Version 4.14.0 - 20/07/2021

Version 4.14.0 - 20/07/2021

Release notes


Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.14 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: N1XbYb#7 



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Release Notes Title

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Result tracking report - add grade type and next action filters

We have added the grade type and next action filters to the result tracking report. Results awaiting QA will have Grade Type and Next Action of ‘Unavailable’, there is an option to filter by this. These two new filters have no effect if qa_complete is set to ‘No’. The new 'unavailable' filters options are intended to be used alone.




Support Materials - make active tab persist after searching

We have fixed a bug where the support materials active tab was not persisting when searching.




Result tracking report - add QA columns and filters

We have added the following columns to the result tracking report: qa_complete, qa_required, element_id. We have also added the following filters: QA Complete and QA Required.




New elements pending results report.

We have written a new report to determine elements that do not yet have a result, which is called Elements Requiring Results and can be found on the Assessment tab of the reporting area. This report does not include elements that have an outstanding QA that has not yet been signed off, as these elements are covered by the results pending QA report.

We have included the following filters: Provider, Employer, Standard, Specialism, EPA, Element EPA, Component Name, Assessment Type and Location Type, as well as the usual search and date filtering options.




Assessment Elements Report - marked as deprecated.

We have deprecated the current assessment elements report as it has been replaced with a smaller, more efficient report that concentrates on providing the details of just assessment elements ( EP-2120DONE ).

This report can still be run in the meantime, but will be removed at some future time.




"New" Assessment elements report

We have written a new assessment elements report, which focuses on assessment elements. The result and QA columns that were in the now deprecated report have not been included in this report. This has been re-written to address the efficiency and load time issues that were being experienced with the original report. All of the columns that are not part of this new report can be found in other reports. For example, result based information can be found in the result tracking report, and the QA information can be found in either the results pending QA report or the completed QA report.

We have also introduced a new filter with this report to allow you to filter on the EPA assigned to the assessment element.




Microsoft Teams - Integration

We have added Microsoft Teams integration to EPAPro, providing a streamlined way of booking Microsoft Teams meetings for elements and planning meetings along with giving additional information on an EPAs availability.

The tickets relating to Microsoft Teams will describe the functionality that they’ve added/changed.

Via the new Configuration screen it’ll now be possible to link up your Microsoft Azure Organisation to EPAPro. The accounts can be linked via the new configuration screen when viewing the integrations tab. To grant access the Microsoft account that would like to be used will need to have the Global Admin or Privileged Admin role to grant access. Once this is done EPAPro will then be able to book meetings on behalf of the users inside your organisation, as well as provide busy/free data when booking an element if the EPA is within your organisation.

Please note, that this additional integration is only available for users who have an email accounts managed by your Microsoft organisation. It’s unable to provide the same level of integration for users outside of your organisation due to the security protections Microsoft has in place.




Record of achievement - Additional Fields

We have added the following fields to the component and certification RoA’s:

  • apprentice date of birth

    • labelled as ‘date_of_birth’ on the PDF

  • apprentice unique learner number

    • labelled as ‘apprentice_uln’ on the PDF

  • apprentice provider name

    • labelled as ‘provider_name’ on the PDF

  • apprentice employer name

    • labelled as ‘employer_name’ on the PDF

We have also taken this opportunity to correct the RoA for Certifications and have removed the reference to ‘Certificate’, instead replacing it with ‘RoA’.




Microsoft Teams - Create a screen to provide information and steps on linking to EPAPro

We’ve added a new screen called Configuration this new screen will provide a way to Owner users to access any system settings available, along with link up any third part integrations such as Microsoft Teams.

In this initial introduction of the configuration screen the ESFA Appeals Duration we introduced in a previous version is now visible and can be configured as needed.

As part of this the Settings menu item has also been renamed to System Management with the underlying items also being tweaked to better fit with this new name.




EPA Availability - Redesign and Microsoft integration

As part of our teams integration we decided to give the EPA Availability tab an overhaul making it easier to use, display the data in a more intuitive way and also provide additional data from the Microsoft integration.

