Version 4.18.0 - 09/11/2021
Release notes
Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.18 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: pK5qvup?
This link should allow you to access an Excel document to confirm testing has been completed on UAT
Confirmation of UAT Testing Completed Form
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description | Video Link |
FEATURE | Assessment Plan - Cancel external Surpass tests when cancelling the plan | We’ve updated the assessment plan cancellation process to now also check for any booked Surpass tests and attempt to cancel them. Should this fail the plan will remain active and an error message will be shown to the user indicating what went wrong, this will either be an EPAPro error message, or a response from Surpass indicating why the test was unable to be cancelled. As part of this work some visual inconsistencies has been fixed within the assessment plan screen. This should have no affect on functionality. | N/A | |
FEATURE | Assessment Plan - More information when cancelling the plan | We’ve updated the cancel plan popup to include more information on what the action will do, and the consequences of cancelling the plan. We’ve also included a toggle that must be checked before proceeding. Following this change cancelled assessment plans cannot be reversed, which is why we’ve introduced steps to try and slow down the user performing the cancellation. | ||
FEATURE | Reporting - Gateway performance report | We have written a report to allow the tracking of forecasted gateway submissions against actual gateway submissions on a provider, standard and date basis. This report will also calculate the difference between these two values and provide the result in a column called difference. A reduced subset of date filtering options have been provided (from and to, last x months, last x years, next x months, next x years) as well as filters for both provider and standard. Provider gateway forecasting can be managed via the provider management screen. | ||
FEATURE | Gateway / Assessment Questions - Extend to allow different field types | We’ve extended the questions functionality on gateway components and assessment elements to add support for different field types. The new types are:
As part of each of these fields will also have automated validation when importing the PDF back into EPAPro or when saving the entity in-app. | EP-2165, EP-2351, EP-2574 Question Form Validation & Field Types | |
FEATURE | Gateway / Assessment Questions - Add a mandatory flag | We’ve extended the questions functionality available to gateway components and assessment components to now have a new mandatory flag. This flag will add also extends this to support validation when saving away the relevant entity and importing a PDF via the result screens. | See EP-2165 | |
FEATURE | Assessment Progress - Improvements to security and processing | We’ve made some improvements to the underlying logic that handles the security and processing of the assessment progress, assessment profile, certification and QA screens. This should not affect the functionality but improves the performance of these checks. | N/A | |
FEATURE | Gateway / Assessment Questions - In-app validation | We’ve extended our questions functionality for gateway components and assessment components to now include data validation based on the configured questions. This validation will cause a record to fail saving when saving the entity via the in-app screen. If you’re importing a questions PDF via the assessment result import feature then the data will be validated and relevant errors shown, these errors must be resolved either in-app or by reimporting the PDF before the result can be saved. The following validation rules will apply depending on the configuration of the question:
| See EP-2165 | |
FEATURE | QA - Improve component QA calculation | The binary options for QA setting against assessment components have been replaced with a QA minimum percentage, allowing for increased customisation. The new QA minimum percentage works in the following manner:
Given the functionality detailed above, the existing QA settings have been converted into the following percentages, to help maintain existing functionality:
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FEATURE | Reporting: Planning meeting history report | We have written a planning meeting history report that details all planning meetings, including those from previous programmes. The columns and filters have been kept consistent with the planning meeting details report. | ||
FEATURE | Reporting - Ready for certification report certification status and element QA status filters | We have introduced filter options to the Ready for Certification report so it is easier to see just the apprentices at each stage of certification. A second filter has also been introduced to allow filtering by element status: those with QA's pending and those where all QA's have been completed. This will enable filtering to find apprentices that are ready for certification immediately and those that still have outstanding actions on them. This functionality matches how the certification management screen works. We have now deprecated the Exclude Non-QA Elements and Omit Partially Passed filters, and they will be removed at some future time. | ||
FEATURE | Record of Achievement - Improve the error given if the template is invalid | We’ve adjusted the error message shown when using the record of achievement screen to now display a more helpful error if the PDF template against the schema / component is not a valid PDF Form. | N/A | |
FEATURE | EPAs/Apprentice - Addition of a Covid-19 compliant toggle to identify workplaces that require / EPAs that have Covid-19 compliance | We’ve made it easier to identify apprentice workplaces that require “Covid-19 Compliance” and EPAs that are “Covid-19 Compliant”. This data is then shown when relevant to users when assigning EPAs to elements, making it easier to identify the most suitable EPA for the element. It’s important to note that EPAPro does not have a definition of Covid-19 Compliance this will differ from business to business and is simply a helpful indicator that can be used when assigning EPAs. The changes include:
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FEATURE | Notifications - Reduce how long notifications are kept for | We’ve adjusted how long we keep old notifications from 1 month to 2 weeks. | N/A | |
FEATURE | Notifications - Improved performance with large amounts of notifications | We’ve improved the notifications side drawer to better handle large amounts of notifications. This should drastically improve the performance for users that have large amounts of notifications. The following changes have been made:
For some users, this should provide a considerable speed improvement as we identified some pages taking upwards of 16 or more seconds to load due to the number of notifications those users had. | ||
