Version 4.19.0 - 07/12/2021

Version 4.19.0 - 07/12/2021

Release notes

To confirm we do have a release in December, this is due Dec 7, 2021

The Release webinar is available from here; Click here for 4.19.0 release Video.

This link will take you to an Excel document, where we would like you to check off confirmation that you have tested this in UAT; Click here to open UAT Confirmation of testing.



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Reporting - EPA Employment Type

The EPA Information report has been extended to include both a column for Employment Type and a corresponding filter.




Back into Learning

As part of the new back into learning process and the new listing screen for apprentices in a Retake Review or Back Into Learning status the information relating to the apprentice’s assessments are now fully visible while the apprentice is back into learning.




Back Into Learning - Listing Screen

Note: As part of this work we’ve adjusted where the create QA screen will redirect in the event a security error is thrown. It will now redirect the user to the QA listing screen with an appropriate error message.

We’ve added a new Back Into Learning listing screen under the Assessment menu item. This new screen will provide a way for users to easily see apprentices that are in a Retake Review or Back Into Learning status. The screen will function as follows:

  • Filtering by Retake Review

    • The apprentices will be sorted with the apprentice that has been in Retake Review the longest showing first

    • A new circle is shown containing the number of days the apprentice has been in the Retake Review status

  • Filtering by Back Into Learning

    • The apprentices will be sorted with the apprentice that is due to return from learning first

    • A new circle is shown containing the number of days the apprentice has until they’re expected to return, or how many days over their expected return if it’s been missed.




Reporting - Adding is_alternative field to reports

The Result Tracking and Result Adjustment reports have both been extended to show a new is_alternative (or *_is_alternative for result adjustment) field to indicate whether or not the outcome against an assessment is from the normal or the alternative grade profile.




Back Into Learning - Trigger Retake Review

Due to the changes how back into learning is handled, we are migrating existing apprentices in this status where necessary. We recommend running a report to get your current BiL apprentices before this is live so that you can compare and amend the data if required following deployment.

Previously back into learning was a change of circumstances which could be applied at any status or stage in the assessment process. Now back into learning is linked directly to an assessment element. Therefore apprentices will be migrated as follows:

  • If the apprentice is pre-gateway and has a back into learning status they will be moved to on programme. Back into learning is not a valid status in this instance.

  • If the apprentice is post-gateway and has no assessment plan on their current programme, in any status, they will be moved to on programme. Back into learning is not a valid status in this instance.

  • If the apprentice is post-gateway and the most recent assessment plan is cancelled this plan will be set to in progress. This ensures the apprentice will show on the back into learning listing screen.

We’ve updated the various methods of updating / setting the next action on a result to now trigger the apprentice into a Retake Review status should retake be selected as the next action. This includes via the manage element sidebar, via a result adjustment or when initially entering a result.

For elements requiring QA this will be triggered when the QA has been published. If the QA has already been completed then this will trigger for a result adjustment. Otherwise, if QA is not required this will trigger straight away.




Back Into Learning - Restrict Progress

As part of the back into learning process we’ve added restrictions to EPAPro for when an apprentice is in either a Retake Review or Back Into Learning status. The following restrictions will apply:

  • New assessments cannot be booked existing assessments cannot be rescheduled or rebooked

  • Elements cannot have their results added or edited

  • Elements cannot have assessment info uploaded or deleted

  • Results cannot be result adjusted

  • Apprentice’s cannot be change of circumstanced or have a new programme started

    • This applies to both the API and bulk upload too

  • QAs cannot be processed for the apprentice

  • Assessment plan will be in a read only state

  • ESFA screen will not show the apprentice

    • To accommodate this the ESFA screen has also been adjusted to only show apprentices with a certified status.




Back Into Learning - Remove statuses from change of circumstance screen

As part of the Back Into Learning process, it’s now no longer possible to update an apprentice’s status to Back Into Learning via the change of circumstance screen, API or bulk upload. An error will be shown if this is attempted.

An apprentice can only enter Back Into Learning by following the correct Back Into Learning process.




Back Into Learning - Bulk Update Changes

Back Into Learning is no longer a valid status for the Change of Circumstance Bulk Update. An error will be shown if these statuses are provided.

If the apprentice needs to enter Back Into Learning the correct process should be followed.




Back Into Learning - Management Area

We’ve added a new management area to the Assessment Profile which is shown when an apprentice is either in Retake Review or Back Into Learning. The area differs slightly based on the status, new permissions and notifications have also been added.

Retake Review

When an apprentice is in Retake Review a user with permission will need to approve or reject this status.

If the status is approved then the apprentice will be moved to a Back Into Learning status. The “Earliest Return Date” will also need to be specific and this indicates the earliest date the apprentice can be returned from the Back Into Learning status. The provider, if they have permission, can then go in and update the “Expected Return Date”, more on this below.

If the status is rejected then the apprentice will be moved back to the status that is appropriate for them, this will be On Programme, Completed or Certified. During the rejection, the user will be required to provide a reason, which is to indicate why the request was rejected, plus the new next action of either Resit or Failed that the triggering element will be updated too.


