Version 4.11.0 - 27/04/2021

Version 4.11.0 - 27/04/2021

Release notes


Release Webinar is available here; Click here for 4.11 release video. You will need to enter this Passcode: ^7RjD@C



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Release Notes Title

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ESFA - Update listing screen with new filters/pagination

We’ve updated the ESFA listing screen to use the new filters layout we’ve been introducing on other screens. This will keep it consistent with our other screens that have this, and moving forward all screens, as part of this a ‘Clear Filters’ button has also been added.

We’ve also added the AJAX pagination that we have also been slowly introducing. This will ensure a much smoother experience when navigating between pages, of items within the listing screen.

As part of this ticket we also increased the number of apprentices shown per page to 50.

EP-1666 ESFA Submission screen improvements



Provider Details Report

We have created a new provider details report. This gives the details of the providers that are in your system.

EP-1984 Provider Details Report



Assessment Progress - Redesign

Detailed Screen

A new screen has been added, entitled “Assessment Profile”. This new screen supersedes the legacy apprentice view from within the assessment progress screen. Screen functionality includes:

  • Various information about the apprentice & the programme they are currently taking part on.

  • Overview of the stage of the apprentice’s assessments, shown in both a new, detailed progress bar & programme check list.

  • Manage buttons against each component for the apprentice’s schema - this opens the new sidebar, which offers various functionality (these are detailed later).

  • A new primary action button when the apprentice’s flow through EPA has a clear next step - examples include “Book Assessment”, “Add Result”, “QA Result”, etc.

  • Certification details are also included below the components - this line is bolded & will show certification information once the certification has been through QA. A “View Certification” primary action button is also provided.

Manage Element Sidebar

A new sidebar has been added when clicking ‘Manage’ next to a component on the detailed assessment profile screen. This sidebar acts a central place where summary information can be found for the element. It allows for:

  • Displaying of alerts that are specific to the element

  • Displaying of result summary data, along with various actions relating to the result such as Add Result, Edit Result, View Result and Result Adjustment. These actions may not always be visible as it depends on the user’s permission and the status of the element and/or the apprentice.

  • Displaying of QA summary data along with various actions relating to the QA including Add QA, Edit QA, View QA and Update QA. The View QA button will open a sub section of the sidebar allowing for quick viewing of the QA information, the user can then click the ‘Back to current element’ button at the top to navigate back to where they were.

  • Viewing of previous results via the previous results widget. The sidebar provides much more detail compared to previous results via the legacy screen. You now have access to the entire element details, similar to how you view a current element.

  • Editing of the EPA via the pencil icon next to the EPA within the booking details widget. This is a new feature that was added as a shortcut for changing the current EPA. This will open a new sub section within the sidebar and will show the EPA’s availability similar to how the EPA selection on the element popup does. This pencil is only visible until a result has been added.

  • Editing of the next action is also now possible by using the pencil icon next to the next action within the result widget. This is a new widget that was added to help with external assessments where the next action may need adjusting. This is possible pre-QA, if the next action needs changing after QA then the result adjustment process should be used.

There are also some other adjustments / enhancements to this area including but not limited to:

  • Widgets will be pre-expanded depending on the context of the element. For example, if the element is pending QA then the QA widget will be pre-expanded.

  • The icons next to each widget’s title will adjust based on the element’s status. If a result is required then it’ll be a cross, otherwise it’ll be a green tick.

  • Assessment info file name input will pre-fill based on the file name selected, this will only happen if the field is empty, and can be overridden.

New Result Screen

A new screen has been created to replace the add/edit result popup and result adjustment popup. This new screen contains all of the same functionality but with a much more user friendly design to improve the user experience.

As part of the redesign a bug that existed on the view result popup has been fixed, this would allow the next action of an external result to be edited. Although a bug a fix was delayed due to there not being another way to edit the next action in this situation, now the manage element sidebar allows for this the view result screen will no longer allow edits.

A new set of permissions have also been introduced: read-result, create-result and update-result. These will automatically be added to every role and user in the system that already has the appropriate assessment permission: read-assessment, create-assessment and update-assessment, respectively. These permissions relate to the new assessment progress screens only, as we didn’t want to restrict features that existing users in the system have always had access to. Going forward, the assessment based set of permissions should be used specifically for assessment based activities and the result based set of permissions should be used for the management of results.

