Version 4.13.0 - 22/06/2021

Version 4.13.0 - 22/06/2021

Release notes


Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.12 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: ej@3AX@W



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Release Notes Title

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Video Link



Assessment Progress - Redirect old screen

The old assessment progress screen has now been disabled. Any old routes should redirect to the new assessment progress screen.




Gateway - Add EPA column to gateway screens

We’ve added a new EPA column to the gateway screens. This column will show:

  • The current EPA assigned to the apprentice if they have one

  • An orange label to show the EPA if the apprentice is pending assignment

  • A small i icon is also shown which will display the EPA Manager assigned to the EPA




Store multiple gateway submissions by programme id & show history within gateway screen

The gateway screen has been amended to show a new “History” button, instead of the previous “View Rejections” button. This new button displays a new overlay, containing gateway submission information for the apprentice’s programme. This includes:

  • Submissions

  • Approval

  • Rejection reasons

Note that for apprentices with multiple submissions prior to this work, the show history overlay will not be able to display each submission, only the latest. This is due to the information of multiple submissions not being stored until this work. New gateway submissions going forward will show an entry per submission.




Employer bulk update

We have added functionality to allow the updating of employers in bulk. This works in much the same way as the apprentice bulk update, where in a CSV file can be created with the fields that are to be updated for each employer row in the file.

We have also created an example file that you can download and use as a guide for the names of the columns that can be updated via the bulk update. There is also an documentation guide for the required field for this update, the id column, which specifies the identification of the employer that you wish to upload (this is the System ID value on the Employer Screen in EPAPro).

Where you are uploading multiple employers in the same file, only include the columns that you are changing values in for every employer. This upload functionality assumes that if the column exists within the file, the value that is within it is the value to update the employer on that row with. So, in the instance that this column is blank for some employers (i.e. you do not wish to change it), the import will assume that the blank is the new value and will change it. We strongly advise that you create separate files for the employers that have columns to be updated that are unique to them.

Please note, that when updating the standards or assessment centres relating to an employer, you need to include all the standards or assessment centres that relate to that employer. So, for example, if an employer you are updating is already associated with standards that you wish to keep, you need to include these existing external_standard_id’s with any new ones you provide with the update.




Assign Apprentice - Integrate a way to easily get directions

We’ve implemented a new button on the various assign apprentice screens that will provide an easy way to get Google Maps directions between an EPA and an Apprentice.

The new button has been added to:

  • Process popup on the Awaiting, Pending, Rejected and Completed assign apprentice screens

  • Bulk Process popup on the Awaiting, Pending, Rejected and Completed assign apprentice screens

  • Awaiting Acceptance screen

  • Bulk accept popup on the Awaiting Acceptance screen

The new button will open a new tab or window (depending on browser) taking you to a new screen with a prefilled map showing the directions. On this new screen you can:

  • Interact with the map

  • Get additional details by clicking through to the fully-featured Google map

  • Enter a different start/end address

  • Click the ‘Return to Previous Screen’ button to close the current tab/window - this will return you to the last active tab

This new functionality will be available providing the apprentice and EPA have a valid address.




Dashboard - Adjust the stats shown

Dashboard Boxes

We’ve adjusted the dashboard stats that are shown based on feedback we’ve received. The dashboard will still show four stat boxes at the top for users with permission, these boxes will now be:

  • Total number of on programme apprentices

    • This will show the count of apprentices that have an “On Programme” status at the time the stats were calculated. This does not include apprentices with a “Completed” status.

  • Completed gateways month to date

    • These are shown where the gateway has been completed and the audit submitted date is within the current month

  • Completed planning meetings month to date

    • These are shown where the planning meeting status is completed and the new completed date is within the current month

  • Published certifications month to date

    • These are shown where the QA has been completed for the certification and the published date is in the current month

With the exception of the on programme apprentices, the other three will all reset to 0 on the first of the month. All of these values are also cached until the end of the current day.

Planning Meetings

To accommodate the planning meeting box we’ve added a new date field that will track when a meeting’s status has moved to ‘Completed’, caused when the plan is signed off.

This new date is what is used in the dashboard’s completed planning meeting calculation. The date has also been added to the Planning Meeting Details report.

Please note, due to this being a new field, any completed planning meetings before this release will not have this date against them. This will mean that until a new month starts following this release this stat box will not be accurate.




Rename "Cohort Booking" to "Assessment Booking".

The “Cohort Booking” functionality has been renamed to “Assessment Booking”, to remove complications with the traditional use of the term “cohort”.

Menu items, permissions, change log & internal data structures have all been updated.

Note this should purely be a name change - no functionality should be affected by this development.




Creation of the new gateway status report

A new gateway status report has been created that will show one row for each gateway submission/rejection/approval for an apprentice.

The report allows for custom sorting, but will always sort by apprentice/programme id & gateway action date, as this order needs to be maintained for the flow of the report to make sense.

A new filter has also been introduced to allow filtering of specific gateway action types (i.e. Approval, Rejection & Submission), to help limit the results from the report.

The user type reporting filters behind the scenes have also been updated to include apprentice type filtering. This will allow apprentices to run more reports & see results specific to them.




Apprentices - Parental Consent fields not visible on validation error

We’ve fixed a bug where the parental consent fields for an apprentice were not visible after a validation error even if they were before trying to save.