Both the approve and reject actions will trigger a notification, approving a retake review will trigger “Retake Review Approved” while rejecting will trigger “Retake Review Rejected”. As with our other notifications, these can be configured via the communication management areas, by default these notifications will be configured as below:

  • Retake Review Approved - Enabled by default for EPAs, EPA Managers and the Subject user against the element.

  • Retake Review Rejected - Enabled by default for EPAs, EPA Managers and the Subject user against the element.

Both of these notifications also have a default of only being an In App notification. And both require the user to be able to read-assessment in order to control the configuration of the notification.


Please ensure the default setup for these permissions is suitable for your business. If the default setup would cause users on your system to have too much access then a custom role may be needed before this work is available on your production environment as these new permissions are only added to our system roles by default.

We’ve added two new permissions for the Retake Review management feature. These permissions are:

  • Approve Back Into Learning - This is under the “Back into Learning” section and grants the user the ability to approve Retake Review requests. This permission by default is given to the owner and awarding organisation roles.

  • Reject Back Into Learning - This is under the “Back into Learning” section and grants the user the ability to reject Retake Review requests. This permission by default is given to the owner and awarding organisation roles.

Back Into Learning

When a retake review request is approved, or if the apprentice was already in a back into learning status when this functionality is released, the assessment profile will be updated to now contain a “Back Into Learning” section. This section will provide a way for users to manage the details of the back into learning process.

Clicking manage will open a side drawer and provide the following:

  • A “Back Into Learning” widget with key details about the process. This widget also contains a button to leave the back into learning process. This will ask for a reason and provide details on what will happen.

    • If an external user, e.g. provider, has permission to see this button they will only be able to trigger the apprentice to leave back into learning once the earliest return date, defined when approving the retake review request, has passed.

  • An “Expected Return” widget allowing users, with permission, to update the expected return date. The widget also shows a history of the changes.


Please ensure the default setup for these permissions is suitable for your business. If the default setup would cause users on your system to have too much access then a custom role may be needed before this work is available on your production environment as these new permissions are only added to our system roles by default.

We’ve added three new permissions for the Back Into Learning management feature. These permissions are:

  • Read Back Into Learning - This provides the user with the ability to read the back into learning details, seeing the relevant dates and the history of expected return date changes. By default, this permission is given to the awarding organisation, owner, EPA, EPA Manager, provider and employer roles.

  • Leave Back Into Learning - This will provide the user with the ability to have the apprentice leave the back into learning state, putting them back to on programme, completed or certified depending on the relevant status. By default, this permission is given to the owner and awarding organisation roles.

  • Update Expected Return - This will provide the user with the ability to update the expected return date via the back into learning side drawer. By default, this permission is given to the owner, awarding organisation, EPA, EPA Manager and provider roles.




Communications - Daily digest email for actions and notifications

We have written an email that will be sent to subscribed users at 08:00 daily detailing a count of unread actions and notifications, including a count of actions that have breached their SLA and those that are close to breaching their SLA. This email has been set as opt-out by default, with it being available to all users with the ‘Manage Own Communication Settings’ permission via the user tab of the communication management screen.




Back Into Learning - API Changes

The Change of Circumstance API endpoint has been updated to now no longer accept Back Into Learning as a valid status. An error will be returned if this is provided.

If the apprentice needs to be changed to a Back Into Learning status the correct Back Into Learning process should be followed.




Reporting - Back Into Learning Reports

We’ve added a new report under the apprentice category, Back Into Learning. This is available to the owner and awarding organisation roles by default but can be assigned to other roles or users as required. This report also includes current and past programmes in the same results.

This report shows the relevant data for the retake review and back into learning processes. It includes the relevant dates and also who triggered the apprentice to enter or leave that process.

The report also includes a new filter to allow the user to choose whether they’re able to see Back Into Learning type records or Retake Review type records.




Back into Learning - History of expected return date

We’ve added a new report under the apprentice category, Back Into Learning History. This is available to the owner and awarding organisation roles by default but can be assigned to other roles or users as required. This new report also includes the current and past programmes in the same results.

This report will provide a history of expected return date changes for each apprentice. The old date is also shown as a comparison and a way to link multiple records together.




Reporting - Gateway Status - EPA name

The Gateway Status report has been extended to include the EPA name who is assigned to the apprentice (if there is one) and a corresponding filter.




Reporting - ESFA Submission

The ESFA submission report has been extended to include the specialism as a column. The specialism filter has also been added to the report.




ESFA Submission - Changing achievement date

Following ESFA guidelines the achievement datetime that is sent to the ESFA on submission has been changed from the datetime stored against the certification record to the datetime that the certification QA was published; in effect the date and time when the certification result became public.




Dashboard - Redesigned statistics area

We’ve made some changes to the dashboard to reintroduce some branding colours so that users are more warmly greeted when first logging in. This also ensures that EPAPro is using system colours to indicate certain statuses or areas for attention and the branding colours are used for decoration.

