Version 3.38.0 - 03/02/2020
Version 3.38.0 - 03/02/2020
Release notes
Key | T | Release Notes Title | Release Notes Description |
EP-1709 | View caseload - suppress import/export/add buttons | Import/export/add apprentice buttons are now suppressed on the view caseload screen. The export button for the view apprentices page now requires the "Apprentice Details" reporting permission to display, instead of just the general Reporting category. | |
EP-1702 | Manage Apprentice - Default sort | Fixed a bug where the manage apprentice screen was, by default, sorted by creation with oldest first. This is now newest first. | |
EP-1701 | Added new fields to reports | Added the following fields to the following reports. Result Tracking Report - Added the external component id. Certification Overview Report - Added the external standard id and external standard code fields. Also fixed a bug where the external provider id field was not showing correctly. | |
EP-1700 | Contracts - Status not calculating correctly | Fixed a bug where the status of a contract was not calculating correctly and not taking into account the termination date. | |
EP-1698 | Provider - Saving error for postcodes | Fixed a bug where when saving a provider with an invalid or outdated postcode would provide an error even if the postcode was correctly formatted. Now the provider will be saved. | |
EP-1696 | Apprentice Record - Employer list is now alphabetical | When editing an apprentice's record the dropdown for employer is now sorted alphabetically. | |
EP-1691 | Manage apprentice/caseload screen now shows on-programme apprentices by default | Manage apprentice/caseload screen now shows on-programme apprentices by default | |
EP-1690 | Reports not loading in IE11 | Fixed a bug where reports failed to load in IE11 | |
EP-1685 | Apprentice List / Caseload - Duplicates | Fixed a bug where apprentices were appearing multiple times in the manage apprentice or caseload listings | |
EP-1684 | Assign Apprentices - Error when given to non EPAM / AO usertype | Fixed a bug where if a user who is not an EPAM or Awarding Organisation is given the Assign Apprentices permission then the system fails on login. | |
EP-1679 | Adjustments to the apprentice search field | Adjust the manage apprentice search field to only trigger when three or more characters are entered. | |
EP-1670 | Improve error message thrown when saving duplicate standard | Improve the error message shown when trying to save a new standard using an external standard ID already registered. | |
EP-1665 | Improved validation for apprentice notes | Expanded and improved the validation when creating and editing apprentice notes. | |
EP-1664 | Active/Inactive redirect | Changed the behaviour of the active/inactive toggle for Providers and Employers so that the user is redirected back to the edit record page, rather than the listing page. This brings the behaviour in line with the other user records. | |
EP-1662 | Add a confirmation when deleting a role | When deleting a role a confirmation popup will now be shown, bringing this screen in line with the other EPAPro screens. | |
EP-1661 | Restrict deletion of roles with users assigned | Adjust the roles screen to prevent a role from being deleted if it has any users assigned to it. | |
EP-1657 | Support Material - Expected file | Fixed a bug where saving an existing support material is expecting a file to be included even when not of file type. | |
EP-1656 | Password Reset - Validation message | Altered the validation messages for the change password area to better describe the requirements for a password should they not have been initially met. | |
EP-1653 | EPA Accept/Reject Apprentices - Added map functionality | Added maps functionality to the accept/reject apprentices area for EPAs so that they can see a visual representation of where apprentices are in relation to themselves. This functionality needs manually enabling. | |
EP-1634 | Gateway Specification - Search Results Paging | Addition of paging of search results for gateway specifications | |
EP-1632 | Planning Meeting - IE11 bug | Fixed a bug in IE11 where the user can get stuck during the planning meeting process | |
EP-1631 | Contracts - Search results paging | Pagination errors when using the manage contracts screen | |
EP-1630 | Schema Components - search results paging | Pagination errors when using the manage schema components screen | |
EP-1629 | Standard - Search results paging | Pagination errors when using the manager standards screen | |
EP-1627 | Provider - Search results paging | Pagination errors when using the manage providers screen | |
EP-1622 | Apprentice Profile - Certification Result showing | Fixed a bug where certification results were displaying early within the apprentice profile | |
EP-1602 | File Type Support Material not saving | Fixed a bug where editing an existing support material with a file was not saving correctly and was expecting a file. | |
EP-1601 | Mock Test saving issue | Fixed a bug where mock tests under support materials where they could not be edited, needed a new version of the file, and new ones could not use the password functionality. | |
EP-1599 | Use Contract Early Termination Date for Determining Contract Status | The Early Termination Date will now also help determine the contract status. | |
EP-1558 | Default duration pulled from component | Fixed a bug where the default duration against an assessment component was not pulling into the calendar popup when booking an element. | |
EP-1474 | Dashboard Performance and Reporting dashboard | The existing dashboard has had its functionality split across two, now separate, areas. The current dashboard will now show minimal data including the news, calendar, and high level statistics with the view being to increase performance and provide a more succinct dashboard. A new reporting dashboard under the reporting menu has been added and contains all of the graphical data previously available on the dashboard. These graphs behave in the same manner but do contain large amounts of data thus increasing the page load. | |
EP-1458 | EPA/EPAM Specialisms | We have included the functionality to set Specialisms for EPA/EPAMs on creation (can also be edited). This work also includes the filtering of EPA/EPAMs when assigning apprentices and booking assessments. EPA/EPAM standard apprentice counts on the EPA Details report has also been updated to include a breakdown of the specialisms that the EPA undertakes assessment for. |
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