Version 4.17.0 - 12/10/2021

Version 4.17.0 - 12/10/2021

Release notes


 Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.17 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: QV6ND!JU 




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Provider/Employer - Added search box & pagination to the sub users tab.

Search & pagination has been added to the list of sub users that is displayed within the Users tab of the Employer & Provider screens.

Pagination has been set to split the results into pages of 10, to help improve page load performance.

The search field has been implemented to provide searching on both name & email address, to help refine results & find particular users. A clear filters box has been provided to clear the search box & refresh the list when needed.




Apprentices - Add cohort id field to apprentice record.

A new field has been introduced to the apprentice record to hold the cohort id - this is a free text field with a limit of 50 characters. The cohort id can be updated via the create/update apprentice screen/API/bulk upload and start new programme screen/API/bulk upload functionality.

This cohort id can be used as an exact match on the following screens, in order to process apprentice cohort groups more effectively:

  • Gateway review

  • Assessment bookings

  • Manage assessment bookings

  • Assign EPAs to elements

  • Manage planning meetings

  • Assessment progress

Additional work will be conducted at a later date to add this functionality to more screens.

The cohort id has also been added to the following reports:

  • Apprentice → Apprentice details

  • Apprentice → Past programmes

  • Apprentice → Programme history




QA - Differing names on file uploads depending on where the file is downloaded

As part of the QA rewrite we’ve fixed an inconsistency where QA files were not named the same when downloading via the QA screen.




End of Course Surveys - Single Apprentice

A new widget has been added to the Certification sidebar to allow users to send out an end of course survey to apprentices. The widget will allow users (with ‘read certification' permission) to see when the email was last sent out to the apprentice, how many times it has been sent, as well as the ability to resend it in cases where the apprentice may miss it. A new permission has been added to allow users to send the survey email; this is located under a new ‘Survey’ heading within the permissions area.

The email content can be customised within the email manager and a range of variables are available to personalise it to the apprentice.




QA listing screen has been redesigned to match assessment progress/certification.

Due to the complexity of the QA integration this rewrite has included various security related changes/tweaks to both Assessment Progress and Certification thus we would advice confirming those two areas still work as you expect for your business process.

The QA listing screen has been updated to follow the new layouts adopted by the Assessment Progress / Certification screens. The information displayed (aside from generic apprenticeship details) is:

  • Number of elements in QA: this includes elements that are both awaiting QA and QA in progress.

  • Certification QA: this will show as “Pending QA” when the certification is ready for QA, and “In QA” when the QA is in progress.

Aside from the standard filter offerings (Standard, Specialism, Provider, Employer, EPA), two new filters have been introduced:

  • QA Type:

    • None selected: Apprentices with any QA required

    • Elements only: Apprentices that require only element QAs

    • Certifications only: Apprentices that require only certification QAs

    • Both only: Apprentices that require both element & certification QAs

  • QA Progress:

    • None selected: Elements and certifications requiring QA

    • Not started: Elements and certifications will only show if a QA has not been started

    • In progress: Elements and certifications will only show if they have an unpublished QA.




QA - Rewrite add/edit/view screen.

Due to the complexity of the QA integration this rewrite has included various security related changes/tweaks to both Assessment Progress and Certification thus we would advice confirming those two areas still work as you expect for your business process.

A new screen has been created to replace the add/edit/view popup. The new screen contains all of the same functionality but with a much more user friendly design to improve user experience.

We have continued with the theme of uniform downloads, and have ensured that the download name is the name that is specified when the file is uploaded, so this no longer defaults to the hashed filename.




EPAPro Essentials - Automated billing

We’ve expanded our essentials edition to now support automated billing. Essentials customers will need to add a credit/debit card via the new essentials dashboard. We will then automatically keep track of approved gateways and charge at the end of each month automatically.

The essentials dashboard will also provide a way for essentials customers to easily see their current and previous gateway usages along with a full history of their invoices and a way to amend their card details.

Warnings will be shown in the topbar to Awarding Organisation users should the subscription be invalid, this will be due to invalid card details or a failed invoice payment. Manually paying the invoice via the essentials dashboard, or by amending the card details, will clear this warning and allow gateway approvals to continue.

Provider users will be unaffected by this and will be able to always submit their gateways.

EPAPro will check for expired cards and failed invoices periodically.

Note, none of these changes are available for Enterprise customers. Everything around this work will function as it did before.




Teams Integration - EPA availability information

The Teams integration has been extended to help provide better information when scheduling an EPA to an assessment element. The status of the event (Free, Tentative, or Busy) has been imported and will show as part of the calendar. Any events flagged as Free will not be included as part of the collision detection with the scheduled element.




Notifications and Actions - Show summary when more than 3 are available

The notifications returned on demand by EPAPro will now be grouped if more than 3 are returned. This is to avoid flooding the screen when a large number of notifications return within a short time. The new notification simply states that there are X new notifications so that the user is prompted to check the notification sidebar for details.

The same functionality for notifications have been added to actions.




Add the element qa_required flag to the elements report to show when assessments have been flagged manually

The assessment elements report has been extended to include the manual flag for when an element has been flagged as requiring QA by a user.




QA - Unable to delete uploaded files

As part of the QA rewrite we’ve fixed a bug where deleting a QA upload would, in some cases, keep the file when saving the QA.




Assessment Profile - Possible to change the URL and edit a locked result

We’ve fixed a bug where it was possible to edit the URL of a result to ‘edit’ instead of ‘view’. Allowing a completed result to be edited, even when it’s restricted to result adjustment only.




Reporting - QA Audit report doesn't handle past programmes properly

We’ve fixed a bug where the QA Audit report was not handling past programmes very well, and in some instances would populate a past programme record with the apprentice’s current standard/specialism.

We’ve updated the report to now properly take into account past programmes. A new programme_id field has also been added to help make it clearer on which records belong to which programme.




Gateway - Ability for a gateway to be submitted twice

We’ve fixed a bug where it was possible for a gateway to be submitted twice if the popup is open on two different devices or tabs. When submitting if the apprentice has already been submitted then an error message will be returned to the user and no further changes will be made.

When deployed any incorrect actions relating to this bug will be automatically cleaned. Any duplicate actions will have one kept and the rest deleted. Any actions left behind after approving/rejecting the gateway will also be deleted.




Change of Circumstance - Cancelled assessments does not clear assessment completion date

We’ve fixed a bug where cancelling assessments during a change of circumstance was not also clearing the assessment completion date for the apprentice. This would cause the apprentice to reappear under the certification screen, and within the completed section of assessment progress, if they’re returned to on programme with a new plan.




QA - Void type results are used in history

Fixed a bug where Void type results were being included when the system looked at the history of results when determining a QA trigger. Void type results now behave the same as manually flagged assessments in that they are both ignored when checking historical results.




Assessment Profile - Sidebar - Result outcome not visible

Fixed a display issue where the outcome of an assessment was not visible in the sidebar on the assessment profile.




Change of Circumstance - screen shows the incorrect on programme / completed option in some instances

We’ve fixed a bug where the change of circumstance screen would incorrectly show “On Programme” when the apprentice should be going back to “Completed”.




Reporting - Roles filter shows JSON information rather than the role's name

We’ve fixed a bug where the roles filter was not displaying the role’s name and also not functioning as expected.


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