How to use Bulk Import feature.
Our epaPRO Bulk Import feature will allow you to perform a number of actions such as Create or Update a volume of data using a simple templated .csv file.:-
Create apprentices
Create employers,
Change of Circumstances
Conflict of Interests
Start New Programmes
Assign Standards to Provider Sub-Users
Assign Apprentices to Provider Sub-Users
We recommend you limit the csv to 250 lines per import.
Released in version 5.12.0
we now offer bulk upload and update functionality for Providers, which works in much the same way as the other bulk imports. More info on this can be found here
The options can be found either under the Apprentice, Provider or Employer heading in epaPRO. Or via “Issue Management” with the relevant buttons under Change of Circumstance or Conflict of Interest.
Use the fields to select which action you are trying to perform e.g. import apprentices and also for which provider.
On the right hand side of the page you will see you have 3 buttons to assist you with the process:
Example CSV’s
Example CSV’s
As the name suggests you will be able to download a sample of the templated csv to see the format and columns you need for your bulk import. When you use this feature, you can select which type of CSV’s you download, whether it be to “Create” or “Update” an employer or apprentice etc.
Downloading any one of these .csv files will allow you to see the format that you need to use to do a bulk import.
Using this button, you can download a PDF file showing the fields needed for the import process, including which are required fields, as well as explanations :-
Must be assigned to the provider
Required if the standard has specialism
The finders option is a really useful feature as it will allow you to see the required codes for the items listed, this allows you to check any of the data you are importing to ensure it contains the correct codes, such as Specialism_ID’s.
Using the Update option
If you are using the “Update” option rather than “Create” option in the Bulk Import, then the .csv file you use will only need to contain the columns and data of the fields that are changing.
For an Apprentice bulk update, you need to retain the apprentice identifiers e.g., id
and unique_learner_number
in the import, then you will need to include any of the fields you are amending.
Example:- I want to amend a group of apprentice's Employer and change them from Employer A to Employer B.
Your .csv file would look something like this example, the id
and unique_learner_number
being the static elements to the import. With the new employer_id
and external_employer_id
(if you have one) replacing the originals. All the rest of the columns have been removed from the .csv file.
Running the Import
Once you have your created .csv file with all of the necessary data - having cross checked the IDs using the finder and also the sample .csv files, you can select the file you wish to use and import it using the “Upload” button, bottom right of the screen.
Before you do the final import it will show you a check page that will highlight any errors or issues with the file, allowing you to correct these before you finally import them.
You can filter this using the Errors/Passed/Edited and Show All buttons; those on the example below in red would need to be checked and corrected, before you tried to use the “Import” button.
Hovering over those in red will show you a warning message, indicating what the issue is caused by, for example:
This allows you to double check the data on the imported file and correct it before retrying to Import it.
We suggest you remove any columns from the import that do not contain any data, including the column headings. Ensuring of course you don't remove any required information.
If you still have an issue please send in a support request via our Portal Create Support Request here.