epaPRO Contracts

epaPRO Contracts

It is possible in epaPRO to create customer contracts (Entity Management → Contracts) , where you can store and later report on charges at key stages in the apprentices journey.

It is important when creating contracts that there is no date overlap. If one ends on the 31/10 then the new one should begin 01/11.

Once a contract is created for your Provider and ostensibly a specific Employer, you can add to it the list of Standards that they cover and then potentially break it down further by components. Each contract will need a Start and End date, the contract dates are designed to ensure you capture the apprentice’s dates that you wish to apply the contract to.


Example Contract
Standard tab and pricing
Component prices


Contract Permissions

Once a contract is set up you can report on it, using the reports under the Financials section e.g.:-

  • Completed Gateway Billing

  • Registered Apprentice Billing

  • Gateway Submission Billing

  • Component Billing

  • Custom Charges

Completed Gateway Billing report pulls a contract based on the audit_submitted_date field

Gateway Submission Billing report pulls a contract based on the apprentice start_date

Report filtering on “Contract”

When filtering set to "None" we only show contracts that do not match;

  • either no contract at all,

  • or a match on a contract, but no standard.

Filtering without "None" means that only a contract with a matching standard will be shown.

Details on Custom Charges

We created a Financials → Custom Charges report. This report shows apprentice information, that can be used to process custom charges against an apprentice.

In Release 5.09.0

The Contracts area was updated to replace the “Resit Price” against a Standard. This price had not previously been utilised anywhere within epaPRO and this feature changed that.

The Resit Price has been replaced with “Custom Charge”, but otherwise operates in the same manner as far as the Contracts screen goes.

In addition the existing “Custom Charges” report under the Financial category was updated to use this price for calculations going forward. All other parts of this report remain the same i.e. using the apprentice’s start date for contract retrieval.

As part of this report, a set of date filters were introduced to help filter down the number of apprentices, based on relative dates - these are:

  • Plus X days

  • Plus X weeks

  • Plus X month

  • Plus X year

  • Minus X days

  • Minus X weeks

  • Minus X month

  • Minus X year

Selecting one of the above options displays two new options - “Plus/Minus X Day/Week/Month/Years(s)”, and “Range”.

The Plus/Minus selection is used to specify the number of days/weeks/months/years to add/remove from today’s date, and the Range selection is used to specify how many days to include, based on the calculated result.

A few examples are included below:

Example 1

  • Date ran: 11/11/2022

  • Date column: EPA date

  • Date filtering: Plus X week(s)

  • Plus X week(s): 1

  • Range: Week

The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date within the next week (i.e. 14/11/2022 - 20/11/2022).

Example 2

  • Date ran: 11/11/2022

  • Date column: EPA date

  • Date filtering: Plus X week(s)

  • Plus X week(s): 1

  • Range: Day

The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date exactly one week from the day the report is run (i.e. 18/11/2022)

Example 3

  • Date ran: 11/11/2022

  • Date column: EPA date

  • Date filtering: Plus X month(s)

  • Plus X month(s): 12

  • Range: Month

The above selections will find any apprentices that have an EPA date within the month, twelve months from the day the report is run (i.e. 01/11/2023 - 30/11/2023).