Version 4.12.0 - 25/05/2021

Version 4.12.0 - 25/05/2021

Release notes


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Emails - Remove create_contract and lead_epa_assigned emails

We’ve removed the create_contract and lead_epa_assigned email templates from the email management screen as these were no longer being sent out.




SLA Report - Time from Gateway Submission to Gateway Approval

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between Gateway submission and gateway approval.




SLA Report - Time from Element scheduled to result being added

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between an element being scheduled and the result being added.




SLA Report - Time from Gateway Approval to Planning Meeting booked

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between Gateway approval to booking the planning meeting.




SLA Report - Time from Result being added to QA being published

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between a result being added and the QA (if needed) to be published.




SLA Report - Time from last result being added to certification being created

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between the last result being added (when an apprentices' status will be changed to 'Complete') and the certification record being created.




Notifications - Extend in app notifications to have email versions

As part of integrating multiple methods into our notification system, we’ve extended our in app notifications to also have an email counterpart. These new emails can be edited in the updated email management screen.

By default these notifications will continue to be sent via the in app method by default, however, this can be adjusted via the notification management screen.

As part of this ticket we have also merged the Assessor Allocated email with the Apprentice Accepted By EPA in app notification. The Apprentice Accepted By EPA notification will inherit the email content that the Assessor Allocated email had, however, any custom rules that were written for the old notification will not be migrated and will need to be adjusted as needed. To keep with the defaults of the old Assessor Allocated email notification, as part of this migration the Apprentice Accepted By EPA notification will have the workplace mentor enabled to receive the email. However, this can all be changed via the management screen.




Notifications - Add methods

We’ve updated the notification system and management screen to now allow a notification to be sent via one or more methods. These can be configured on a user type basis or users can override this to suit their needs.

By default the notifications will use the method they currently have, but can be changed if needed.

If the notification has the restricted flag, then the user can still override the methods but must have at least one method selected.

The reset notifications feature has also been updated to reset these methods as well.




SLA Report - Time from Certification being created to certification QA being published

Added a new report to track the SLA that measures the time between the certification being created and the QA related to certification being published.




Assign apprentice's bulk map view has been updated to show all available EPAs.

The assign apprentice’s bulk assign map view has been updated to show all available EPAs on the map at the same time. Note that only the selected EPA from step 1 will show it’s radius.

An icon key has also been added to the header of the map view that can be used to explain the various different pin colours.

The tooltips when hovering over map pins have also been updated to show which are EPAs & which are apprentices. The multi-pin markers have also been updated to indicate that these can be clicked to be expanded.




Reporting - EPA Managers unable to see unallocated apprentices on the EPA Allocation report

We’ve adjusted the EPA Allocation report for EPA Managers to make it consistent with what they can see when looking at the assign apprentice screens.

For EPA Managers the report will now filter down the apprentices based on their assigned standards and specialisms, which is how the screens work. Before it was only showing the apprentices the EPA Manager or their EPAs were assigned to, or pending assignment to.




Notifications/Emails - Consistent variables

We’ve updated and edited the variables available within email templates to make them consistent between each of the emails. This means some variables would have now changed names to ensure consistency among all of the emails, however, the old variables will still work to prevent any issues with existing email templates. The complete list of variables are:

  • recipient_name - This is the full name of the person receiving the email. This has replaced the now deprecated variables firstname and name

  • apprentice_name - This is the full name of the apprentice relating to the email. This has replaced the now deprecated variables apprentice and apprenticeName

  • apprentice_names - This is a list of full apprentice names relating to the email.