Disable save button when processing to prevent duplicate records.

Amended various screens to disable the save button during record processing - this prevents duplicate records from being saved at the same time. The following screens have been updated:

  • Apprentice

  • Assessment centre

  • Assessment component

  • Assessment schema

  • Awarding organisation

  • Contract

  • Employer

  • EPA

  • EPA manager

  • Gateway component

  • Gateway specification

  • Grade profile

  • Provider

  • QA

  • Standard




Fixed inconsistent filtering for the QA Audit report.

Fixed a bug that caused the QA required filter to negate other filters on the QA Audit report when set to “No”.




Employers - Fix to tidy up users belonging to previously deleted employers

This ticket tidies up a bug where employer users where not being marked as ‘deleted’ when an employer was deleted from the system.




Record of Achievement listing screen now usable for providers.

Fixed a bug whereby providers with Record of Achievement read permissions could not see relevant apprentices within the Record of Achievement screen.




Gateway now scrolls to show any errors when a submission fails.

The gateway overlay has been amended to scroll to show any errors when submission fails. This is required as some declarations can be very long, and thus errors that have occurred may not be obvious.




Date/time picker within the assessment plan now always displays below the input field

Amended the date/time picker for the schedule timestamp within the assessment plan to always display below the input field. This allows users on small displays to access the date/time picker (as sometimes this appeared above the input & could not be accessed).




Apprentice - Parental Consent validation prevents save even if they're not needed

We’ve fixed a bug where if the parental consent fields were partially completed a validation error would be triggered, even if the apprentice does not require the fields. This validation will now only trigger if the apprentice is younger than 18.




Planning meetings - scheduled date defaulting to today where no planning meeting exists

We have fixed a bug where the planning meeting scheduled date was defaulting to the current date where no planning meeting existed.

We have also added a button to link directly to the assign EPA screen where there has been not EPA assigned to the apprentice. Where the EPA assignment is pending confirmation from the EPA, you will see ‘Awaiting EPA Decision’ in the EPA name column (we have also included the name of the EPA in brackets) and the button to assign an EPA to the apprentice will no longer be shown.




Incomplete gateway alert links to the relevant gateway review page

The incomplete gateway alert on assessment profile screen has been updated to link to the relevant gateway review page, depending on the apprentice’s gateway status.




Reporting - Ready for Certification report

Fixed a bug where the Ready for Certification report failed to download as a CSV from the reporting area.




Result Questions - Adjusted the layout to be more consistent with the screen

We’ve adjusted the layout of the questions and answers widget when adding, editing or adjusting a result to now be more inline with the rest of the screen.

The functionality is the same as before.




Assessment Progress - Unable to add a result

Fixed a bug whereby a user would be unable to add a result against an element if they tried to submit it without adding a signature. The submit button would be disabled and would never re-enable even after a signature was added.




Prevent Malicious scripts from being included as part of any HTML content generated within EPAPro.

We have added code to remove references to malicious scripts within any HTML content generated within EPAPro, by use of the HTML editor on the following screens:

  • Assessment Centre

  • Email Manager

  • Gateway Specification

  • Pages

  • News




Security - Users can access files in areas they do not have permission

Following a penetration test we have identified and resolved a bug where a user would be able to access a file for an area of the system they do not have permission to read, they’ll now be denied access.

Please note, that all uploaded files have a randomly generated hash for the filename, meaning the name of the file would have needed to have been successfully guessed.




Remove web.config file from public view

The publicly visible web.config file has been removed, as this is not used in our configuration.




Assign Apprentice - Fixed an issue when bulk assigning if no map is enabled

We’ve fixed an issue where it was not possible to bulk assign if the Google Map functionality was disabled.




Prevent exceptions when cancelling partially booked plans

We’ve fixed a bug where cancelling a partially complete plan may sometimes cause an exception due to EPAPro trying to delete actions for unbooked elements. We’ve adjusted this so it will now only attempt to delete actions for booked elements when cancelling an assessment plan.




Prevent python files from being uploaded to EPAPro

New validation has been added to prevent file uploads based on file extension.

This additional layer of validation has been introduced to catch specific circumstances where the existing file checks were unable to distinguish between different plain text files.




Reporting - Reports can be accessed even without permission

Following a penetration test we have identified and resolved a bug where users were able to bypass their reporting permissions and access a report they wouldn’t normally be able to do, this would have only shown them data relevant to them, the same as if they were given permission. Additional checks have now been added and they’ll be denied access.




Security - Cache Headers

Fixed a bug where a user would be able to access pages cached by the browser even when not logged in.




Improved security when updating user profiles.

The backend saving logic has been amended to only use fields included in an allow list - this prevents users from amending the save request & updating fields they shouldn’t have access to.

This work affects the user profile, as well as the “Edit your company profile” pages for EPA, EPAM, Provider & Employer.




ULN added to the gateway further action report

The ULN has been added to the gateway further action report.




Manage planning meetings screen to honour the option to see apprentices prior to gateway approval.

The code for the Manage planning meetings screen has been updated to correctly show apprentices that have not gone through gateway, if this option is enabled.




New add results page now shows validation errors on failed file uploads.

The new add results page has been updated to show validation errors when a file upload fails.


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