Time Left In EPA

This number of days is displayed on both the overview screen and in the detailed Assessment Profile screen. It is calculated by taking the difference between the gateway date and the completion date.

The gateway date will either be the “Audit Submitted Date” if the apprentice has been approved in gateway, or it will be the “Expected Date Ready for EPA” (set against the apprentice record).

The completion date will be calculated using the “Maximum Assessment Duration” set against the Standard. If this is not set then it will use the “Expected Completion Date” set against the apprentice record.

EP-2162 New Assessment Progress screens Playlist



Programme History Report

A new programme history report has been created which provides a full history of apprentice programmes, with the ability to filter on just the most recent programme for each apprentice. Filters have been provided to allow filtering on the programme change reason, and the columns that start 'previous_' (only relevant for the Standard, Specialism, Epa, and Apprentice Status filters). Said 'previous_' columns inform of the details of the most recent apprentice programme before the change.

Part of this work has also included the requirement to specify a reason for the program change, with the option of adding additional information, both of which will be stored along with the user details of the user that processed the programme change. These fields have been provided for the Apprentice details screen, the bulk import and the API (though these fields are not a requirement for the API).

Please note this will not change the existing functionality of the API: when using the API to process programme changes, the system will automatically set the 'Reason' to 'Other' and add additional information of 'No reason given, changed via API' where no reason has been provided, and thus the inclusion of this information is optional when using the API.

EP-2286 Programme History Report



QA - Add CPD uploads

We’ve added the ability for QA users to have CPD uploads against them, similar to EPAs and EPAMs. This will work exactly the same as the CPD uploads against an EPA/EPAM and has the same validation requirements.

As part of this work we’ve cleaned up the CPD upload form, making it clearer.

Changes of note:

  • Tidy up the CPD uploads tab

  • Add the CPD uploads tab to the edit quality manager screen

  • Add a ‘Additional Information’ link in the dropdown when logged in as an EPA, this will take the user to a editable version of their details, similar to how EPAs have this

Please note that functionally the EPA/EPAM version of this tab should function the same, but would have been tweaked to also have the tidier form.

EP-2297 QA User Uploads



Role name added to the EPA information report.

Role name has been added to the EPA information report. The roles filter has also been added to the report, to allow this new field to be filtered on.

EP-2349 EPA Information Report



Report - Provider Standards Report

We have created a new Provider Standards report (can be located in the miscellaneous section) which lists out all providers in the system along with their standards and specialisms. We have also included apprentice counts for both the standard and specialism (for that provider) which defaults to counting all apprentices. You can change the default counting behavior by using the status field and selecting any status’ that you require. This will not change the standards/specialisms displayed, it will just re-count the apprentices.

It is also possible to optionally exclude/include the specialism columns from the report by using the ‘Include Specialisms’ filter. One note to be aware of with this filter is that you may need to manually add the columns back to the report via the ‘Columns’ setting at the top of the report output, where you have excluded them and then decide to include them again.

EP-2389 Provider Standards Report



Assign Apprentice - Add sorting to the assign apprentice process popup

We’ve updated the assign apprentice single process popup to now have a sortable table for the list of EPAs, this should make it much easier to see which EPA is the closest or to sort by any combination of other columns.




Assign Apprentice - Allow sorting on bulk popup

We’ve improved the bulk assign apprentice popup to not include a sortable table for the list of apprentices. This table can be sorted by any column by clicking the header of the column. Multiple clicks will cycle through the direction and disabling, direction can be seen by the icon next to the column.

Multi column sorts are also possible by clicking a column and then holding down shift while clicking one or more additional columns.




Assign Apprentice - Add help tooltip to distance columns

We’ve added a question mark to the distance columns on the assign apprentice screens. This will help make it clear that the distance is calculated via the crow fly distance rather than navigational distance.




Gateway - Allow flagging of a gateway as needing further action

We’ve implemented a new ‘Future Action Required’ toggle when a gateway is being approved, or when editing a gateway post approval. If this toggle is enabled then EPAPro will inform you that the gateway needs finishing. This will be done via alerts within assessment progress, certification and a notice below the Gateway node on the apprentice’s profile.