  • apprentice_epa_name - This is the apprentice EPA’s full name

  • epa_name - This is the EPA’s full name relating to the email

  • employer_name - This is the name of the apprentice’s employer

  • provider_name - This is the name of the apprentice’s provider

  • assessment_date - This is the date the assessment takes place in the format DD/MM/YYYY

  • assessment_date_old - This is the old date of an assessment in the format DD/MM/YYYY

  • assessment_time - This is the time the assessment takes place in the format HH:MM

  • assessment_time_old - This is the old time an assessment would have taken place in the format HH:MM

  • assessment_details - This is the details for an assessment

  • location_details - This is the location details for an assessment or meeting. This replaces the now deprecated location variable

  • location_details_old - The old location details for a meeting. This now replaces the now deprecated old_meeting_location

  • username - The username of the user relevant to the email

  • user_type - The user type of the user relevant to the email

  • login_url - A login URL when sending the user created email

  • password_reset_url - A link to the password reset form when sending the password reset email

  • meeting_date - The date a meeting will take place

  • meeting_date_old - The old date a meeting was taking place. This replaces the now deprecated old_meeting_date variable

  • meeting_time - The time a meeting will take place

  • meeting_time_old - The old time a meeting was taking place. This replaces the now deprecated old_meeting_time variable.

  • duration - The assessment or meeting duration.

  • duration_old - The old duration of the assessment or meeting. This replaces the now deprecated old_meeting_duration variable.

  • external_link - A link to an external assessment

  • standard_name - The name of the standard relevant to the email

  • specialism_name - The name of the specialism relevant to the email

  • apprentice_uln - The apprentice’s ULN

  • system_name - The name of the system

All of these variables have differing availability depending on the email. However, the screen will display what variables can be used for the email template you’re editing.




Notifications - improve the email settings screens

We have made the following improvements to the email settings screens:

  • Emails have been broken out into categories (which mirror the ones used for notifications)

    • Each category has it’s own tab

  • On the email management screen we have included a list of variables that can be used in each email with the following details:

    • the variable identifier, e.g. {{ apprentice_epa_name }}

    • a description of what the variable displays in the email

    • and example of what the variable displays in the email

    • and where applicable, other aliases for that same variable (where these have been marked deprecated, we would advise you no longer use them in your emails as they will be removed at some future point in time)

  • Also on the email management screen we have increased the space you have to enter the contents of the email.




Notifications - Extend emails to have an in-app notification version

As part of extending the notification system to allow sending via multiple methods, we’ve extended the notifications that could only be sent via email, to now have an in app version. The default for these will still be email however, should this can be changed via the management screen.




Certification report - added QA published status and date

We have added the QA published date to the certification overview report. This has also been added as an option to date filtering.

We have also changed how the QA Complete filter works on this report. It will now allow filtering for all certification records, those that have been completed or those that have been created but not completed. Previously it was not possible to specifically filter out certifications that existed but had not been completed.




Notifications - Improved Delivery Methods

We’ve improved our notification system to include additional flexibility in how a notification is sent. Further details about each individual change can be found in the relevant ticket, however, a summary of what has changed is as follows:




QA screen checks for an existing QA before offering the create overlay

The QA screen has been amended to check for an existing QA record before offering the create QA overlay. This has been added for both results & certifications.




Report scheduler only shows the “+” button on the last recipient in the list.

The report scheduler has been amended to only show the “+” button on the last recipient in the list to improve the UI.




Apprentice validation for first name and last name now has a minimum 2 character limit.

Apprentice validation for first name and last name now has a minimum 2 character limit.




Remove no longer used employer industry sectors from bulk import

We have removed references to the no longer used employer industry sectors in the bulk import area. The column industry_sector_ids has been removed from the example helper file, and we have removed the helper that mapped the id’s to the industry sectors.




Fixed a bug whereby the "Submit QA and Publish Result” button disappears after an error has occurred whilst publishing a QA.

Fixed a bug whereby the "Submit QA and Publish Result” button disappears after an error has occurred whilst publishing a QA.




Standardise date/time format within SLA Overview report

The SLA Overview report has been updated to show date/time fields in a consistent format (i.e. 18/01/2021 13:55).




Provider/Employer - Additional security around sub user deletion

We’ve improved the security checks when deleting a provider or employer sub user. In some instances this could have caused the wrong user to be deleted. This has now been corrected with adequate checks in place to prevent this.