FEATURE | [UAT] Assessment Progress - Show the result details pre-QA for internal users | The Assessment Profile screen has been changed to now show the element result prior to QA completion for internal users only. Please note that the result has not been released to the provider at that point in time and would be subject to change through the QA process. The Add/Edit QA screen has been changed so that the Element Details sidebar now shows the high level result details without needing to navigate into the Edit Result screen. This allows basic details to be glanced at whilst performing a QA. |
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FEATURE | [UAT] QA - Add result type filter | A new filter has been added to the QA listing screen so that the list can be filtered to only show Pass or Fail Element results. This allows certain assessments to be prioritised for QA. |
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BUG | Security - various updates to prevent URL manipulation. | As part of ongoing security updates, the following improvements have been made:
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BUG | Notifications - Create/Update QA notifications have confusing messages | We’ve updated the create / update QA notifications to have better messages to reflect what has happened. |
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BUG | Apprentice Notes - Added security to prevent URL manipulation. | Added security to prevent users from adding/editing apprentice notes by manipulating URLs. |
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BUG | Notifications - Some notifications are not taking into account user overrides | We’ve fixed a bug where some notifications were not taking into account the user’s overrides and still sending them the notification when it shouldn’t. The affected notifications are:
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BUG | Gateway - Unable to edit further action notes once saved | We’ve fixed a bug where it was not possible to update the internal or public notes on the further action tab of a gateway once the toggle has been enabled. These two fields are now editable even after the initial save. |
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BUG | Support materials - Status now persists on error. | Fixed a bug that prevented the “Status” field from persisting on error when saving a support material. |
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BUG | Gateway Specification - Component checkbox not persisting on error | We’ve fixed a bug where newly ticked gateway specification components would not persist if an error occurs during save. |
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BUG | Support materials - hide support materials for deleted standards. | A bug has been fixed that will hide support materials for standards that have been deleted. |
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BUG | Surpass - Resit results do not link up with the previous attempts | We’ve fixed a bug where resat surpass assessments were not linking up with the previous attempts, which was causing these to be hidden within the assessment resits report. This has now been corrected. |
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BUG | Gateway Specification - Declaration text is lost when editing the end date of a specification in use | We’ve fixed a bug where changing the end date of a specification causes the declaration text field to be cleared. |
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BUG | Assign Apprentice / Record of Achievement - Employer and Specialism filters not greyed out on load | We’ve fixed a bug where the employer and specialism filters were not initially greyed out when first loading the assign apprentice or record of achievement screens. As part of this fix we’ve brought the assign apprentice and record of achievement filters in line with our other screens, these are now making use of our shared filter system, which will ensure a consistent feature set across these two screens. |
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BUG | Emails - Allow table HTML elements in the email content | We’ve fixed a bug where our content cleaning security was removing table elements from the HTML of emails, pages, or news items. |
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BUG | Filters - updates to improve usability on smaller screen sizes. | Filters have been updated to be more mobile/tablet friendly, by displaying larger on smaller screen sizes. |
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BUG | Apprentice - ethnicity now persists on error. | Fixed a bug whereby the ethnicity field would not persist on error, when creating an apprentice. |
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BUG | API - Documentation missing tas_name for apprentices | We’ve fixed an issue with our API documentation where the |
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BUG | Performance - Edit users is slow | We’ve improved the performance of the permissions tab when editing a user. This was causing some slowdown for these screens. Following this change, the performance of the edit user screens should be improved. |
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BUG | Assessment Progress / QA - QA Created / QA Updated by QA notifications do not include the pre-filtered link | We’ve adjusted the QA Created, QA Updated By EPA and QA Updated By QA notifications to now link to the relevant assessment profile. Previously this linked to the assessment progress screen but, due to a bug, wouldn’t pre-filter the apprentice. This will not affect existing notifications. These will naturally cycle out over time. |
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BUG | ESFA - Some apprentices not showing "Check for Certificate" button | We’ve fixed a bug where some apprentices would be missing the “Check for Certificate” button on the ESFA screen. This was due to the certificate only having a created date and not a submitted date when the certificate was first fetched via this screen. If an apprentice is missing the submitted date the “Check for Certificate” button can be used again to update the missing date within EPAPro. |
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BUG | Gateway Component - Question field changes do not persist on error | Fixed an issue with the gateway component screen not persisting some changes if an error occurs. Also added the required asterisk to component name and component description as they are both required fields. |
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BUG | Display training provider list in alphabetical order for various screens. | Have amended the following screens to display the list of available training providers in ascending alphabetical order, instead of descending created date:
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BUG | [UAT] Assessment Progress - Result showing to external users pre-QA | Fixed a bug where element results would show in the assessment profile prior to QA completion to external users. |