New layout

The EPA Availability used to be a table showing all of the information needed. To accommodate the additional Teams information we’ve adjusted this into a Day Plan. The Day Plan provides a visual way to see what the EPAs day looks like where the booking is being attempted. Structured similar to a calendar, there will be blocks of events indicating where the EPA is unavailable.

The blocks of events shown on the calendar are grouped into 30 minute blocks of time. However, hovering over the event will provide the exact times if you’re wanting to try and fit a booking in.

The striped event represents the booking you’re trying to make and helps show where that booking may be placed should it be saved. It’ll also turn to a red striped event if a conflict has been detected, such as the event flows outside the working hours of the EPA or it overlaps with an unavailable event.

The working hours can be identified by the darker part of the day plan, and is further explained by a tooltip when hovering over it.

With this new layout the Day Plan is the main focus, however, if you’re still interested in seeing the details of the absences, working hours or notes these can be viewed via the new tabs above the EPA Availability.

Microsoft Integration

If you have linked EPAPro to your Microsoft organisation the EPA Availability area will also make use of the EPA's Outlook calendar to provide a more reliable view of the EPAs day.

EPAPro does not show any specific details about the events in the EPA’s calendar, and just shows events representing the blocks of time the event covers.

As with the EPAPro based events, if these overlap with the current booking you’re trying to make then the booking will be highlighted in a red striped background.

Much like the other Microsoft integrations, the EPA’s email address much be a valid email address managed by the linked organisation, otherwise we’ll be unable to fetch this additional data.




Planning Meeting - Microsoft Teams integration

Similar to the plan elements we’ve also integration Microsoft teams into the assessment planning meetings. It works in a very similar way to elements and provides a seamless way to book a Microsoft Teams meeting.

To bring the Zoom integration in line with the elements and also make it more flexible, we’ve also introduced the organiser email address field which is required if Zoom or Teams is deleted. This field is the organiser of the meeting and is who the meeting will be booked on behalf of.

The Microsoft Teams organiser must be a valid email address managed by your organisation linked with EPAPro, otherwise, we’ll be unable to book the meeting.




Microsoft Teams - Add Teams meetings to assessment elements

We’ve added a new ‘Teams’ option to the external meeting section when booking elements. This functionality works similar to Zoom, after selecting Teams you’ll need to then also enter the organiser’s email address in the input field, the email address must be an account part of the linked Microsoft organisation.

If these details are entered, when saving the element EPAPro will automatically attempt to book a Microsoft Teams meeting on behalf of the organiser, inviting all users relevant to the element as attendees.

When updating, rescheduling, resitting or retaking an element the existing meeting will be updated. When an assessment plan is cancelled then any Teams meetings linked with the elements will also be cancelled with notifications being sent out to all involved.

The organiser email is required to correctly update an existing meeting or cancel one, so this field is read-only once a Teams meeting has been booked.




Reporting Scheduler - Send as Link option

A new option has been added to the reporting scheduler. Instead of sending a report as an attachment to an email a new option is now available to send a download link to the report file.

This allows for the email sizes to be smaller and to cope with some organisational firewalls that may block attachments.

The new report email will contain a tokenised link unique to the scheduled report at the time of running as well as a code that must be inputted in order to access the report.

Links are invalidated and the saved reports removed after 72 hours for data protection and GDPR purposes.

These changes will not affect any existing schedules; they will need to be updated to send as a link if this is desired.




Prevent providers from cancelling plans/meetings when performing a change of circumstance.

The change of circumstance screen, API & Bulk Upload have been updated to prevent external users (provider, employer & apprentice) from cancelling plans/meetings when performing a change of circumstance against an apprentice.

For the API & Bulk Upload, these have been changed to ignore the “cancel_meetings” option - the means that the external user will still be able to perform the change of circumstance without error, however the plans/meetings will not be cancelled.