Support Materials - Category tab is still showing restricted provider/employer support materials

We’ve fixed a bug with the category tab on support materials which would in some cases still show documents that were restricted via the ‘Provider’ or ‘Employer’ relates to field.

As part this we identified a second edge-case bug where a provider could see an employer’s document if there was an ID match, e.g. training provider with the ID of 2 and an employer with an ID of 2. This would be a very rare occurrence so is unlikely to change the resulting documents available.




Employer bulk upload - typo fix for the word payer in the validation helper file

We have fixed a typo in the in the word payer in the employer bulk upload validation helper file,




Start new programme bulk upload - unused uniquer_learner_number column removal

We have removed the unused column ‘unique_learner_number’ from the start new programme validation helper file.




Apprentice bulk upload validation documentation change

We have updated the apprentice bulk upload documentation to determine that if any of the fields from the following field groups are included in the file, all related fields need to be included:

  • mentor

  • parental consent

  • assessor

So, for instance, in the event that you wish to update the mentor_email field, you would also need to provide the fields for mentor_name, mentor_job_title and mentor_phone_number.




Added apostrophes to the list of available characters allowed in email addresses / usernames.

The email/username validation has been updated to accept apostrophes. Validation error messages have also been updated to reflect this change.




Actions - Actions remain when plan is cancelled

We’ve fixed a bug where actions for an element requiring results would remain even after the plan has been cancelled. These will now be deleted as they’re no longer relevant.

Any actions that were still left over from a cancelled plan, will be cleaned up as part of this ticket.




Reporting - Apprentices missing from financial reports if the standard is not ticked

We’ve fixed a bug where an apprentice will not be shown on financial reports if the matching contract did not have a tick against their standard.

The apprentice will now show. Due to a matching contract being found (based on the dates) the contract_title column will be filled. However, we’ve added a new contract_standard_name column next to it. If no standard match was found this column will would be blank, making it clear on what needs to be changed to make it a valid contract.

The None option of the contract filter has also been updated to take this new column into account. So if None is selected it’ll now check for a valid contract based on both the dates matching and a standard being found, if one of those do not match then the apprentice will be shown with one of those columns missing.




Actions - Transfer action to new EPA when reassigning element/apprentice

If an element is reassigned to another EPA while it has a pending action, for example stating a result is required, the action will be transferred to the new EPA and removed from the old EPA. The remaining time will not change and the new EPA will be subject to the remaining time they have. If the element is changed to have no EPA assigned, via the “None”, option. The old EPA will lose visibility of the action, however, the action will continue counting as the SLA is still in effect. The action will remain visible via reporting and when a new EPA is assigned to the element.

We’ve also adjusted this for the apprentice reassignment. Similar to above, if a new EPA accepts a assignment for an apprentice, if they were already assigned to another EPA then any pending actions will be transferred to the new EPA, like above the timers will remain the same.




Gateway - Awaiting EPA Decision incorrectly shows for a new programme

We’ve fixed a bug where the completed gateway screen would show ‘Awaiting EPA Decision’ for an apprentice if they’ve started a new programme and have not yet been assigned an EPA.




Assessment - Apprentices granted permission to certain assessment areas experience an error page

Fixed a bug that caused apprentice users to see an error page when trying to view assessment progress pages despite having permission.




Planning Meeting - Reasonably Adjustments incorrect display

We’ve fixed a bug with the assessment planning meeting screen where the reasonable adjustments section would sometimes display characters that were not in the original text. This has now been resolved and the reasonable adjustment text should now correctly show with the correct returns as it was typed on the edit apprentice screen.




Enabled provider sub-users to see the selected standards against an employer.

Provider sub-users can now see which standards are selected against an employer. Previously, it was only possible for the primary provider user to see this information.




EPA availability permissions now use logged in user permissions, not entity permissions

Ability to add/update/delete EPA absences should now honour permissions of the logged in user, not the permissions of the EPA being edited.


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