Version 4.15.0 - 17/08/2021
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description | Video Link |
TASK | EPAPro Framework - File clean up | Following the upgrades to Bootstrap and jQuery we’ve taken the opportunity to clean a lot of the internal file structures and folders within the EPAPro framework. Much of this is historical and not in use anymore. As part of this the mock test login area has also been redesigned with the new Bootstrap 5 upgrade. Furthermore we’ve taken the opportunity to remove the default signature guide line from all signature areas. |
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FEATURE | Reporting Filters - Update to use Bootstrap 5 popovers. | We have updated all of the reporting tooltips to be bootstrap 5 popovers. This allows us to use HTML in the content which helps to make them more readable. | ||
FEATURE | Conflict of Interest - Extend user search | To aid in finding apprentices easier within the conflict of interest area we’ve extended the search functionality to allow an exact match with a ULN. | ||
FEATURE | Added estimated/real distance calculations between old & new bookings. | The EPA availability widget has been updated to show the following, additional information:
The changes outlined above are available in the following system locations:
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FEATURE | Global - Essentials Edition Preparation | In preparation for our launch of a new Essentials pricing plan for smaller awarding organisations we’ve made changes throughout EPAPro to support the reduced functionality this plan will have. These changes should not affect any existing customers, who will remain on our Enterprise plan and retain all of the existing functionality they have. The changes include:
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FEATURE | Assign Apprentice - Search by ULN | The assign apprentice screens have been extended so that ULN can be used in the search box. | ||
FEATURE | Front End - Upgraded our front-end libraries | We’ve upgraded our front end libraries throughout EPAPro. With this upgrade the visual look of the application has changed, it’ll now have a much more modern look and feel throughout. This upgrade was necessary to fix security vulnerabilities found in the previous versions. We have also taken this opportunity to improve the visual consistency of our screens. There should be no change in functionality, some of the changes include, but are not limited to:
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FEATURE | Assign Apprentice - Allow QA users access | Change made to allow the QA user type to be able to assign apprentices to EPA/EPAMs if given permission. Due to the nature of the user their viewing rights are now the same in this area as the AO user type. No changes have been made to the default QA user role. |
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FEATURE | Gateway - Sorting and date filters extension | The gateway area has been extended with several new filters and default sorting has been applied to the different sub pages. Gateway Pending
Gateway Rejected
Gateway Completed / Archived
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FEATURE | Assessment Method - New option and sorting | A new assessment method “Simulation Assessment & Questioning” has been added as an option to assessment components. The method of assessment dropdown is now sorted alphabetically. | ||
FEATURE | Employer Report - ESFA preference | The ESFA preferred address column has been added to the Employer report to bring it into parity with the Provider report. | ||
FEATURE | File Uploads - Add encrypted word files as an allowable upload | We’ve added encrypted Microsoft Word documents as a valid file type upload. | ||
FEATURE | ESFA API - Specialism versions | Following changes made by the ESFA we’ve made changes to facilitate specialism versioning within EPAPro when submitting certificates to the ESFA. Within the Manage Standards area, under specialisms, where course options are selected; the dropdown has been extended to provide options per version supplied by the ESFA. In some cases these options are the same and in some they differ. This may vary from standard to standard. Users are free to set up the different versions however you wish either by including all specialism versions under one standard or by splitting them out into different standard records. As long as each specialism is mapped to a valid course option then submission to the ESFA is possible and will be validated by them. For Example:
Two possible ways to set up this standard within EPAPro are as follows:
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BUG | Mock Tests - Password inconsistencies | We've fixed a couple of bugs relating to the inconsistency of the mock test password settings: |
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BUG | Prevent recalculation of apprentice expected dates on validation error | The apprentice screen has been amended to prevent the expected ready for EPA / completion dates from being recalculated on validation error. This prevents users from losing valid overwritten dates if another field has caused the error. Note that if the user wishes to have these dates recalculated after a validation error, changing the start date will trigger the recalculation. |
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BUG | Hide archived support materials for AO users in View mode. | The View page for support materials has been changed to hide archived documents for AO users - previously AO users were exempt from this check. Archived documents can still be viewed & reinstated by AO users by using the Manage page instead of View. |
