handle this.

The below examples will now happen when selecting a provider and/or employer:

  • Selecting a provider filter, or when logged in as a provider

    • That provider’s users will be shown

    • The users for each of that provider’s employers will be shown

    • Apprentices associated with that provider will be shown

  • Selecting an employer filter, or when logged in as an employer

    • That employer’s users will be shown

    • The apprentices associated with that employer will be shown

This doesn’t affect any of the other filters, for example filtering by user type or role will reduce the results even further as they did before.

To account for these changes the report now also includes some additional columns:

  • user_id - this is the internal system ID of the user

  • provider_name - the name of the provider that the user relates to, this will be blank if there is no link

  • employer_name - the name of the employer that the user relates to, this will be blank if there is no link




Chrome - Menu items not visible on smaller screens on Internet Explorer and Edge

We’ve fixed a bug where on smaller screens Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge will hide some menu items off-screen and not allow the user to scroll to see them. This is due to ongoing bugs in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, we have implemented a workaround to prevent this issue from occurring.




Standard - Some fields not repopulated on error

Fixed a bug where the Level, Title, and Minimum Programme Duration fields were not populated with their submitted values when a validation error occurred, meaning the user needed to re-enter the information.




EPA(M) - Log in as button error

Fixed a bug where the “log in as” button is removed after performing a search within the EPA or EPAM screens.




Gateway - Warning shown when viewing

We’ve fixed a bug where the submission warning was still shown when viewing a gateway, it will now only show when editing/submitting a gateway if the conditions are met.




API documentation error

Corrected an error in the API documentation within the Provider transformer. Please see the API documentation for full details.




Reporting - EPA COI error on CSV export

Fixed a bug where this report would error if a user tried to do a CSV export without the user_name column.


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