API - search apprentice endpoint

We have added a new API endpoint for apprentice searching. This endpoint can take the following parameters:

  • given_name: this is the first name of the apprentice that you are searching for

  • family_name: this is the last name of the apprentice that you are searching for

  • unique_learner_number: this is the unique_learner_number of the apprentice that you are searching for

  • email: this is the email address of the apprentice that you are searching for

  • external_learner_id: this is the external_learner_id of the apprentice that you are searching for

  • limit: the number of results to be shown per page, defaults to 10

  • page: the page number of the search results, defaults to 1

This endpoint will return exact matches only, so where a first name is provided as ‘Jon’ the API will return only apprentices with the first name ‘Jon’ and not ‘Jonathan’ or ‘Jonny’. These search parameters are stackable, so where the apprentice first and last name are known, both can be provided to the API to give a more exact match.

Where no search parameters are provided to the API, a 400 error will occur and the user will be advised to provide one or more of the parameters provided above.

The following fields are returned from the API:

  • id: this is the id that EPA Pro assigns to the apprentice

  • username: this is the unique username that is associated with the apprentice

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • email_address

  • external_learner_id:

  • unique_learner_number

Full details can be found within the API documentation.




Assessment elements report - add created_at date to the date filters

We have added the created_at date the the date filters on the assessment elements report.

As a part of this work, we have now added the date comparison filters to this report.




Security - Upgrade jQuery

As part of our penetration test we’ve upgraded the version of jQuery we use throughout EPAPro to the current latest version. This has meant a few visual changes were needed due to dependent libraries not being compatible.

The most notable change is the datepickers used throughout EPAPro are using a newer library with a much cleaner and modern look, the functionality should remain the same.




Finance reports to return apprentices with valid contracts by default.

The finance reports have been updated to only return rows for apprentices that match valid contracts by default.

The affected reports are:

  • Assessment Resits

  • Completed Gateway Billing

  • Late Registration

  • Registered Apprentice Billing

Selecting specific contracts / the none option from the contracts filter dropdown will override this behaviour & search for the options selected, as expected.




Reporting - Performance improvements

The reporting engine has been updated to make minor SQL optimisations in order to improve performance on large, multi-joining reports (i.e. Assessment Resits, Result Tracking)




Fixed a bug where users could change their own role

Fix a bug where in some situations a user would be able to change their own role.




Assessment Elements report - results can be

We have fixed a bug where it was possible to determine the result of an assessment before the QA had been signed off via the assessment elements report. This has been fixed for both the deprecated report and the new one ( EP-2120DONE )




Show outcome with name of "0" in certification screen.

The certification screen has been updated to show the outcome text of “0” when an outcome of that name is selected. Previously this would show a blank field instead of the expected outcome name.




Show dates against all completed elements in apprentice profile, regardless of QA requirement.

The apprentice profile overview tab has been updated to display the result created date, when an element is completed & not selected for QA. Previously no date was shown against the element.




QA users can now see EPAMs when given the read permission.

The EPA Manager listing screen has been updated to allow QA users to see EPAMs when given read permission. Previously the screen was accessible, however no managers appeared in the list.




Standards - Layout problems with long standard names

We’ve made tweaks to various parts of EPAPro to improve how standard dropdown are shown when long names are used. The changes include:

  • Edit Apprentice / Start New Programme - adjusted the standard select box giving it a fixed size and wrap the standard names

  • Assessment Centre - Migrated the standards tab over to the new design

  • New standards tab design has had the select picker’s width fixed and standard names will now wrap. This affects, EPAs/EPAMs and QAs

  • Provider - Migrated the standards tab over to the new design

  • Employer - Migrated the standards tab over to the new design

  • Some filters have been adjusted to also have a fixed width and text wrapping, this only applies to screens with our updated filters, currently including ESFA, Assessment Meetings, Assessment Progress, Contracts and Gateway.




Security - Ability to update role

Following a penetration test we’ve identified and resolved a bug where a user other than an Awarding Organisation user is able to change the role if they know how to modify the underlying request data. This will not be possible and the modified value will be ignored.




API - Saving an apprentice without changes created empty event

Fixed a bug where saving an existing apprentice record away without making any changes would create an API queue event.


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