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BUG | Awarding organisations can now update user permissions with a custom role. | The following screens have been updated to allow AO users to update user permissions, regardless of their assigned role:
Previously, custom roles for awarding organisations prevented the user permissions from displaying. |
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BUG | Change of circumstance bulk upload to show cancel meeting warnings for on programme. | The change of circumstances bulk upload screen has been updated to show the cancel meetings warning, regardless of what status the apprentice is changing to and regardless of the what cancel_meeting is set to. |
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BUG | Assessment Profile - QA Button takes into account middle name | We’ve fixed a bug where the shortcut QA button would not show the apprentice if they have a middle name. |
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BUG | Layout - Hidden username | Fixed a bug where a user’s username would be hidden on specific resolution and screen size combinations. |
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BUG | Prevent apprentices from unexpectedly changing back to on programme | The receipt of a Surpass result for a non on programme apprentice (i.e. Back Into Learning, Suspended etc.) should no longer change the apprentice back to on programme. |
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BUG | Menu - Opening issue for Assessment Profile and Result | Fixed an issue where the menu was not showing as open when viewing the Assessment Profile or Assessment Result areas. |
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BUG | Reporting - QA users unable to load EPA Allocation report | We’ve fixed a bug where QA users were unable to load the EPA Allocation report even if they had permission to do so. |
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BUG | Reporting - Tooltip typo | Fixed a typo on the date filters for the Completed Gateway Billing report. |
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BUG | Reporting - Tooltip typo | Fixed a typo on the date tooltips for the Result Action Outcome report |
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BUG | Reporting - Tooltip correction | Fixed a typo on the date tooltip for the Further Action gateway report |
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BUG | Reporting - Missing tooltip | Added a missing tooltip on the date filters for the Ready for Certification report. |
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BUG | Reporting - Tooltip correction | Fixed a typo on the date tooltips for the SLA report Time from result being added to the QA being published. |
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BUG | Updating menu to highlight when accessing user management & apprentice profile. | The menu has been updated to highlight the relevant user management section when managing/viewing/editing the Awarding Organisation, EPA managers, EPA & QA users. The menu has also been updated to highlight the Apprentice menu item whilst viewing an apprentice profile. |
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BUG | EPA users can now view their own CPD files. | Security has been amended to allow an EPA to download a copy of their own CPD files when viewing their own profile. Previously this was not possible without |
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BUG | Planning Meeting - Remote URL and Location text fields missing on 'View' screen | Fixed a bug when viewing a planning meeting that would not show the Remote URL and Location associated text fields. |
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BUG | Planning Meeting - Attendee confirmed switch always active | We’ve fixed a display bug where the attendee confirmed switch on the planning meeting screen would, in some instances, incorrectly show as enabled. |
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BUG | Employer ESFA preferred address changes persist on save. | Fixed a bug whereby the employer ESFA preferred address could not be updated after employer creation. |
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BUG | Standards - Read/Update permission not working as expected | We’ve fixed a bug with the standard screen’s permissions. A user with only Read standards will now be able to view a single standard. A user with Update standards will be able to save a standard after editing. |
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BUG | Apprentice Profile - Upload button does not load properly | We’ve fixed a bug that was introduced as part of the assessment profile redesign that preventing an apprentice from uploading assessment info via their profile, providing they had the relevant permissions. This has been fixed as the following changes have been made to accommodate this:
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BUG | Apprentice - Unable to start a new programme if the gateway had questions | Fixed an issue where it’s not possible to start a new programme if a component from the apprentice’s gateway had questions associated with it. |
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BUG | Mock Test - Improved handling of deleted mock tests | We’ve improved the handling of a deleted mock test being accessed via it’s URL, previously this would show a 500 server error, it’ll now correctly 404 indicating the mock test no longer exists. |
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BUG | Surpass integration no longer sends standards without an external subject reference | The Surpass integration code has been updated to prevent standards with no |