When enabling this toggle additional info can be provided by using the two fields, public notes and internal notes. Public notes will be shown on the apprentice’s profile, whereas, internal notes will be visible to internal users only (the visibility of this is the same as the internal toggle on uploads).

If an apprentice’s gateway has this toggle enabled then they will not show within the ESFA screen, the toggle will need to be disabled before they can be submitted.

If a gateway has this toggle enabled then a user with the new Update Post Certification permission will be able to edit the gateway. This permission has been given to the owner user by default but can be distributed if needed.

Please note that if a gateway is edited post certification to disable this toggle, the gateway will no longer be editable once saved.

A new report has also been added under a new Gateway category, this provides a way to report on what gateways have had this toggle enabled, it’ll then allow you to see who enabled it, disabled it and any notes relating to the gateway. Please note that the report will not show all gateways, only ones that have had this toggle enabled at some point.

The ability to edit a gateway post certification has been added as a temporary measure to aid awarding organisations with the current exceptions that are in place. This permission may be removed in a future version once the exceptions are no longer in place.

EP-2447 Gateway; Flag for further action



Bulk Roles - Performance Improvement

We’ve completed some changes to our underlying database structure to improve the performance of the bulk roles screen. All existing functionality works as it did previously.




Assign Apprentice - Select/Deselect all button incorrect

We’ve fixed a bug with the assign apprentice bulk screen where the select/deselect all button doesn’t always have the correct state, requiring it being clicked twice. This should now be more reliable.




Amended gateway submission to honour the signature name.

Amended gateway submission to honour the signature name, instead of always using the name from the logged in user.




Employers can now save updates to their own profiles

The validation & code behind the saving of employer profiles has been updated. This should now allow employers to save updates to their own profile (previously, this was prevented due to the “Employer Reference” field not being provided).




EPA absences can now be added without losing any other unsaved changes.

The EPA absences have been changed to no longer refresh the page once an absence has been added. This preserves any other unsaved changes on the edit EPA screen, and prevents them from being lost.




Assessment Info - Unable to delete a file that was just uploaded

As part of the assessment progress redesign we’ve fixed a bug where the assessment info popup will prevent the deletion of an upload file in some instances. The workaround was to save the form and then open it again to delete.

The new manage element sidebar will now allow this.

This bug will still exist on the deprecated assessment progress screen.




Assessment Info - Error is shown when deleting a file before saving the form

As part of the redesign of the assessment progress screen we’ve fixed an issue with the assessment info uploads where you were an error would sometimes be returned if an upload was deleted before the form had been saved.

This issue will still exist on the deprecated assessment progress screens.




Reporting - Void missing from grade type filter

Fixed a bug where ‘Void’ was missing from the grade type filter for the Assessment Elements and Assessment Attempts reports. This has also been fixed on the ‘previous grade type’ filter on the Result Adjustment report.




Improved calendar export error handling.

The EPA Pro calendar export code now has improved error handling.




Bulk Upload - Unable to update an apprentice's given name or family name

We’ve fixed a bug which would prevent the family name and given name columns on the apprentice from being updated via the Update Apprentice Bulk Upload. This should now work as expected.




Amended the add attendees section of the planning meeting screen to allow for back slashes in apprentice names.

Amended the add attendees section of the planning meeting screen to allow for back slashes in apprentice names.




Reporting - Removing columns error

Fixed a bug where removing columns from a CSV export resulted in only the column headers being removed and not the data.

This occurred in the following reports:

  • EQAO

  • Assessment Attempts

  • Ready for certification

  • SLA Overview

  • SLA Detailed




Actions - Rescheduling an element does not remove it's actions

We’ve fixed a bug where rescheduling an element wouldn’t clean up any actions attached to it, meaning these would have been left behind continuing to count down.

This has now been fixed and any linked actions will be removed for the old element when it’s rescheduled. As part of this fix we’ve also clean up any actions that fall under this bug.




Reporting - Contract Filter

Changed the contract filter in reporting so that it is in alphabetical order.




Assessment Component - User with only view permission unable to access screen

Fixed a bug where the assessment components screens was not accessible if the user only had the Read Assessment Schema permission.


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