How to set up Assessment Milestones
In order to set up your assessment milestones, particularly if you need files to be uploaded by set dates/points of the apprentices journey, then you need to create these in a certain order.
If you would like to use Assessment Milestones it is important to note - you will need to create a new Assessment Schema that includes the milestones you wish to use and then retire your older Assessment Schema.
Only those assessment plans that have been created after the milestones have been added to an assessment Schema, will actually include them.
Steps 1 and 2 should be done as close together as possible in time, this is to prevent apprentices having assessment plans created for the schema, which will lock the schema and prevent you from adding milestones to it.
Step 1 Create the Milestone in your Assessment Component
Example is for Carpentry & Joinery, and the milestone is a reminder to ask for the Portfolio of Evidence as a File Upload.
Note:- By default every assessment component will have the default one for the assessment - on the image below its named “Interview” with the Type “Assessment”.
Go to Entity Management → Assessment Component and you will either need to create a new component, if one doesn't exist (i.e. if you are setting up for the first time) or edit an existing one.
Once the component is created, go to the Assessment Milestones tab and click on the “Add Milestone” button.
Enter the Name, Type e.g. File Upload and a Description - this will be visible for the apprentice on their Dashboard if given access.
Then Save.
Step 2 Update the Assessment Schema to configure the Milestone rule
Go to the Entity Management → Assessment Schema → select your schema or create a new one if one is required.
Go to the Components tab, here you will see the default order and also the Manage Milestones button.
Note: the Manage Milestones button will only appear once the Assessment Schema has been saved initially. If you are creating a new assessment schema create it first, then choose Save & Continue, after this the Manage Milestones option will be there.
Clicking on the “Interview underpinned by the Portfolio of Evidence” Manage Milestone button will show you a screen similar to this:-
You can add as many conditions/rules as you need to.
Each milestone can be assigned to different users and those users will receive (if enabled) a communication to state they have been assigned a milestone.
You can assign these to the following users:-
Element EPA
You can select when they start, or finish and if they should occur before, or after a specific point.
In the example below the Portfolio was set to start 5 days before gateway, but as you can see you can edit this.
The order of the Milestones can also be set using the Order field.
Once milestones are set up against a schema, booking a new element against a plan linked to that schema will show any configured milestones within the Programme Checklist, located within the Assessment Profile screen.
These will also appear in the elements side drawer.
Note the TYPE of Milestone - only the File Upload type will allow a file to be uploaded against it.
Please note the alerts for milestones will only be visible if the following conditions are met:-
They have not yet been assigned
They are outstanding
The Assessment → Assessment Progress screen will also include these in the alerts count
They will appear for the user who has been assigned the milestones in their My ToDos → Task list.
This will also be sent out in the Daily Digest email if the variable has been added to the comm and also in the Assessment Elements Milestone Report.
More of how this is configured and info on the report, is included in the links at the end of this page (Assessment Milestone Enhancements)
More information can also be located in the articles listed below.