How to create Provider/Employer specific Support Materials
It is possible to make support materials provider and/or employer specific in epaPRO.
In order to do this in epaPRO you need to first upload (but not necessarily make live) your new support document (in the example below this is called “Policy Info”), once it is uploaded you can then create a Provider Specific version of this which is tailored for your particular provider.
Note if you only have one support material that you want only one provider to see, you will still need to first create a generic version in order to make a specific “child” version of it.
We suggest you test this on your UAT first so you understand the process and can test it first and be happy with it.
Create a generic document if you don't already have one e.g. “doc1” which is applicable to all Providers and then upload it as a generic provider guide e.g. see this “Policy Info” example - which is set as a Draft
Now you can edit the document “doc1” and this time tailor it for your specific Provider and call it “doc2”or following the example images - “Policy Info - Acme Training”.
Open via Support materials → your generic provider support material e.g. “Policy Info” and click on the button:-
You can then upload the Provider specific document “Policy Info - Acme Training”. Having set it to be for the Provider you want to limit it to.
To test it, using the “Login As” option - to login as the provider users - to ensure you see whether you can view as the “wrong” provider and the right provider.