The global organisational performance and targets are now situated at the top of the dashboard and the more individual statistics have been moved below. We renamed these more individual statistics to better indicate what they represent to the user and brought the styling in line with the organisation level ones so that there is a more uniform look and feel (whilst keeping some individuality to each).

The ‘View Details’ link on the area performance boxes has been removed and instead the entire box is clickable. Desktop users will see this on hover whereas mobile users will now have a larger area to tap on to click through to a specific page.

Finally we’ve also added a target for the ‘Apprentices in EPA’ statistic within the organisational performance area for those wishing to track this number. Like other targets this will only show to internal users.

Some customers branding colour on their menu used a colour that when applied across the dashboard caused it to be quite monochrome. We have adjusted these to use the alternative branding colour in both the dashboard and the menu.




Support Materials - Sort alphabetically

The support materials section has been changed to sort items by their title alphabetically by default. This is to aid users so that finding specific materials is easier.

Any newly added materials (or unread by the user) will still have the ‘New’ label.




RoA Extension and Apprentice Profile fixes

Updated the ‘awarded_date’ field on component record of achievements to correctly show the date the QA was published rather than the date the QA was created. If no QA took place then the date the result was added to EPAPro will be used as the result would be made immediately available.

This change also fixes a bug on the apprentice profile where an assessment would show with the QA created date as its published date; it will now show with the QA published date or the result created date.

The component record of achievement has been extended to include the date when the assessment was scheduled according to the assessment plan. This is available as ‘component_scheduled_date’. Please note that this may be different to the date entered when entering a result which is available as ‘date_delivered’.

Finally this change also fixes a bug on the apprentice profile where an apprentice that has a certification QA in progress would show the certification grade as if the QA had been published along with the date the QA was created. This will now no longer show until the QA has been published and the date that shows will be the QA published date rather than created.




Back Into Learning - Add new fields to the CoC logic

We’ve updated the change of circumstance logic to now have additional fields, where possible we’ve also backfilled these fields for existing change of circumstance entries. The new fields are:

  • programme_id - Represents the Apprentice’s programme at the time the CoC happened

  • start_date - This is the date the new status started and is generated by the system

  • end_date - This is the date the CoC record was replaced with a new record, this is not populated cross programmes.




Reporting - Standards Report

A new Standards report has been added to EPAPro designed to show basic details of the standard record. This is designed for internal use given the data held against the standard record.

For EPA and EPAM users the standards are limited to those selected for EPA. This report does not take into account potentially selected QA standards if the EPA/EPAM has elevated permissions.




Specialisms Report

A new Specialisms report has been added to EPAPro designed to show basic details of the specialism record. This is designed for internal use given the data held against the specialism record.

For EPA and EPAM users the specialisms are limited to those selected for EPA. This report does not take into account potentially selected QA specialisms if the EPA/EPAM has elevated permissions.




Microsoft Integration - Show detailed event information

The Microsoft 365 integration has been extended to allow detailed event information to be shown within the EPA availability calendar. An example is below:

Default behaviour:


Detailed behaviour:

Customer Meeting (Busy)

This is controllable via a new setting within the configuration area.

By default this functionality is turned off and is opt-in.




Top Navigation - Added titles

We’ve added titles on hover for the buttons in the header for Actions, Notifications, and the optional Help link.




Reporting - Adding 'Assessment Type' to QA Audit report

The QA Audit report has been extended to include the assessment type of a component i.e. Business project, Interview etc… A filter for this field has also been added.




Standard - Unable to deactivate a standard even with no apprentices

We’ve fixed a bug where deactivating a standard was not possible due to other linked entities even if the standard did not have any apprentices.

Standards can now be deactivated providing no apprentices are or have been on the standard.




Provider / Employer - Users editing their own record via the users tab lose ability to login

We’ve fixed a bug where a primary user editing their own record via the respective “Users” tab on the edit employer/provider screen would lose the ability to login again due to their login methods being cleared.




Certification - Not Applicable Pre-Selecting

We’ve fixed a bug where the not applicable option was being pre-selected when creating a new certification.




Result Adjustment - Some users unable to see the result adjustment button

We’ve fixed a bug where a small number of users were unable to see the result adjustment button even when it was possible for them to perform the action.




Reporting - Fixing reports for QA user

Fixed a bug where the following reports would error if run by a QA user:

  • Past Programmes

  • Programme History

  • Assessment Attempts

  • Assessment Elements

  • Assessment Plan

  • Elements Requiring Results

Please note that reports are not, by default, available for QA users and must be granted this permission.




Assessment Result - Surpass results fixes

Fixed typo on 'percantage' and fixed alignment issue within the header section.




Assessment Result - URL can be changed to perform a result adjustment

We’ve fixed a bug where it was possible to change the URL and access the adjust screen of a result if the user had permission even if they were not supposed to be able to perform a result adjustment.




Assign Apprentice - Caseload number

Fixed a bug in assign apprentice which showed the EPA caseload figure incorrectly. It was erroneously including previously deleted pending assignments thereby inflating the figure in a small number of cases.


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