Version 4.02.0 - 04/08/2020

Version 4.02.0 - 04/08/2020

Release notes

KeyTRelease Notes TitleRelease Notes Description
EP-2079BugReporting - Fix an issue with the exclude non-qa components filter showing an errorWe've fixed a bug that caused an error when using the Exclude Non-QA Components filter on the ready for certification report, this should now correctly filter.
EP-2055BugAssessment Progress - Fix an issue with the grade dropdown showing incorrectlyWe've fixed a bug that was causing the wrong grade options to show when adding/editing a result.
EP-2043BugIncompatibility with bulk accept apprentices in IE11We've fixed an incompatibility with the bulk accept apprentices functionality when using Internet Explorer 11. This should now function correctly.
EP-2019BugRecord of Achievement - Correct instances of the wrong name being usedWe've correct a few remaining areas where Record of Completion was being used. These should now correctly show as Record of Achievement.
EP-2018StoryAssessment centre expansion to allow for business hours and capacity by dayThis ticket has added functionality to be able to specify business hours for assessment centres. We have also added functionality to allow the setting of an assessment centre capacity and select the components that are available for assessment on each business day.
EP-2010StoryAPI - Provider name added to Apprentice endpointThe Apprentice API endpoint has been extended to return the provider name in addition to the information already returned.
EP-1980StoryQA - Add a EPA filter dropdownWe've added a new EPA filter to the QA screen, this will allow you to filter down the results shown to only include the chosen EPA.
EP-1968BugEPA - End date on EPA absence incorrect labelWe've correct the end date field on the EPA absence popup having the label 'Start date' rather than 'End date'.
EP-1961BugSupport materials could be saved without specifying the entityWe've fixed a bug where support materials would successfully save if the 'Related to' field was selected but the associated entity was not, this would cause the support material to become hidden within the system. This should now not occur.
EP-1944BugSupport Materials - Update column displaying incorrectly for standard based materialsFix a bug where the support material updated column would not update correctly.
EP-1913BugProvider - check for active employer on deletionThis fixes a bug where it was possible to delete a provider that still had active employers against it.
EP-1854BugQA - Certifications showing when the apprentice is suspended or back into learningWe've fixed a bug that caused certifications to show within the QA screen when the apprentice was suspended or back into learning. These will now not show, keeping it consistent with the certification screen.
EP-1676BugGateway - Can submit gateway without ticking component approval boxesFixed a bug where a user was able to submit a gateway without providing all of the required uploads and without ticking the component boxes in the final step.

key type release notes title release notes description