How do I find my Qualification Number?
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  • How do I find my Qualification Number?


    What is a QAN Number?

    The QAN or Qualification Number is a requirement for the Ofqual report, every EPAO will have a unique QAN that will be aligned to the standards they are approved for.


    How do I locate it?

    In order to locate a particular Qualification Number, you can go to the:-


    Register of Regulated Qualifications https://register.ofqual.gov.uk/


    here you can search for your particular qualification number via their site.

    Screenshot of the registers home page


    To Search - you can use the ST code as per below, or just search on “Commis Chef” for example.


    Example of search results


    If you want to locate those for your particular EPAO, then you can locate in the left menu the Owner Organisation Name, select this and it will pull all of your results.


    In the new work we are currently doing for the Ofqual Categorised Reasonable Adjustments, we will be adding a new field to the External Details tab on Standards specifically for this QAN. This will then be included in the Standards report.